Example sentences of "[art] new kind " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , the new kind of assignment resembles the equitable assignment in being subject to equities , i.e. to claims or defences which the debtor or other person might have set up against the assignor .
2 There I had the idea of the kind of sound you could never have in the concert-hall , a sound that exists only in the imagination and in the new kind of acoustic reality we were able to create through the recording itself .
3 Thus the old tradition of pilgrimage , peregrinatio , spawned or became united to the new kind of military adventure we call the crusade ; and the resources of the roads and waterways of Europe and the Near East were strained to the uttermost to meet the insatiable demands of these adventurous travellers .
4 It has not shifted the old Labour image and habits towards the new kind of social-democratic space that has begun to emerge in some European countries , and which represents the only real alternative for the left that wants to govern in the next post-Maastricht decade .
5 What needs to be done is for the leaders who gather in Edinburgh to accept all that and begin to forge the new kind of European Community which is needed .
6 Ned Corvan was a song-writer , fiddler and performer in the working-class concert halls and pubs of Tyne side in North-East England during the 1850s and early 1860s ; in his final years he also worked in the first of the new kind of music halls , owned by commercially ambitious entrepreneurs and orientated more towards a nationally organized market and production system .
7 ‘ One of the points about the new kind is that it 's odorless . ’
8 There Paul explains that the new kind of life they live through union with the crucified and risen Christ involves having done with anger , wrath , malice , blasphemy , filthy talk' which characterised ‘ the old man ( i.e. their fallen human nature ) .
9 In Picasso 's subsequent move towards a more abstract kind of painting , the work of Braque may once again have been a stimulus , and Picasso 's remark to Braque , quoted by Michel Georges-Michel , ‘ I have tried your methods and I feel one can do excellent things with them ’ was perhaps made in connection with the new kind of painting Braque had invented in his still lifes of the first half of 1910 .
10 He also needed the London underground , for which he had a love/dread relationship , and the London theatre , not of the new kind , but , when available , of the old music hall tradition and , when in season , the pantomime .
11 Although the Chicago School over-used the Darwinian metaphor of the struggle for survival , and although it made the mistake of equating ‘ society ’ or ‘ community ’ with the social systems of relatively small areas , the Chicago School still has much to offer in terms of the new kind of spatial sociology which we started to develop in Chapter 1 .
12 Will its strength be a new kind of local programming with its 31 transmitters and the possibility of ‘ city station ’ opt outs ?
13 Restraint carried with it nobility , safety , a new kind of self-respect .
14 And in the third interview , the net now drawn tight about him , when Porfiry makes a sudden little feint which suggests he wo n't be accused after all , ‘ Raskolnikov felt a rush of a new kind of fear .
15 This is approaching the temperature below which theoreticians expect atoms to fuse together in a new kind of matter .
16 A new kind of documentary was on offer for viewers in Beijing : populist , slightly Wilcocksy people shows .
17 First came Four Saints in Three Acts , produced in 1934 , and then The Mother of Us All ( 1947 ) , which demonstrated a new kind of plotless opera only now reaching a wider currency through the stage works of Philip Glass .
18 Carr drove home fundamental points , but said nothing about the actual working practices of historians , and , in his inspirational advocacy of a new kind of socialist history , left students with the impression that the solid , source-based stuff which formed their staple diet might as well be cast into the dustbin .
19 Then a new kind of family will arise , one which is not based on the exploitation of one sex by another .
20 But now there is a new kind of racial violence in schools — girls attacking girls .
21 Although professionalism was restricted and most governing sports bodies held themselves aloof from the pursuit of profit , the impression remains that sport soon became part of a ‘ leisure , industry catering for the needs of a new kind of urban consumer .
22 Fierce local loyalties and rivalries were the life-blood of the amateur football leagues just as they had been in parish recreations a century before , and this carried over into commercial spectator sport , which offered a new kind of community life and identity .
23 Football has become the focus for a new kind of identity for working-class male youth and it is quite possible that other forms of sport — cricket for instance — will be similarly used .
24 But it created a new kind of assignment , which was a legal assignment in the sense that the assignee might sue directly in his own name without making the assignor a party ; but it made certain special requirements :
25 Three years later , he returned ; heavier , slower , but with a new kind of fire in his belly .
26 But as I tried to follow his instructions , keeping my fists up and my chin tucked in and learning a new kind of dance on the balls of my feet , the sight of his bare , hairless chest , so brown and muscular , would suddenly fill me with more than muscular weakness , and I felt I would collapse , not under the playful blows he landed on my discombobulated body , but under the sheer spell of his magnificence .
27 New York 's X-Clan are a new kind of militant rap , based on action as well as words .
28 Rebel Males by Graham McCann ( Hamish Hamilton , £10.99 ) — Montgomery Clift , Marlon Brando and James Dean , the subjects of this literate and readable study , pioneered a new kind of rebel as screen hero : they exuded primeval , ambiguous sexuality , and were not afraid of roles that made them look vulnerable , foolish or insecure .
29 Amateur golfers will soon be handing in a new kind of card — a ‘ flexible friend ’ , writes Bill Meredith .
30 But even from that the soaring fantasy needs to be pruned : Dryden believed Pericles to be Shakespeare 's earliest play , presumably his ugliest apprentice work , dug up from the pre-Titus Andronicus strata of foul papers ( in one of those great trunks that he probably left in the Mountjoys ' attic , in Silver Street , to be destroyed in the Great Fire ) , and now rewritten under pressure for a new kind of play for the Blackfriars stage .
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