Example sentences of "[art] new home " in BNC.

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1 With the new Home Secretary , David Waddington , displaying a marked lack of enthusiasm for Sir Peter 's other pet project , the creation of a national detection agency , senior officers are beginning to consider the prospect of a Labour Home Office with equanimity .
2 Hopefully the new home which you are now considering as a prospective purchase will be suitable for your needs in every way , but it may well be that a need for some renovation or refurbishment is indicated from the surveyor 's report or that you will wish to make improvements or alterations of your own .
3 Now Mr Keiwa Okuda , the new home affairs minister , wants to scrap the store law ; he even chastises the trade minister , Mr Kabun Muto , for tolerating half-way measures from his bureaucrats .
4 The transformation of Britain that has taken place in the past 13 years is too readily taken for granted by some of those who have most richly reaped the rewards : the new home owners , the new share-holders , the employees freed from the shackles of militant trade unionism , the NHS patients who have felt the benefits of fund-holding GPs and self-administered hospitals , parents who have witnessed their children thrive in grant-maintained schools .
5 One of the first jobs Mr Kenneth Clarke , the new Home Secretary , is to decide on whether the task of gathering intelligence on Irish terrorism on the mainland should be given to MI5 rather than the Special Branch .
6 Mr Kenneth Clarke , the new Home Secretary , was faced with demands yesterday to release from prison a campaigner for Sikh independence who has been under threat of deportation to India .
7 The new Home Secretary will determine what is in the next Criminal Justice Bill .
8 The police then went to the new home of the former lodger , entered it , and arrested her .
9 It was during this season that Chapman made his first visit to Highbury , the new home of the newly-relegated Arsenal .
10 One of the buildings totally flattened was the new home of the deaf in the town , so for the second time within the space of one year , the deaf in Exeter had to find new club premises .
11 The cats in question have never lived near the new home and do not have any knowledge of the new locality .
12 Any presents sent after the wedding should be sent to the new home and addressed to the couple .
13 An improbable combination of Kenneth Clarke , the new Home Secretary , Peter Mandelson , the new Labour MP , and Denis Skinner , voice of the old left , dates the decline from the Thursday before polling day .
14 Ah well , maybe Kenneth Clarke , the new Home Secretary , will talk more sense .
15 They pin little hope on the new Home Secretary , Kenneth Clarke .
16 Although it was a casualty of the timing of the general election , it is likely to be reintroduced in some form in the current parliament by the new Home Secretary , Kenneth Clarke .
17 It had always been assumed that Gooch wanted to spend time with his family before the new home season begins in April .
18 Not knowing the decorative style of the new home is an important point to bear in mind when planning a picture of this sort , so it is always best to choose colours and frames that are attractive without being so dramatic or colourful that you considerably reduce their hanging potential .
19 Ask him or her to urge the new Home Secretary , as a matter of urgency , to consult with relevant organisations with a view to drafting a new Asylum Bill ;
20 It is generally thought that the new Home Secretary , Kenneth Clarke , wants to review the Bill introduced by Kenneth Baker , his predecessor .
21 VANDALS have daubed a sick message at the new home of death-drive boxer Chris Eubank .
22 The new home for temporary shows allowed the European paintings and sculpture to reclaim their galleries , which had been emptied to make room for shows like ‘ Bazille ’ .
23 Michael Howard , the new home secretary , and the purest right-winger near the top , has managed to keep his seat on several of the cabinet 's economic committees .
24 The most sophisticated machine in the range is the New Home Memory Craft 8000 CE ( pictured right ) , which can handle all types of materials and fabric thicknesses , and is equipped to carry out any sewing task , basic or advanced .
25 If you would like to see the New Home range in action , send for a list of stockists and visit one to collect a free sample of embroidery .
26 In our coupon opposite , we list a number of points that make the New Home Memory Craft 8000 CE a revolutionary sewing machine and an ideal choice .
27 Create beautiful results at the touch of a button : the New Home Memory Craft 8000 CE ( right ) is a computerised sewing machine that enables you to both sew and embroider
28 And the new home will be sure to provide a durable playground for their antics .
29 You can generally borrow up to 90% of the value of the new home , and you can borrow as much as three times you salary : the loan will usually be for a maximum of 25 years .
30 Always more interested in obtaining results than in political theorizing , the new Home Secretary , in his first Cabinet post ( one that he coveted ) lost no time in setting his stamp on a Department that had become accident prone .
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