Example sentences of "[art] post as " in BNC.

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1 Pressed last night on the issue , Mr Havel conceded that in the last resort he would accept the post as head of state .
2 Dearden turned Tony Philliskirk 's spot kick around the post as Birmingham moved two points clear of Stoke with a game in hand .
3 Late in 1939 Jack Radford was moved back to Toronto and he was sorely missed ; he was succeeded by Peter Aylen who proved a most satisfactory station manager for a year until he also was transferred back east and shortly took over the post as Director of Radio for the United Nations Organization in New York .
4 For some years , Hepworth was assistant missioner at Leeds before securing the post as Missioner to the Glamorgan and Monmouth Mission to the Deaf and Dumb at Cardiff in 1896 .
5 One paper , on the causes of climatic changes during geological history , caught the attention of geologists and Geikie offered him the post as manager of the new office in Edinburgh .
6 Timing is also of the essence — flowers can be sent to you through the post as soon as the special event is over , but the best option is to be able to press them on the very day that they are used .
7 In 1483 John Howard duke of Norfolk made William Boleyn his deputy as admiral for the coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk , and it is possible that Boleyn had initially held the post as Gloucester 's deputy .
8 It is likely that Mason , who did not receive his degree from Emmanuel College , Cambridge , until later , took the post as a temporary position before embarking on an ecclesiastical career .
9 Reportedly , the victim 's car had been stopped at the post as it was leaving Lithuania , and an exchange of shots had followed , although reports from Lithuania and Byelorussia offered conflicting versions of events .
10 In 1483 John Howard duke of Norfolk made William Boleyn his deputy as admiral for the coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk , and it is possible that Boleyn had initially held the post as Gloucester 's deputy .
11 it 's the person in the post as much as the post itself th th that
12 Cos it 's in the post as well in n it ?
13 Accordingly , subject to work permits being forthcoming , I have accepted a post as Rector , and Elizabeth as a Diocesan Counsellor with special responsibility for helping with the problems of AIDS .
14 Assistant Chief Constable David Mellor , aged 52 , who is shortly to take up a post as deputy chief constable of South Wales , had just gone to bed when a device planted below the window of a living room exploded at 1.20am .
15 Daughter of a Spanish nobleman who had been an officer in the army of Napoleon I , and who had also held a post as Court Chamberlain , Eugénie had grown up in an atmosphere which was hopeful of , and sympathetic to , a Bonapartist restoration , her father having always remained faithful to the Bonaparte dynasty .
16 After years of study he had qualified in Mining Engineering and had taken up a post as a college lecturer on mining .
17 Tyndale therefore moved to London where he sought a post as chaplain to Tunstall , the Bishop of London , in whose household he hoped to live whilst he made his translation .
18 The investigation arose after a complaint was made to the EOC for a woman applying for a post as a management trainee .
19 Milton had written a letter to one of the Stirlingshire lairds , assuring him of his friendship and advising him that one of the laird 's sons had been given a post as a salt officer .
20 John was found a post as a shipping clerk in the Lace Market , but was soon ‘ bored to tears ’ with this work .
21 He refused to comply and left Oxford after the first year to join the Guardian where he remained for seven years before taking up a post as an investigative journalist with a left-wing French newspaper .
22 ( One of the very few to leave for other employment was Emily Picken , who had been offered a post as matron of a children 's home .
23 Avowing his apostasy , he left Dunsden in February 1913 , and , after a short stay with his family , he took up a post as a teacher of English at the Berlitz school in Bordeaux .
24 Soon afterwards his father took up a post as superintendent with the Electric Telegraph Company in London .
25 Then in 1870 he moved to London to a post as an articled clerk , and in 1877 was appointed librarian of the Incorporated Law Society .
26 Finding teaching too confining , she gave up a post as a governess in 1895 .
27 He was trained at Bradford Technical College and the Royal College of Art , and was employed as a textile designer in Bradford until 1911 , when he took up a post as inspector of arts and crafts in the Egyptian Ministry of Education in Cairo .
28 When this collapsed in 1878 , he got a post as a junior clerk with the Distillers Company Limited , which had been formed a year earlier by six of the largest Lowland patent distillers to rationalize production .
29 He became impatient with the pace of work there , and moreover felt that gas warfare was unlikely to be used , and so he obtained a post as a superintendent of explosives research at the Armament Research Department in 1942 .
30 David came back to Scotland in 1968 to take up a post as an assistant to the director of education with the City of Edinburgh Corporation .
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