Example sentences of "[art] [num] budget " in BNC.

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1 On Feb. 20 the government announced that it had postponed the presentation of the 1991-92 budget , due to be placed before the Lok Sabha on Feb. 28 .
2 The Financial Times of Feb. 21 reported that the credit was conditional on the 1991-92 budget incorporating a " credible stabilization package " .
3 The 1991-92 budget , announced on June 12 , set revenues at taka85,030 million ( US$2,400 million ) , current spending at taka80,000 million and development spending at taka75,000 million .
4 In late June 1991 the legislature passed the 1991-92 budget for the financial year beginning on July 1 .
5 The announcement in the Medium Term Financial Strategy ( MTFS ) in the 1980 budget of monetary targets — which would fall year by year ( see Table 8.3 ) — was also regarded as a means of lowering the expectations of wage bargainers .
6 Certain authorities , originally identified by Sir Geoffrey Howe as potential recipients of enterprise zones in the 1980 Budget speech — notably Sheffield and Wolverhampton — were unable to reach agreement with the Treasury over this issue , and were thus not granted zones .
7 Immediately in December 1979 , however , Parliament rejected the 1980 budget , criticising it for spending too much on CAP and too little on social and regional policies .
8 In the 1980 budget , the Government announced that unemployment pay , sickness and invalidity benefit would be liable to tax .
9 In the 1980 Budget , the Chancellor announced target ranges for the growth of M3 ( then called sterling M3 ) and targets for the PSBR as a percentage of GDP at market prices .
10 Finance Minister Barend J. du Plessis in his budget speech on March 14 , 1990 , announced expenditure of R72,900 million ( an increase of 9.7 per cent over the 1989/90 budget — see p. 36915 ) ; revenue was expected to reach just under R65,000 million , up by 7.3 per cent on the previous year , leaving a deficit before borrowing which amounted to 2.8 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) .
11 The 1990/91 budget for the financial year starting July 1 , 1990 , adopted on June 27 , was fixed at 550,000 million francs CFA , a reduction of 8.7 per cent on the 1989/90 budget [ for which see p. 37478 ] .
12 Total spending was put at TSh206,000 million , a rise of 45 per cent in local currency terms from the 1989/90 budget estimate of TSh142,000 million ( because of the devaluation of the shilling , the rise was equivalent to only 9 per cent in dollar terms ) .
13 Capital transfer tax was abolished in the 1986 Budget and has been replaced by inheritance tax which , for those who can remember it , seems largely modelled on the old estate duty .
14 Capital transfer tax ( since the 1986 Budget inheritance tax ) has undergone a number of changes .
15 Prime Minister Esko Aho said yesterday the government planned to cut about 10 billion Finnish marks out of the 1993 budget by reducing state spending .
16 He replied to Lang during the debate on the 1993 budget for the opposition and drafted the cultural policy chapter for his Party 's manifesto .
17 The final dividend also includes an element of compensation to shareholders for the UK government 's decision to reduce tax credits from 25% to 20% , announced at the 1993 Budget .
18 Legislators have only just passed the 1993 budget , and they will not appreciate having to rearrange the billions in pork they packed into it .
19 Together with the 1993 budget , unveiled the following day [ see below ] , the proposals within the State of the Union speech were portrayed as both a package for economic growth and an economic election manifesto , although most commentators found little that was new within the package .
20 The 1993 budget , of which no details were released , was approved by the National Assembly on Feb. 13 .
21 On April 1 the Legislative Council ( Legco ) approved the 1992 budget by 36 votes to 18 [ see p. 38815 for presentation of budget in March ] , after the Financial Secretary , Hamish Macleod , had promised to alleviate the tax burden on lower and middle-income groups in the 1993 budget .
22 The government of President Carlos Andrés Pérez announced austerity measures on Aug. 23 , in advance of the consideration by the Congress of bills on financial reform , new taxes and the 1993 budget .
23 The US$2,100 million earmarked for the station in the 1993 budget was US$840,000,000 less than the Bush administration had requested but US$400,000,000 more than the House of Representatives had approved in late July .
24 On Oct. 23 in the Chamber of Deputies the government won another confidence vote on sections of the 1993 budget freezing public-sector pay and establishing new taxes .
25 The motion , tabled when the government invoked a technical measure to pass the first reading of the 1993 budget without a division , failed when the Communist Party ( PCF ) deputies once again refused to back it , saying that they would not vote with the right .
26 The 1993 budget , announced on Oct. 14 [ see pp. 39161-62 ] , was adopted in parliament at the end of November .
27 The government on Nov. 12 won by 157 to 70 a vote of confidence in the Senate on the main features of the 1993 budget , with many senators showing their opposition to the procedure by their absence .
28 The 1993 budget was adopted by the National Assembly on Dec. 17 .
29 The 1993 budget was approved by the Council of Ministers meeting on Dec. 19 , but no details were broadcast .
30 THE 1993 Budget marks the beginning of the end of an era of income tax cuts financed by North Sea oil revenues and the proceeds of privatising state assets .
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