Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] before " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the radioactivity imparted to the pebbles must be weak and transient for obvious health reasons , and this means that radioactivity detectors must be very near the pebbles before they are located , thus increasing the tedium of the experiments .
2 Joining Dangerous Dan was the Ninja Kid , Texas Joe , Vic the Body , Super Trouper , Andy Pike and Tarzan Phil Taylor who was the over the ropes before he had time to swing on them .
3 This chance can be reduced by arranging the line of the ropes to avoid sharp flakes and vice-like cracks , ensuring the anchor slings are long enough to prevent jamming against the rock , and finally by the first person down testing that the ropes are running freely through the anchors before the others abseil .
4 Dwarfs are a bit slow so you might prefer a more steady advance with more war machines to pound the stunties before you go in .
5 It 's got well , erm the programmes before I 'm gon na fast forward it .
6 It was flown for six years by the Canadians before it was sold as surplus in late 1947 by the War Assets Corporation .
7 The director spent two years in the courts before the American company agreed to honour its commitments .
8 There it was saved further prolongation by discovery by the Germans before anyone had escaped at all .
9 Police refused to intervene as protesters attempted to drive their cars to the point on the Atlantic coast where conservationists yearly attempt to count the birds before the hunters move in for the kill .
10 That , that was the start , the start of it , I think how it actually commenced so they used to get in each other 's houses and play a few games of cards dominoes and draughts things like that , and they , they took over they must have actually bought the houses before they built the club .
11 I hope Prince Charles approves the plans before a brick is laid !
12 But by crossing direct in this way she could more than halve the time to the keeper 's cottage , and this might mean that the keeper could get to the West Wood in time to capture the deer-stealers before they drove away .
13 Salt is then lightly worked into the curds before they are packed into muslin-lined truckles or moulds .
14 With only 10 days to finalise the proposals before they must be announced in the Queen 's Speech , Mrs Thatcher 's policy unit , chaired by her senior adviser , Professor Brian Griffiths , is also understood to be considering plans to make sharply increased tuition fees , rather than the block grant , the main means of distributing public money to higher education .
15 Instead , it should recommend privatising the Tote — a state-owned hangover from the times before commercial betting was legal — and reforming the laws on gambling .
16 Her love for Maman , with its consuming passion to please , belonged to the times before Maman had , as she now realized , so gallantly followed her love .
17 He had bought a copy of The Times before he had come to The Randolph that morning , but hitherto had not even glanced at the headlines .
18 Work began at dawn , taking advantage of the hours before the sun grilled the earth and the earth in turn reflected its own massive heat .
19 During the hours before Gen Robertson sent off his telegram to Gen McCreery on the evening of 14 May , he discussed the policy implications of its contents with Alexander Kirk .
20 The fatal injury was a blow to the head , not a very heavy blow but the deceased had taken a substantial amount of alcohol in the hours before he suffered the injury , and the effect of alcohol is to increase the flow of blood to the brain so that , et cetera , et cetera , et cetera .
21 The cold of the ground slowly seeped through Riven 's bedroll to chill his back , and he edged closer to the fire , sick of the aches in his bones and counting out in his mind the hours before he had to go on watch .
22 What do I have to have someone to collect the hours before I can claim it ?
23 So maybe we would have been great to have the skills before I did it , and that 's why I am on the course this Erm , the only thing that I can think of that 's erm , something that I do believe and I am committed to getting changed , is er , a system in our offices , in one of our departments , but I do have erm , authority over the people that I would be talking to , so , I know at the end of the day , I could just say , do it , but I 'm trying to get them to believe in changing erm , and just sort of certain benefits of it .
24 Two attackers entered the British base and had set detonators on the bombs before they were discovered by a 64-year-old German maintenance worker .
25 The images that go through Alfred Hayley 's mind in the minutes before he dies follow similar patterns , but in all three cases the discursive deviation is localized and explained within the novel as a product of the suspension of reason .
26 Others such as rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ) have leaves with a strong , sneeze-inducing odour ; yet others have flowers or leaves which need to be rubbed in the fingers before the aroma can be enjoyed , such as lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia ) , or ginger mint ( Mentha x gentilis " Variegata " ) .
27 Alexander had to argue with the authorities before they would let him compete , but he convinced them that he was descended from the royal house of Argos .
28 We 're gon na get em trained up in the garages before we actually launch , but they are able now to say they are approved installers so they will be getting all the stuff , everything in relation to it , I 've given em a list of the people involved in Nottinghamshire and it 's the launch is on the seventh March at West Bridgford , and basically the system is ready and up and running , thank the Lord after hard work by er Keith and us all at various times , but it 's been mainly down to Keith .
29 Somebody measures how the gas is distributed between the cylinders before the valve opens and after it closes , writes the results on two cards , and asks you to tell which card describes the earlier state and which the later .
30 ‘ If you touch that fish I 'll have you up the steps before you can say Jack Robinson , ’ hissed Herbie , going blue in the face ‘ Whaddya mean , ’ argued Lofty , ‘ I found im and I got ta licence . ’
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