Example sentences of "[det] [art] matter " in BNC.

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1 That that the matter is not urgent and should be dealt with only at the receipt of a vote from Education Committee , I move A standing order A thirteen E be suspended for this meeting and B the motion and amendment be referred to the Education Committee for report without being debated at this meeting .
2 Is there any obligation for an external audit to be carried out on the books and records of the organisation , or is this a matter to be decided according to an internally agreed constitution ?
3 Nor is this a matter of division between a pro-government side and an anti-government one .
4 But if he believes this a matter for regret , if he believes the decisions that established that " right " were either unjust or inefficient or both , he sees no reason why he should extend the principle underlying these decisions any further than other judges already have .
5 Yet a lay statesman ought not in such a matter to trample upon the opinions of his Church advisers .
6 No court can or should give him direction on such a matter .
7 There are places , at least ways and means to deal with such a matter .
8 Yet he must make a tentative judgment on inadequate evidence , for such a matter is of fundamental importance .
9 What was significant about the Banstead strategy in this respect was that offering continued inpatient care to ‘ decantees ’ was presented by psychiatrists as a protection of patients ' rights , particularly the right to stay in hospital where , they argued , ‘ many resist any suggestion that they should leave the hospital and also become more ill when such suggestions are made … to press such a matter against the patients ’ will would certainly not be in their best interests ' .
10 The attitude of the Bench to past proposals for the reform of the criminal law did not suggest that their judgment in such a matter was reliable , and those Government supporters in Parliament who had given most study to the matter were unanimously in favour of abolition .
11 No court can or should give him direction upon such a matter .
12 He posed the question whether the disadvantage of a judge speaking on matters which in one form or another — such as unfair dismissal from employment or from a trade union — might well come before him when he was on the bench was outweighed by the advantage of hearing his views or by the argument that he should not be prevented , by convention or otherwise , from speaking in Parliament on such a matter .
13 If a client does not identify a failure on the part of a landlord to make repairs to a rented house as a problem appropriate to a solicitor , or if a solicitor considered such a matter outside his or her field , it would not , under such a definition , be a legal problem .
14 The whole House will be very relieved to know that such a matter is not entirely in a Minister 's hands .
15 And the whole business of managing the time , the resources and the , meeting the specifications is , is very much a matter which quality management addresses .
16 We feel that this is very much a matter for the district councils in the preparation of their local plans , with their local knowledge which is something we do not have at the county level to be able to make comment on .
17 It 's precious meeting the odd soul on a high top and passing the time of day with them , knowing that no matter who or what they are , you share the same interests in wildlife , wilderness and solitude .
18 Is that a matter which could be overcome by detailed position ?
19 Another complaint is that it is not clear that all the matters discussed in part III , perception , memory , induction and a priori knowledge , are forms of knowledge .
20 The alternative would be for the Court of Appeal to decide all the matters before it .
21 The society always received and still receives from the same surveyor a basic valuation containing a summary of some but not all the matters contained in the report to the borrower .
22 It also provided that divorce proceedings should be instituted when all the matters in dispute were to be finally settled between the parties in the context of the court proceedings .
23 It is obviously impossible to take up all the matters which are concerned with Japan 's political development .
24 ‘ We give you charge of all the matters which may relate to this our command .
25 Whether you are a senior executive or an apprentice , whether you work in a city office or a factory , your solicitor can advise you on all the matters mentioned in this leaflet and on many other issues : for example , the consequences of a takeover , merger , or the insolvency of your employer ; part time work and job sharing proposals ; what happens if you are laid off ; deductions from pay ; relocation ; or proposals for changing your terms and conditions of employment .
26 If claims do arise , it is in everyone 's interest to be able to identify easily all the matters that were disclosed .
27 9.10 Entire understanding This Lease embodies the entire understanding of the parties relating to the Premises and to all the matters dealt with by any of the provisions of this Lease The provision has merit from both parties ' points of view .
28 Reminders of all the matters to be dealt with on behalf of a buyer before completion are itemised on the pre-completion agenda ( p226 ) with any items added that are peculiar to a particular transaction .
29 I conclude that taking into account all the matters which were before , which I 've attempted briefly to summarise in the introductory paragraphs and under this heading .
30 The MPs called for a full report from the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate on both bids ; a detailed list of all the matters under review ; precise statements on the terms of reference of the Rosyth review and on the relative weight to be placed on capital and current costs in the multi-million bids ; and the social and economic effects of run-down on employment in Rosyth and Devonport .
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