Example sentences of "[vb pp] to reduce [art] " in BNC.

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1 Called NeuFuz4 , it runs under Windows and is claimed to reduce the cost and time needed to implement fuzzy logic because it automatically create a fuzzy system based on desired system inputs and outputs — it enables up to four inputs to create one output , then verifies and codes it for use with NatSemi 's COP8 family of embedded microcontrollers .
2 Official sources were yesterday unable to explain why the restrictions had been brought in , including whether they had been designed to reduce the risk of leaks to loyalists of the type recently coming to light .
3 Design : compact , lightweight cameral with built-in flash unit and a 34mm lens Features : The C625AF camera has five flash modes with two these modes designed to reduce the red eye effect .
4 Increasingly threatening forms of local political activity brought a response from central government , whose policies were designed to reduce the scope for local government autonomy .
5 In any case Kent County Council is concerned that they do not go far enough and has produced its own traffic strategy designed to reduce the pressure on smaller roads .
6 The Guinness bid was subsequently revamped to include the sale of a small number of minor whisky brands , which was designed to reduce the combined market share of Guinness and Distillers to below 25 per cent .
7 ‘ Of the 15 companies in which offences were attributable to organizational defects , nine made significant changes designed to reduce the likelihood of recidivism .
8 These were designed to reduce the gap between the formal and informal structures of union representation and lessen the distance between shop stewards and unions ( Sciarra , 1977 ) .
9 The goals of the first transition phase , the first series of internal tariff reductions and measures designed to reduce the differences in the external tariffs of the Six , had been achieved without too much hardship or dispute , and the Commission was looking forward with confidence to shortening the planned duration of the second transition phase .
10 The radical William Cobbett described it as a ‘ poor man 's robbery bill ’ , designed to reduce the standards of the labouring poor .
11 Perhaps the final element of the public health model which we need to consider is what evidence there is available concerning tertiary prevention or treatment , i.e. the efficacy of interventions specifically designed to reduce the likelihood of further abuse once child abuse has occurred .
12 While this comedy of errors is being played out , the central element of the president 's programme , a five-year package of measures designed to reduce the federal deficit by almost $100 billion , is in danger of being rejected on Capitol Hill — by members of the party he is supposed to lead .
13 Preventive behaviour describes those activities designed to reduce the risk of developing an illness , while maintenance describes activities designed to maintain and , perhaps , improve health .
14 DES proposals for a national curriculum , the growth of categorical funding by the DES and MSC in priority areas specified by central government , the dismantling of the Burnham Committee on teachers ' pay , and changes in the control of polytechnics and colleges of higher education are all moves designed to reduce the power of the LEAs and increase central control .
15 Thus while there was no intent to ‘ pick a fight ’ with the NUM , there was also no doubt that one would eventually come , because the trade union legislation passed and planned by the Conservative governments of the 1980s was designed to reduce the NUM 's power very substantially .
16 This Act was designed to reduce the general subsidy to council tenants ; it was linked to changes in the system of national subsidies to local authorities designed to phase out indiscriminate help of this kind in due course .
17 Several features of the Act which were designed to reduce the possibility of public disorder seem more likely to promote its occurrence .
18 Last February I was pleased to launch Lothian 's first Road Safety Plan which declared a bold set of initiatives designed to reduce the number of road accident casualties in Lothian by a target of one-third by the year 2000 .
19 Staff within Engineering Project Management are leading a £760,000 environmental project designed to reduce the heavy metal content in industrial liquid discharges .
20 The purpose of such legislation is twofold : to encourage the provision of information that will allow individuals more accurately to judge costs and benefits , and to set and enforce standards designed to reduce the risks of injury or death .
21 At his inauguration Balaguer defended a government austerity plan introduced on Aug. 8 which was designed to reduce the current 60 per cent annual inflation rate and a US$1,000 million trade deficit by cutting government subsidies .
22 The structural adjustment policies of the government , designed to reduce the budget deficit and the country 's debt and to build up the depleted foreign exchange reserves were supported by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) .
23 The reform was designed to reduce the linguistic tensions in Belgium , which had brought down the previous Martens coalition in 1987 [ see pp. 34892 ; 35489 ] .
24 Spain also promised to act as an intermediary to gain more support from the United States government and the EC for the government 's crop substitution schemes , designed to reduce the number of coca plants being grown by thousands of peasant farmers .
25 At an extraordinary session of the Diet , which opened on Oct. 30 , Prime Minister Miyazawa apologised for the scandal and promised to seek political reforms designed to reduce the influence of money within the Japanese political system .
26 They argue that the fence , designed to reduce the spread of " foot-and-mouth " by separating cattle from buffalo herds , and to monopolise the north-western area for beef production , is unacceptable since it would cut across routes for animals migrating to the swamps during the dry season .
27 In theatre the body is cooled to reduce the oxygen demand on the tissues , and during anaesthesia body temperature falls due to the effect of drugs .
28 The bridge was to be broken , more rigs were to be added to reduce the water gaps between them , and the whole thing reassembled within one hour .
29 Water may be added to reduce the proof to a bottling strength of 80 proof minimum .
30 Infants suffering these events are more likely to be anaemic , and its correction has been reported to reduce the frequency and severity of both apnoea of prematurity and cyanotic breath holding .
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