Example sentences of "[vb pp] responsible for " in BNC.

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1 As a general rule , residents should be considered responsible for taking their own medicines , but some may be administered by care assistants under the supervision of senior staff .
2 It must be emphasised , however , that an experienced endoscopist is necessary , as Dieulafoy 's disease can easily be overlooked or concomitant lesions , such as ulcers or varices , may wrongly be considered responsible for the bleeding episode .
3 Welfare , in the broader view of which this approach to child care might be deemed a part , is construed in individual terms : individuals are deemed responsible for their conduct , and little weight is given to structural , environmental and material determinants of behaviour .
4 The polysorbates are deemed responsible for these changes .
5 Style accounts for all kinds of nuance between these , and indeed between these and the factors deemed responsible for their manufacture .
6 There have also been symbolic measures ( such as restoring pay beds in NHS facilities ) , minor cuts ( such as withdrawal of supplementary benefits in vacations for students ) , some marginal privatization ( from 1986 employers were made responsible for paying sickness benefit for the first 28 weeks of an employee 's absence from work ) , tougher criteria ( people have to be ‘ actually seeking work ’ to be entitled to receive unemployment benefit and since 1 988 housing benefit is paid to fewer households ) , and an increase in the numbers relying on private medical insurance ( from 4 to 8 per cent since 1979 ) .
7 He was made responsible for marine operations , an area of the business totally new to him .
8 He left open the possibility that Girobank , recently privatised , could be made responsible for collecting repayments and chasing defaulters , the number of whom could rise significantly above the Government 's current estimates .
9 When a bitch in whelp comes into the centre one of the staff is made responsible for her care throughout her stay .
10 The Forestry ( Transfer of Woods ) Act of 1923 transferred the property in them to the forestry Commissioners , who were made responsible for their care and management .
11 Each one may be made responsible for a specific task .
12 ‘ And what about that beautiful old house you 've been unaccountably made responsible for ?
13 All eight members of the board of the Corporation were appointed by the Governor , and a director was made responsible for the day-today management of the service .
14 A national system of appraisal might also encourage the teacher unions to unite in a demand for the establishment of a Teachers ' Council which could be made responsible for regulating entry to teaching and for establishing a code of conduct ( particularly important when teachers are able , in appraisal schemes , to judge their colleagues ) .
15 The boroughs and districts were made responsible for high spending services such as education ( except in inner London ) and social services .
16 Hence the constant , and eventually often vain , calls of the leaders of such new states to surmount ‘ tribalism ’ , ‘ communalism ’ , or whatever forces were made responsible for the failure of the new inhabitants of the Republic of X to feel themselves to be primarily patriotic citizens of X rather than members of some other collectivity .
17 William Berkeley , William Ovedale and Roger Kelsale were made responsible for victualling the ships , and were also authorized to receive all those prepared to make their peace with the new regime except Woodville himself , Dorset ( the only indication that he might have joined his uncle ) and Robert Ratcliffe , a former associate of Rivers at Calais .
18 In 1325 escheators were made responsible for keeping duplicates of inquisitions of diem clausit and of returns to chancery ; in 1326 a calendar of Contrariant lands was begun , a roll of serjeanties in various counties compiled and further auditors were appointed .
19 The project starts in the R & D department where one engineer is made responsible for it .
20 The paragraph reads like a prelude to a claim that the solicitors be made responsible for the loss .
21 Germans made responsible for internal arrangements … "
22 Prosecutions for offences defined under the Merchant Shipping Acts had almost uniformly failed , and shipowners had escaped altogether from the provisions of the Employers ' Liability Act 1880 in which employers had been made responsible for insuring employees against the risks of their calling .
23 Nevertheless , multiple persons and entities , such as ‘ shipowners , ’ ‘ charterers , ’ ‘ possessors of property shipped , ’ ‘ masters of the vessel , ’ their ‘ agents , ’ and even ‘ ships ’ are referred to as carriers in bill of lading law and practice once they are made responsible for loss or damage to cargo .
24 Local authorities were made responsible for the welfare of the handicapped under the National Assistance Act of 1948 .
25 Outside the metropolitan areas the division of the social policy functions was more even : the counties acquired responsibility for education and social services , while the districts were made responsible for housing .
26 First , it recommended that local authorities should be made responsible for all long-term care of mentally handicapped and physically handicapped people , except for the rare few in need of permanent 24-hour medical supervision , who would remain the responsibility of the NHS .
27 The basis of morality and law-abiding behaviour has become the family and it follows that parents must be made responsible for their children 's misdemeanours .
28 On the line 's completion in 1841 Gooch was made responsible for the construction of branch lines to Heywood , Oldham , Halifax , and Ashton-under-Lyne .
29 In the following year he was made responsible for the new shrine which Henry III was beginning for Edward the Confessor .
30 These authorities were made responsible for the ‘ catechetical instruction ’ of children in elementary schools , according to their parents ' denomination .
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