Example sentences of "[vb pp] across his " in BNC.

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1 Slung across his back were two fishing rods in a long brown sheath and strapped to a bracket behind his seat was the basket from the picnic .
2 Even as Delaney hauled the line tight , with his Uzi slung across his back , he began to walk up the steel wall .
3 The huge wooden gates were opened by a legionnaire in combat kit with a FA-MAS assault rifle slung across his chest , and his beret tilted over his right eye ; we drew up in front of a five-storey building and got out .
4 In addition , slung across his shoulder , Grant carried a coiled rope knotted every two feet to facilitate climbing .
5 A tight smile curled across his mouth .
6 A smile curled across his lips , masculine and just a little smug .
7 Tiny shreds of tobacco scattered across his shirt front and he brushed them away .
8 ‘ You 've probably come across his work , ’ Bridget went on , ‘ though I 'm sure you 'd think it was pretentious rubbish .
9 Later in the night she would discover the scars , the knife wound across his shoulder-blades where he 'd been slashed in a Belfast bar , and the bullet wound above his right knee that had never healed properly , a legacy from when he was on border patrol and one of his own men had panicked and opened fire on him .
10 A grin of unholy amusement slashed across his face .
11 With defeat written across his face Sir Kit announced his departure in February 1991 , when profits had collapsed to £11m and forced a cut in the dividend .
12 A car came sweeping into the yard before he had time to say more and they both turned to look , Alain with impatience written across his face and Jenna shaken and miserable .
13 A smile twisted across his lips .
14 A blue line had been daubed across his forehead and round his short white hair .
15 The wait in the ironmonger 's and the noises of cars and motor bikes turning and revving in the street worsened the pressure at the back of his neck so that as he finally got the machine into his van and thought of the relief of reaching home and doing the mowing , black tadpoles shot across his vision , zigzagging through all dimensions .
16 A slow breeze moved across his naked back .
17 He carried a canvas haversack , strapped across his shoulder , and was shaking his head as he cycled , a man tired and fed-up with his night-shift , and longing to get home , and into the warm .
18 Every man wore , strapped across his stomach , a formidable curved dagger known as a jile , with a sixteen-inch blade sharp on each side .
19 A cool smile curved across his lips .
20 A taut smile curved across his mouth .
21 Indeed , there were times when his gratitude pressed down on him like a crushing burden slumped across his shoulders .
22 The lift doors closed across his exclamation of relief and frustration and he was carried down to the ground floor .
23 The knife flashed in the spotlight , glinting viciously before the razor-sharp blade was drawn across his throat .
24 A curtain was drawn across his thoughts .
25 He left his car and moved through the yellow grass , his arms clutched across his chest .
26 A harsh smile angled across his mouth .
27 A little smile angled across his mouth .
28 Her hair dragged across his belly .
29 He stripped off his coat and her fingers splayed across his back , savouring the warmth of his skin through his shirt .
30 Her hands were splayed across his broad shoulders as if she would push him away , and for some reason she could n't seem to relax them .
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