Example sentences of "[vb pp] themselves on " in BNC.

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1 Luckily they 've sat themselves on opposite sides of the room .
2 The twins perched themselves on the bed , Zach sat on the chair by the desk and George and Willie sat cross-legged with their backs leaning against the bookcase .
3 Some passages stood out in his mind with almost photographic clarity , presumably because they had impressed themselves on his mind earlier .
4 No Hellenistic poet or philosopher quoted it , although modern scholars have sometimes deluded themselves on this subject .
5 The way in which the Government have sidelined themselves on EMU means uncertainty for business and industry in their planning for the future .
6 Nobody 's modelled themselves on us , they 've gone more the Roses and the Mondays .
7 Plenty of singers , wisely or otherwise , have modelled themselves on the heroes and villains of great literature .
8 Christians modelled themselves on Christ .
9 Then Joseph and another boy , outrunning the others , had flung themselves on top of the flapping bird and held her down , while the remaining young hunters had torn down bush creepers for rope .
10 However , we do not need to look far to see how the influence and effects of crime have imprinted themselves on our social environment .
11 She smelt of the exhalations of other people 's cigarettes and spilt wine , and she was expansive , with the air of someone who has spent time in the company of her like-minded fellows , not distracted and irritable as people are when they have tired themselves on the trail of trivial knowledge .
12 In the main , however , policing continues to be publicly concerned to prevent and detect individual attempts to steal the property of the citizen and it suits the police 's purpose for their community role to be well broadcast , for on those rare occasions when they have expanded their controls to include the activities of the middle classes , they have found themselves on less certain ground .
13 The elation he 'd felt the day before at his own breathtaking adventure with the Moi girl now also seemed suddenly shameful to him , and he began to wonder if his exaggerated pride in the deed had n't been the direct cause of the danger in which he and his mother had suddenly found themselves on the plain .
14 Ferryhill , who have found themselves on the fringe of the relegation zone , are without four players , all injured , so Wayne Peachey is set to play .
15 It was as we started our second run and we were at the lights at the corner of Portman Square , that I saw the cops had concentrated themselves on the traffic island in Baker Street .
16 In many areas hospitals have declared themselves on ‘ Yellow Alert ’ .
17 The three Miss Lovelocks had seated themselves on the window-seat , their silvery heads nodding and trembling , and their glasses , as Ella was not unsurprised to see , quite empty .
18 Britain 's social engineers had prided themselves on the ability to plan as they had done during the war .
19 All had prided themselves on training and nurturing their own people , and all boasted many employees who had notched up decades of faithful service .
20 Ever since Kissinger and Heath were flattered by Zhou Enlai , Western politicians have prided themselves on being able to ameliorate Chinese policy through private persuasion .
21 perpetual insults that every decent labour man has endured through standing up for his country in the hour of her crisis from men who have foisted themselves on the Labour movement by wirepulling tactics .
22 It was assumed that parishes , very largely the agricultural villages of the southern and eastern cereal regions , who were using Speenhamland-like systems of poor relief , had placed themselves on a vicious spiral of soaring poor rates and were progressively increasing the very poverty they sought to relieve .
23 The powerful position in which the landed gentry had established themselves on the Commission of the Peace served to deal with the obviously unacceptable infringements of the law , provided that wrongdoers could be apprehended .
24 The growth in academic social gerontology has , however , been a much more recent phenomenon and it is only with this development that several important historical issues relating to old age in the present century have established themselves on the agenda for research .
25 Arctic plants would have been transported southwards on icebergs , and would have established themselves on the islands corresponding to the modern mountains .
26 And now the one the players have chosen themselves on a split vote is sure to anger the traditionalists .
27 It is doubtful if the corridors of Whitehall and the British civil service will quite match this record , but the simple point is that a host of records of potential interest to the historian that would have manifested themselves on paper will no longer do so .
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