Example sentences of "[vb pp] itself [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His visual impressions have been fading without his knowing it , and with their reactivation stale information has suddenly sorted itself out into a new and firm pattern .
2 but erm it had sorted itself out after , well more or less after a week or two a lot of the evacuees of course did n't stay very long , they went back home because erm I know mother had a , a little boy from erm Guildford when we lived at Debenham and er he went back after a while , the mother used to come down and visit him from time to time , they were very , came from very poor circumstances and the
3 Somehow , the whole strange incident would have sorted itself out .
4 Well that seems to have sorted itself out , actually .
5 Under the current electoral law , parliament could have dissolved itself immediately and carried on until the election in a caretaker role .
6 That small problem solved itself readily : one door stood open with Bruce Davidson leaning on the side in a careful presentation of a man who had just happened to be passing .
7 A puzzle solved itself out here .
8 She had felt most wonderfully the power surging up behind her eyes gushing like a warm fluid inside her skull , and her eyes had become scorching hot , hotter than ever before , and things had come bursting out of her eye-sockets and then the piece of chalk had lifted itself up and had begun to write .
9 Prior to the middle of this century , the Catholic Church had concerned itself predominantly with spiritual matters .
10 It is also the case that , in practice , social purpose Adult Education has frequently concerned itself exclusively with the small minority of politically active , leftist members of the working class , usually , though not always , via trade union education .
11 It has concerned itself not simply with financial concepts , such as ‘ cost per pupil ’ but also with outcomes , including in its 1986 report , examination successes , staying-on rates and ‘ sickness absence amongst teachers — a barometer of staff morale . ’
12 Moreover , Picasso obviously had a more forceful and dynamic personality than Braque , and this had impressed itself strongly on influential critics such as Apollinaire , Salmon and Vauxcelles , with whom he was more friendly than was Braque .
13 That may be a tenable position for the Soviet Union , but not for Britain , which has committed itself repeatedly to accepting both self-determination for the German people and a re-united Germany if this is what self- determination leads to .
14 In accepting Murav'ev 's proposals the regime made plain that , although it had just committed itself firmly to the emancipation of the serfs ( in the Nazimov Rescript ) , it was not yet prepared to adopt the principle of decentralization or to move towards provincial self-government .
15 I regard the existence of flourishing humanities research as an index to the civilisation of our society ; Labour , however , has committed itself prematurely to the establishment of a humanities research council .
16 No Church before committed itself so decisively to the rightness of modern biblical criticism and the freedom of biblical scholarship , while it continued to maintain the Bible and the faith of Easter as indispensable to the moral predicament of humanity and of its societies .
17 So after a brief twelve months in existence , ACE has paddled itself up the Swanee , its dream of emulating the success of the personal computer revolution now just a pipe-dream .
18 Pravda , the official Soviet newspaper , has positioned itself unambiguously on the side of the East German government 's authority .
19 Sometimes she 'd turn on her heel , snarling , and lunge at a dog that had gradually edged over and positioned itself expectantly behind her .
20 The characteristic attitude in large-scale economic management , both inside government and in the private sector , which has made itself increasingly felt during the post-war period , is the pursuit of intellectual coherence .
21 I understand that Today 's Horse may not have made itself very popular .
22 By the middle of the twentieth century , Adorno found himself confronted with a cultural field in which the squeezed and narrowing pinnacle of aesthetic difference and negation had all but detached itself completely from the squat , commodified mass of capitalist ‘ affirmative ’ culture .
23 When Newton had progressed that far in the programme , following a path that had presented itself as more or less necessary from the outset , he began to be concerned about the match between his theory and observation .
24 Recognizing the value of promises from the British government , the community has organized itself locally to block BP Coal 's operations .
25 I think it 's quickly done itself actually .
26 Though the overall level may not have been as spectacular as it has in years past , the show has built itself quite a substantial following , and most dealers reported ‘ okay ’ business .
27 From basic utilitarian objects such as the core-formed vessels of ancient Egypt , with their bold feathered decorations , to the elaborate ‘ fantasy ’ pieces of Venice , the amorphous nature of glass has lent itself admirably to individualistic expression .
28 It has lent itself admirably to the finishing of chairs , cabinets and desks — pieces where a very sensitive finish is required .
29 Flailing at the air where he 'd been , she struck out at the switch to turn off the PA that had suddenly inexplicably turned itself on .
30 Flailing at the air where he 'd been , she struck out at the switch to turn off the PA that had suddenly inexplicably turned itself on .
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