Example sentences of "[vb pp] himself in " in BNC.

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1 To his horror he found that the young boy had hanged himself in a moment of despair .
2 An unidentified East German , arrested in a crackdown on corruption as he tried to flee with more than half a million marks ( about £180,0000 ) , has hanged himself in his cell .
3 An unidentified East German , arrested in a crackdown on corruption as he tried to flee with more than half a million marks ( about £180,000 ) has hanged himself in his cell .
4 In an early episode of Hill Street Blues the ‘ joke ’ of a ‘ nut ’ who thinks he is Dracula , complete with cape and thirst for blood , is caught out by the discovery that he has hanged himself in his cell .
5 The Israeli authorities claimed that the detainee , Attiyah Abdel Atti Zanin , had hanged himself in his cell .
6 It was announced on April 29 that Konstantin Smirnov-Ostashvili , the leader of the extreme nationalist Pamyat organization who had been sentenced in October 1990 to two years in a labour camp for anti-Semitism [ see p. 37789 ] , had hanged himself in prison .
7 A MAN hanged himself in his bedroom after he became depressed about a break-up with his girlfriend .
8 Even a trial separation from Barnet was too much for Fry , who says that he could n't have looked himself in the mirror if he 'd refused to come back .
9 Israel knew beyond a shadow of doubt that there was one God , the Creator of the whole world , who had disclosed himself in a special way to their nation .
10 If God really has disclosed himself in a Son ; and if that Son was characterised by his possession of the Holy Spirit which he has passed on to his followers then we can not with t denying Christ maintain that God has revealed himself a much in Buddhism as in Christianity ; we can not make an amalgam of religions as if we were all honest seekers after a God who hides himself .
11 They moved to Dallas , and Graham has so immersed himself in the American way of life that I am surprised he has not sought American citizenship .
12 Professor Camille has thoroughly enjoyed himself in looking at such images , and he skilfully shares with us his delight and enthusiasm for what he has found .
13 Steve Platt seems to have caught himself in a dialectical contradiction ( ‘ Not paying , not voting ’ , 8 May ) .
14 By middle age Bartram has so educated himself in the classics , sciences , medicines and above all , botany , that he was regarded as one of the intellectuals of his time .
15 His father , Philip Henry Thomas , had distinguished himself in a Civil Service Examination ( Executive Branch ) and had been posted to a staff clerkship for light railways and tramways at the Board of Trade .
16 All these nationalist aspirations found a focus in Aung San , who had distinguished himself in his university days as the leader of a well-organised strike of university students .
17 From their own number they chose Bel Shanaar , Prince of Tiranoc , an Elf who had distinguished himself in the war and yet was seen as a voice of peace and reason .
18 Another partner , Mr Tim Haggie , has distinguished himself in sporting circles .
19 First , by considering whether the facts the taxpayer relied on and the inspector knew about were inconsistent with the inspector 's having the requisite reasonable opinion , the Special Commissioner had misdirected himself in law .
20 The applicant sought relief on the grounds that ( 1 ) at the time the coroner took his original decision there was considerable evidence before him that the death would not have occurred but for delays experienced by the deceased 's family in contacting the ambulance service and later delays by the ambulance service in responding to repeated calls by the police for an ambulance to come to take the deceased to hospital as a matter of urgency ; ( 2 ) in reaching the conclusion that an inquest was unnecessary the coroner had misdirected himself in law for the reasons , inter alia , that ( i ) section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 required a coroner to hold an inquest where there was ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the deceased had died a ‘ violent or unnatural death ; ’ ( ii ) there had been clear and uncontradicted evidence before the coroner that avoidable and culpable delays by the ambulance service might have been the reason why the deceased 's asthma attack , which could have been treated in hospital , proved fatal , giving rise to a ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the cause of the deceased 's death was ‘ unnatural ; ’ and ( iii ) against that background , the coroner had erred in law in treating the pathologist 's conclusion as conclusive and had either misdirected himself as to the meaning of ‘ unnatural death ’ in section 8 of the Coroners Act 1988 or failed to apply the law properly to the facts of the case .
21 For Hopkins , " an old crony of Wilson 's and a newcomer , a volunteer " sky pilot " who clad himself in semi-clerical , semi-nautical garb consisting of a discreet black habit with a seaman 's jersey and a gold crucifix " , he evidently had nothing but contempt .
22 He should have placed himself in the middle between Laura and Maggie he thought .
23 There could be no doubt that by competing with the plaintiffs both as regards supplies and customers he had placed himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interest and duty .
24 The defendant had placed himself in a position where his duty and interest conflicted even though both the employee and client appear to have had no intention of remaining with the plaintiff .
25 It is said that he was found out by one of the groups of civilian vigilantes who sprang up spontaneously on 22 December : apparently he had disguised himself in ordinary working clothes and was driving a Dacia 1300 when stopped , but suspicion was aroused when a search of his car revealed citrus fruits , like oranges and pineapples , in the boot — no ordinary Romanian had access to them .
26 We we well we 'd love to be able to get get on with our job and er wi with far less interference than we receive at the moment but er when government insists on er on interfering to the extent it does an and there have been well I 've been reading recently so something like five hundred new powers the Education Secretary has given himself in the in over the last last few years .
27 By the age of thirty he had proven himself in the communications industry .
28 Pete had arranged himself in the passenger seat so that he could get his feet up on the dashboard .
29 Joseph Usher , Tace 's hero , had hidden himself in a chamber of the mine but had been driven out by hunger and thirst and , having given himself up , been taken away to trial and execution .
30 As head of an academic department ( Economics ) at McGill University , he had interested himself in student publications in the various universities across Canada , and he had some kind things to say about my attempts at humorous prose in the weekly ‘ Adventures of Dizzy Dick ’ .
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