Example sentences of "[vb pp] these ideas " in BNC.

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1 The Labour Party has adopted these ideas .
2 In the opening pages of the book I referred to the pragmademic gap that seems to exist between pragmatists who have not had the benefit of a formal systems education , but might wish to make use of soft systems ideas , and those who have developed and applied these ideas at a more academic level .
3 Subsequently Douglas has developed these ideas in a book which collects together much material in the urban environment from a physical geography point of view but perhaps also leads towards his view that ( Douglas , 1981 , p. 360 ) :
4 Given these ideas about ideology , Marxists argue that morality can be reduced to the conscious articulation of class interests , the unconscious acceptance of hegemonic power , or the consequence of structurally generated false consciousness .
5 And you say that other counties copied these ideas from you ?
6 Likewise , you look at any of the other scores that we had fairly high up , for example you rate your plant it 's a possibility there that you 've got you know you 've got these ideas that you 're not putting forward that you could do and develop that side of .
7 This man , he said , had been criticising current ideas about the origin of the Teutons and the age of their civilisation , and had condemned these ideas from allegedly scientific points of view .
8 The reader who has grasped these ideas has the root of the matter in him .
9 Murdock had found these ideas rather attractive and set to work to build a locomotive model .
10 Three of the questions in the Hull survey were designed to assess how well known these ideas have become .
11 The professional dealing with Stefan 's case felt that his mother , who had generated these ideas herself , had really understood the technique very well .
12 Some scientists have taken these ideas a lot further .
13 Successive generations of politicians , civil servants , judges and philosophers reared on a meagre intellectual diet of pragmatic utilitarianism and positivism had firmly rejected these ideas as a basis for ensuring constitutional government and citizens ' rights .
14 Luxembourg , the conference chair , has ignored these ideas in its draft treaty .
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