Example sentences of "[vb pp] at later " in BNC.

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1 We found , however , that these patterns are modified at later stages when a new domain of Krox-20 emerges in r3 ( Fig. 3i , j , i' , j' ) .
2 These Viking activities and Frankish responses to them will be looked at later in this book .
3 Specialist local authority homes for dementia , to which new residents could be admitted , or to which residents of " ordinary " homes could be transferred at later stages , are a possibility , but are against strongly held principles of integration and continuity of care .
4 Marriage , if considered , is arrived at later in life , and there is always divorce .
5 Their earliest known appearance was at Mochlos , around 2500 BC ( Early Minoan 11 ) , and large numbers of them have been found at later Minoan sites .
6 Guidelines methods are also to be found at later decision-making stages of the process , governing , for example , emergency release , temporary release and parole practice ( Gottfredson 1987 ) .
7 Yes we support the principle , but the question about whether or not it should be in Ryedale district has not been erm answered by our members , and indeed it it we consider it should have wait , I mean this is answering something that 'll be discussed at later within this issue , something that should not be er assessed until after the er
8 Echoes of these symbolic assertions of ducal autonomy were also to be heard at later periods .
9 The pattern of expression in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia is maintained at later stages of development ( Fig. 4 b , c ) .
10 Joseph Farington , a native of Lancashire , spent longer than most artists in the Lakes and returned at later dates to make further drawings .
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