Example sentences of "[vb pp] as proof " in BNC.

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1 It attracted considerable public attention and was also regarded as proof in certain circles that many elements in the society of Northern Ireland whose ultimate political purposes differed in very marked degree could cooperate in peaceful and lawful demonstration in favour of certain common and limited objectives .
2 Newman argued that as a commitment in the light of evidence that can not be treated as proof , religious belief is like rather than unlike other forms of belief .
3 It is presented as proof of the success of her softer approach to all those Frogs , Krauts and Wops who live on the other side the English Channel .
4 Relativity and , more importantly , quantum mechanics , were not seen on the whole as a challenge to the idea of the certainty of physics ; on the contrary , they were often presented as proof of the exciting inroads physics was making .
5 ( X-rays are not accepted as proof of complete dentition ) .
6 The moral to be drawn from these examples is that apparent compatibility of readings must not be too hastily accepted as proof of generality : each case must be examined carefully to determine whether there are special factors preventing the appearance of zeugma .
7 Proof of postage will not be accepted as proof of receipt .
9 Both they and Olson use the fact that claims for ‘ objectivity ’ are made as proof of their veracity .
10 The fact that other fans recognise his behaviour as deplorable and ‘ beyond the pale ’ is seen as proof that most fans have a tacit knowledge of the rules of disorder .
11 In New Historicism this awkwardness should not be deplored but seen as proof of the integrity of its methods .
12 The Visigothic settlement in Aquitaine is usually seen as proof of the success of the Roman general Constantius , in blockading Wallia and his people when they were in Spain .
13 Rather than being celebrated as proof of the competitive merits of democratic elitism , such an outcome may create convulsions or reduce national economic performance .
14 Claiming that natural processes are carried out by ‘ god ’ and then further claiming that evidence of the process is proof of the independent and prior existence of the ‘ god ’ , is an example of the ‘ circular logic ’ that is sometimes advanced as proof , and often can be quite difficult to expose for the fraud that it is .
15 Other members of her family are also asked the same questions , and if there is the slightest discrepancy it can be used as proof that she is not the person she claims to be .
16 That is being interpreted as proof of the Treasury 's intention to play the environmental card to milk the motorist and road user in the immediate future .
17 In Smith 's raw and relentless piece , the Ceausescus are displayed as proof that power is the ultimate sex substitute .
18 While these examples are not meant as proof it is still necessary to describe the data from which they are drawn .
19 This was taken as proof that the class was inferior to , and separate from , the main school .
20 Last night , Mr Krenz told a Communist Party rally that the new travel regulations , allowing East Germans to go to the West whenever they wish , should be taken as proof that the government was ‘ serious about the policy of renewal ’ .
21 This was taken as proof of his innocence , especially when the case had been brought on suspicion .
22 Thus aggression is often taken as synonymous with violence ; violent behaviour being taken as proof of the existence of an inner state called aggression .
23 Warfare , for example , is often taken as proof of human aggressive impulses ; but as Montagu ( 1976 ) tellingly points out , we can assume no aggressive feeling in the pilot dropping powerful bombs from a great height .
24 Similarly , the violence in many sections of our own society today is , in the media , taken as proof of ‘ the animal nature of man ’ which — an insult to many animals — is always understood to be destructively aggressive .
25 Analysis has been brought forward to show that what was taken as proof of a lack of logical processes amongst ‘ primitive ’ peoples was often simply misunderstanding by ill-informed European commentators of the meaning of what was being said and done .
26 On the other hand , William of Poitiers imputed to Guy Geoffrey , Thibaud , and Geoffrey Martel irritation at being obliged to perform military service when summoned — which suggests acceptance of their duty ; Orderic 's words imply that Fulk the Young clearly recognized the dependent status of Anjou in 1106 when he did homage to Philip I. The differences of opinion on a point that later lawyers were to regard as fundamental to the monarchy 's position must be taken as proof that , for the great at least , the equation between a fidelis and a vassus could not yet be taken for granted .
27 6 Statement that proof of posting will not be taken as proof of receipt of an entry .
28 Proof of posting will not be taken as proof of delivery .
29 A certificate of conviction may be taken as proof that an offence has been committed by the person named unless the contrary is proved ( Civil Evidence Act 1971 , s11 ) .
30 Application will have to be made to Customs to become a flat rate farmer , and a certificate with a unique reference number will be issued as proof that a farmer qualifies .
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