Example sentences of "[vb pp] on july " in BNC.

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1 The Turkish government was wary of domestic right-wing and Islamic fundamentalist opposition to the proposal , especially prior to a parliamentary vote of confidence won on July 5 by the administration of Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz .
2 The Warsaw Securities Exchange reopened on July 2 , after a break of 52 years .
3 Slovenia 's airports , which had been closed by the federal authorities on June 27 , were reopened on July 26 .
4 Another train was reportedly attacked on July 15 in the central province of Kompong Chhang , resulting in the death of 30 people .
5 Jasray , 60 , a free-market economist and former head of a union of private co-operatives , had been nominated on July 15 by the fourth plenum of the Mongolian People 's Democratic Party ( MPRP ) which won a landslide victory in parliamentary elections held in June [ see p. 38962 ] .
6 The French government disclosed on July 5 that it had decorated Lt.-Col. Alain Mafart , one of the two French agents convicted for the bombing of the Greenpeace flagship , Rainbow Warrior , in Auckland harbour in 1985 [ see pp. 33852-55 ; 34565-68 ] .
7 Ranjan Wijeratne , the Plantations Minister and Minister of State for Defence , claimed on July 26 that the LTTE had recently carried out a series of attacks on Sinhalese villages .
8 On July 8 the IAEA confirmed that Iraq had acknowledged work on three parallel programmes " for uranium enrichment " although the Foreign Affairs Minister , Ahmad Husayn Kudayyir , claimed on July 9 that the government had destroyed all its nuclear weapons capability .
9 Iraqi government sources claimed on July 16 that 1,200 Arab citizens had been deported from Kuwait over the previous 24 hours [ see pp. 38118 ; 38166 ; 38309 ] .
10 Moslem opposition sources claimed on July 5 that Muhammad Ilyas , a Moslem MP representing Maungdaw , had been beaten to death by soldiers for refusing to persuade Myanman Moslems in Bangladesh to return to Myanma .
11 Following the return to civilian rule in 1985 ( after more than 11 years of military rule — see p. 33516 ) a National Constituent Assembly was installed on July 1 , 1985 , to draw up a series of constitutional reforms to be submitted to a plebiscite for ratification .
12 Restrictions on cash withdrawals and expenditure imposed on the Indus Bank in May , following moves to protect its assets after a management dispute , were lifted on July 1 .
13 The newspaper Sovietsky Sport reported on July 8 , 1989 , that up to 340 people had been crushed to death in a stand of the Lenin Stadium in Moscow during a football match on Oct. 20 , 1982 .
14 A General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) working group approved a working-group report on Bolivia 's application for GATT membership , it was reported on July 19 , 1989 , and a protocol of accession was signed by Bolivia on Aug. 4 [ see also p. 37227 ] .
15 After further meetings it was reported on July 20 that the Liberian government had accepted an ECOWAS peace proposal , providing for ( i ) a ceasefire ; ( ii ) the deployment of a regional peacekeeping force ; and ( iii ) the immediate formation of a government of national unity .
16 All-India Radio had reported on July 5 that the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir , Girish Chandra Saxena , had declared the entire Kashmir Valley and the 20-km border belt in Punch and Rajaori districts a " disturbed area " , thereby giving the security forces increased powers to act against " extremists " .
17 Meanwhile , Kuna , the official Kuwaiti news agency , had reported on July 22 that the Egyptians had put forward a four-point plan to settle the dispute , which would ultimately involve a conference of the major Arab states .
18 It was reported on July 6 , 1990 , that World Bank lending to the developing world had fallen slightly compared with 1989 to US$20,602 million .
19 On July 25 Brady was quoted as saying that the Soviet Union 's application for full membership of the IMF , reported on July 23 , was " counter-productive " .
20 The police were reported on July 17 to have arrested a total of 31 people in the capital Port-au-Prince and in the town of Gonaives and to have seized a warehouse full of " homemade " weapons following what the government described as a " conspiracy against the internal security of the state " by former members of the Tontons Macoutes .
21 Pakistan 's official APP news agency reported on July 26 that separatist guerrillas of the Hezb-ul-Mujahedeen group had recently launched a devastating attack on an Indian troop convoy .
22 The Education Minister in the AIG , Farooq Azam was reported on July 2 as having resigned claiming that it was " more or less a dead organization " .
23 The Agence France-Presse news agency reported on July 5 that Mahesh Acharya and Ram Badan Yadav both recently elected to the National Council , had been appointed as Minister of Finance and Minister of Health respectively .
24 It was reported on July 1 that the Japanese government had given its official approval for the use of the country 's old imperial hymn — Kimi ga Yo ( " Your majesty 's reign " ) — as the Japanese national anthem , despite the song 's past association with the period of Japanese military expansionism .
25 Kyodo news agency , citing " informed Vietnamese sources " , reported on July 27 that a group led by Chea Sim had staged a coup attempt in Phnom Penh .
26 It was reported on July 26 that the landslides were also worsened by an earthquake registering 5 on the Richter scale which shook central Luzon , the main island of the Philippines .
27 It was reported on July 18 that the National Parliament had finally passed a bill extending the period within which a new government was immune from votes of no-confidence ; the amendment , due to come into effect after the general election due in 1992 , would prevent no-confidence motions within the first 18 months of a government 's new term .
28 It was reported on July 6 that the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet had voted to suspend seven all-union laws , including the privatization plan , which , it was claimed , hampered the republic 's own anti-crisis programme .
29 It was reported on July 10 that a supradepartmental committee to oversee the use and conservation of land in Kazakhstan had been established .
30 It was reported on July 3 that the RSFSR Supreme Soviet had decided to create an autonomous German raion in the Altai region of Siberia , historically an area of German settlement where 127,000 ethnic Germans were now living .
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