Example sentences of "[vb pp] on nov. " in BNC.

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1 Court proceedings had been adjourned on Oct. 29 and reopened on Nov. 4 .
2 Momper 's " red-green " alliance had collapsed on Nov. 15 when the AL withdrew in protest at the violent eviction by 3,000 police of several hundred ( mainly west Berliner ) squatters from 13 apartment buildings in the Friedrichshain district of east Berlin the previous day ; 300 people were arrested and over 100 injured in the clashes .
3 Following a 36-hour offensive , the government claimed on Nov. 1 to have routed the rebels , but it was unclear whether they had returned to Uganda or had dispersed within Rwanda .
4 Amnesty International claimed on Nov. 1 that some 800 Yemenis had been detained , tortured and ill-treated by Saudi troops since August " for no apparent reason other than their nationality , or their suspected opposition to the Saudi Arabian government 's position on the Gulf crisis " .
5 State-controlled television claimed on Nov. 18 that the opposition protest " had fizzled out as people dissociated themselves from the politics of disruption and violence " , although it acknowledged that stoning and tear-gassing in Lahore had " caused inconvenience " .
6 The human rights organization Amnesty International claimed on Nov. 9 that the Indonesian authorities had arrested hundreds of suspected Fretilin sympathizers to prevent the outbreak of demonstrations on the anniversary .
7 The Turkish Chief of General Staff , Gen. Dogan Gures , claimed on Nov. 4 that 2,000 guerrillas had been killed in the October offensive , which would be completed within two weeks , and that the next task would be to intensify operations in south-eastern Turkey .
8 Sustained pressure in the Army media was followed by a decision by Suchinda on Nov. 12 to ban " unusual " gatherings of more than 10 people outside Government House , thereby preventing the holding of a pro-Chalerm rally ; the ban was lifted on Nov. 16 .
9 The state of emergency imposed in Ciskei on Oct. 28 [ see p. 38516 ] was lifted on Nov. 17 after the ANC and Ciskei 's military ruler Brig.
10 The curfew was lifted on Nov. 9 .
11 A curfew imposed in parts of Florida in late August in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew [ see pp. 39044 ; 39088 ] was finally lifted on Nov. 16 ; two days earlier the National Guard had shut down post-hurricane operations in the state .
12 Martial law on Taiwan 's offshore islands of Matsu and Chinmen ( Quemoy ) was formally lifted on Nov. 7 [ see p. 38190 for May 1991 decision by Executive Yuan ] .
13 US Defence Department officials reported on Nov. 28 that the proposed cuts up to 1994 were a " worst case projection " and the maximum possible , based upon a projected CFE agreement and signing of a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty ( START-for June 1989 session see p. 36751 ) , with 50 per cent cuts in Soviet and US strategic nuclear arsenals .
14 An agreement on the opening of air traffic and direct telecommunications was signed between Hulun Buir in Inner Mongolia and Chita oblast in the Soviet Union , Hohhot ( Inner Mongolia ) radio reported on Nov. 28 .
15 It was reported on Nov. 17. 1989 , that Sylvain Bamba , a former permanent under-secretary at the Ministry of the Interior and Justice who had been living in exile since 1963 , had announced the formation of an opposition Union for Congolese Democracy ( Union pour la démocratie congolaise — UDC ) , with himself as its chairman .
16 Chong Kun Mo , Minister of Science and Technology , was reported on Nov. 9 to have resigned over a " violent " incident concerning plans to build a nuclear power research complex on Anmyon Island .
17 In France it was reported on Nov. 14 that former Defence Minister Jean-Pierre Chevènement had said that a hitherto " dormant " French branch of an anti-communist NATO network had recently been dissolved by presidential order .
18 It was reported on Nov. 30 , 1989 , that the then Hungarian Trade Minister , Tamas Beck had revealed that Hungary was pressing the US to relax COCOM controls so that it could upgrade its telecommunications industry .
19 It was reported on Nov. 9 , 1989 , that West German forensic evidence suggested that the Lockerbie bomb could have been loaded at Heathrow airport , London .
20 It was reported on Nov. 27 that the Soviet Union had offered Hungary only 1,000,000 tonnes of oil for 1991 , against a scheduled total between 4,000,000 and 4,500,000 tonnes .
21 It was reported on Nov. 11 that France had refused permission to members of the environmental group Greenpeace to conduct its own investigations on the Pacific nuclear testing site of Mururoa Atoll [ see p. 37886 ] .
22 It was reported on Nov. 26 that lawyers acting for the convicted Nazi war criminal , Klaus Barbie , were seeking his release on humanitarian grounds , claiming that he was suffering from cancer [ for Barbie 's 1987 trial see p. 35417 ] .
23 It was reported on Nov. 19 that Foreign Ministers of the Western European Union ( WEU ) meeting in Bonn had agreed to allow naval ships to create " humanitarian corridors " for relief to Yugoslavia .
24 The re-armed right-wing contra rebels or re-contras were reported on Nov. 20 to have signed an agreement with the Sandinistas to maintain peace , uphold national and international law and resolve disputes by means of dialogue .
25 It was reported on Nov. 12 that the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) had approved a credit worth US$60,000,000 in support of Bolivia 's 1991 economic reform programme , aimed at reducing inflation , increasing foreign reserves and achieving a 4 per cent economic growth rate while improving social conditions .
26 It was reported on Nov. 13 that Hsu Hsin-liang had been sworn in as DPP chairman [ for his election see p. 38531 ] .
27 A draft law claiming a 12 nautical mile jurisdiction over territorial waters , airspace , the seabed and mineral deposits was to be submitted to the Executive Yuan , it was reported on Nov. 19 .
28 A commodity exchange agreement was reported on Nov. 13 , by which Moldava would supply farm produce in exchange for Romanian consumer goods .
29 Officials from the fifth chemical weapons inspection team [ see p. 38548 ] , which completed its mission on Nov. 5 , were reported on Nov. 12 as saying that they had found Scud missiles fitted with crudely made chemical warheads .
30 The UK government was reported on Nov. 22 as having admitted that the UK had exported to Iraq the chemical , sodium sulphide , used in the manufacture of chemical weapons .
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