Example sentences of "[vb pp] herself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The latest investigations also relate to incidents in 1988 when Mrs Mandela had returned to Soweto after years of banishment by the authorities to a remote town in the Orange Free State and had surrounded herself with a bodyguard of ‘ football club ’ thugs .
2 She 'd hanged herself over pressure of work and the fact she was terrified about her first essay .
3 An old nurse hanged herself in one of the barns .
4 The police claimed she had escaped and then hanged herself from a tree .
5 Now to see how Mrs Hatton had occupied herself during that particular week .
6 She had drilled herself to super-efficiency and had become one of the very highly paid temps the advertisements talk about , because there seemed little point in such jobs unless they were extravagantly rewarded .
7 She had almost forgotten herself by walking to the big front door , and giggled inwardly at the shock that she would have given Mrs Parker if she had done so .
8 The pantry displays examples of all the home-made preserves the farmer 's wife would have busied herself with .
9 She has busied herself in the promotion of senior civil servants ( looking for people with energy and commitment ) and regularly badgered departments about progress on particular policies — ‘ like a dog after a bone ’ an adviser claims .
10 After what happened with Mortimer , she 'd voted herself off men for life .
11 When Maggie had perched herself on one she said , Does this mean I 'm being interviewed ? ’
12 She 'd committed herself to God 's ways , and to God 's people , and God directs her , and she comes to the field of Boaz And there was none more able to meet her need .
13 It amazed her that she 'd ever believed herself in love with him , that she 'd deluded herself into seeing his arrogance and his egotism as positive qualities .
14 She had addressed herself to Ben , and he said , ‘ Aye , I could .
15 At no time had she addressed herself to the credibility or otherwise of anything in the report .
16 Dawn Allenby , a masochist if ever there was one , should have prostrated herself at the feet of Desmond Fairchild , a sadist in a trilby hat worn with the brim turned up all the way round like vaudeville comic .
17 ‘ Sara has never concerned herself with the business . ’
18 It seemed to Harriet that Liza must have unburdened herself to Dr Forman rather than her own mother and somehow this increased her sense of resentment .
19 Lucille had seen the Prince 's arrival and hasty departure , and had resigned herself to Sharpe 's absence .
20 Having thus resigned herself to the passive lifestyle of a semi-invalid literary lady , she became a regular contributor to the Spectator , then edited by her father 's close friend Richard Holt Hutton [ q.v. ] , in which she published over fifty articles between 1880 and 1893 .
21 She had resigned herself to that .
22 About three weeks later , Jenny had resigned herself to the fact that she would stay .
23 There was a television in the apartment , but Kate had resolutely disciplined herself against turning it on .
24 When Deckard asks his wife why she has programmed herself for a ‘ six hour self-accusatory depression ’ , she says
25 By eleven that morning she had installed herself as the cleaning dragon and there were twenty-seven earthenware bowls soaking in a strong solution of bleach .
26 Only in the Empress 's own apartments was there any sign of normality , where Eugénie had installed herself with her personal maid , her secretary and a handful of courtiers who had come from Saint Cloud to be with her .
27 The plan — a simple one — was for the Tongue to be stolen immediately after Laura had installed herself in her room at The Randolph .
28 But Pa is operating the machine himself today , it being Sunday and Ma having excused herself on account of the washing .
29 She was sitting at the mirror in her room , having excused herself from her cousins ' chatter minutes before .
30 It 's like she had a multi-barrelled gun , and has n't just shot herself in the foot , but shot herself everywhere and blown her own head off , and no-one seems to have noticed .
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