Example sentences of "[vb pp] believe that " in BNC.

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1 The majority of the analysts interviewed believe that the cash flow statement is an improvement on the funds flow statement , although it has not yet radically changed analysts ' approach to their work .
2 ‘ And I 'm really expected to believe that Donal , of his own bat , sent me to Wexford to meet you , knowing you were about to seek out my family , just to be friendly ?
3 When you get people on to a sort of Noddy Goes Selling course , which is the first one you come on , you are expected to believe that when you leave here anybody who does n't use T N T Express would be absolutely crazy , and that everybody you 're going to talk to is going to bite your arm off as long as you stay with your boyfriend .
4 Conservatives had come to believe that they were the rightful rulers of the country .
5 He had come to believe that a period affected dreams , and not only Anna 's but his too .
6 I have come to believe that the dualism and utilitarianism that now lie behind what many environmentalists are doing today poses a threat that most environmentalists do n't even begin to understand .
7 I have come to believe that the soft occult more often than not leads to the hard stuff .
8 These changes in our institution of police can bring little satisfaction to those who had come to believe that the British had found some special formula for dealing with control of public protest .
9 It is not only the sects that are guilty of fortress mentalities : we have come to believe that God is to be found only in our prayer groups , fellowships and denominational congregations .
10 There was little point in my merely presenting a Moonie world-view — the Moonies themselves can do that — but I did want to try to make their religion and its effects comprehensible to others who wanted to understand how well-educated and intelligent people from ‘ good homes ’ could lead the kind of life they did because they had come to believe that a strange Korean was the Messiah and must be obeyed .
11 The first are the ‘ new ’ Democrats , those who have come to believe that the identification of Democrats with high taxes , social liberalism and a distrust of the armed forces was catastrophic .
12 Perhaps by the very end of his life , in 1880 , he had come to believe that a people , a nation , does not create itself according to its own best ideas , but is shaped by other forces , of which it has little knowledge .
13 Truman and most those advising him had come to believe that the Soviet Union was aiming to spread the Communist system whenever and wherever it could : to Poland , Bulgaria , Rumania , Hungary .
14 Growing up among the tough men of Cornwall , Harry had come to believe that popularity was all ; that it could be bought with success , and that success could be got by a closed fist and a big voice .
15 By the time Durkheim came to write Two Laws of Penal Evolu-tion , he had modified his theory about the decline in importance of the conscience collective ( a phrase he ceased to use ) and had come to believe that collective sentiments were a crucial factor in any society .
16 I wondered if she could see into my mind , and I did n't care , for during that one short walk I had come to believe that Lili would not harm me .
17 Scarlet , when aware that she was consciously asking her friend for advice and support , felt guilty , for she had come to believe that advice and support were commodities for which you paid professionals , rather as you paid prostitutes for love and bought your vegetables instead of growing them yourself .
18 But the fact that we should now have come to believe that such a society might be both possible and desirable is certainly interesting .
19 With the success of scientific theories in describing events , most people have come to believe that God allows the universe to evolve according to a set of laws and does not intervene in the universe to break these laws .
20 The argument presented here is that in the latter part of the twentieth century more and more capitalists have come to believe that their objective interests are best served through transnational practices , as evidenced by the phenomenal growth of the presence and influence of the TNCs outside the hegemon countries , and what I am describing as transnational capitalist classes .
21 After the 1915 offensives , the troops had come to believe that if Pétain called for an attack there must be some point to it , that it would not be a senseless sacrifice of lives in the way of those over-ambitious generals , out to gain recognition from the conquest at any price of a few yards of enemy trench .
22 During those two years , I have also come to believe that with the help of two powerful tools we can turn people on to the quality process .
23 Although most educated men were predisposed to believe that white-skinned , richly clothed Europeans like themselves must belong to a species altogether different from that of the dark-skinned , naked savages described by the traveller-ethnographers , there was the awkward fact that the book of Genesis declares that the whole of mankind is descended from Noah .
24 He is reported to believe that the City Council should be shut down immediately and replaced by an appointed commission to oversee local government in the city .
25 Roth also explains that he was ‘ educated to believe that the independent reality of the fiction is all there is of importance and that writers should remain in the shadows ’ .
26 But Joyce has never stopped believing that peace will come to the grim back streets of Belfast .
27 Not every reader of his book can have come to it believing the chauvinistic claims that have sometimes been issued on behalf both of psychoanalysis and of oral history , or prepared to believe that these pursuits could be successfully combined .
28 This ‘ inverted causation ’ as it has been called , which is a major element of Marxist theory , is to be found in the theory of Asiatic production , in that the subjects of the Asiatic despot are made to believe that they can live because of the blessing of the god-king , the true guardian and shepherd of the community , while really it is he who is living off them .
29 English law has tended to confine narrowly the situations in which a mistake is held to negative the consent apparently given by the woman : only where the victim was made to believe that the man was her husband , or that the act to which she was being asked to consent was not sexual intercourse , is the mistake sufficiently fundamental to convert the apparently consensual sex into rape .
30 It can not be too often repeated that there is no reason whatsoever why humanity should be made to believe that its religion must have origins in the literature and man-made traditions of the remote past .
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