Example sentences of "[vb pp] on sept. " in BNC.

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1 A precarious ceasefire agreed earlier [ see p. 37700 ] had collapsed on Sept. 28 when fierce fighting broke out between Johnson 's men and the government forces .
2 Further details of the package had been disclosed on Sept. 13 . ]
3 Israel 's Jewish Telegraphic Agency disclosed on Sept. 17 that the current wave of immigration from the Soviet Union was expected to reach 1,000,000 by the end of 1992 .
4 The government claimed on Sept. 7 to have thwarted another armed conspiracy by Moslem fundamentalists of the Nahda movement [ for May coup plot allegations see pp. 38215 ; 38363 ] .
5 In Austria it was announced on Aug. 13 that the visa requirement for Poles would be finally lifted on Sept. 1 — having originally been abolished in 1988 , but having been hurriedly re-introduced in on Sept. 6 , 1990 , in the face of a massive immigration surge .
6 This contradicted an earlier statement by former United States President Jimmy Carter , who headed a team of international observers monitoring the election process , that the emergency would be lifted on Sept. 30 .
7 On Sept. 22 the President 's office announced that the state of seige in force since June 5 [ see p. 38312 ] would be lifted on Sept. 29 .
8 The ban on activities of the republican Communist Party ( CP ) , which had been lifted on Sept. 23 , was reimposed on Oct. 2 at the second vote in the Supreme Soviet .
9 A ban on political demonstrations was lifted on Sept. 4 , and on Sept. 5 President Mobutu Sese Seko gave an assurance that elections would be held " in three or six months " .
10 A night curfew imposed in September 1988 was lifted on Sept. 10 .
11 Finland 's objection to the Danish plan for a road and rail bridge across the Great Belt ( Öresund ) , linking Copenhagen with Malmö in southern Sweden [ see p. 38402 ] , was lifted on Sept. 3 .
12 Proceedings initiated by Finland in July 1991 at the International Court of Justice were formally discontinued on Sept. 10 , removing what had been seen as an irritant in Nordic co-operation .
13 Emergency measures to fight organized crime , announced by the Cabinet on Sept. 20 and supplemented on Sept. 25 after Livatino 's murder , included the commitment of more money and police , moves to oblige magistrates to work in Mafia-controlled areas , and vetting of candidates for local government office , as well as closer state supervision of financial transactions in local administration .
14 It was reported on Sept. 17 that the Federation of European Stock Exchanges had agreed to initiate a shared electronic market information service for the 200-300 largest companies in the new EC equity market , but no firm timetable was set for the move .
15 The Far Eastern Economic Review reported on Sept. 28 that Myanma sources and diplomatic observers had dismissed these allegations as an attempt to discredit the NLD and as an attempt to bolster unity in the Army which had fought the insurgent CPB for many years .
16 It was reported on Sept. 28 that China had launched the Jiulong-1 missile into the East China Sea from a submerged Xia-class nuclear submarine .
17 The second postponement of a visit to the United States by King Fahd , first scheduled for July 1989 , was reported on Sept. 15 , 1989 .
18 It was reported on Sept. 19 , 1989 , that Sudan had restored diplomatic relations with the Central African Republic ( which had broken ties on May 30 in protest at Sudan 's refusal to allow President Kolingba to use the country 's airspace — see p. 37058 ) .
19 It was reported on Sept. 7 , 1989 , that Gen. Rolando Espinoza Lora had been appointed as the new Commander-in-Chief of the Army .
20 Opposition demonstrations , bombings , arrests and electricity blackouts were reported on Sept. 11 , 1989 , the 16th anniversary of the 1973 coup which overthrew Salvador Allende .
21 Johannesburg radio reported on Sept. 29 , 1989 , that de Klerk had offered shares in the state-owned company Iscor ( Iron and Steel Corporation ) to the public as part of the government 's first major step towards privatization .
22 It was reported on Sept. 19 that the National Council of Private Enterprise , representing business interests in Panama , had requested that the US government pay more than US$400,000,000 in reparations following the US invasion in December 1989 [ see pp. 37112-13 ] .
23 It was reported on Sept. 28 that Marciano García had been appointed as new Finance Minister and José Blanco Gomez as new Economy Minister .
24 It was reported on Sept. 25 that a committee of 13 creditor banks meeting in Washington approved proposals to make available to the Chilean government in 1991 and 1992 funds worth a total of US$320,000,000 .
25 It was reported on Sept. 6 that Sao Paulo State had sold 60 per cent of its share in VASP , the country 's second-largest airline , for an estimated US$43,500,000 .
26 It was reported on Sept. 12 that the government had ordered federal prosecutors to investigate the loss of US$67,500 million by the Central Bank over the past decade .
27 The Thai newspaper Thai Rat reported on Sept. 17 that SLORC officials had recently told Lt.-Gen.
28 Yangon home service reported on Sept. 11 that monks and students in Mandalay had the previous day attacked security forces , injuring 11 security personnel .
29 By Sept. 20 six had been arrested , including deputy speaker Ilijaz Ramajli ; of the remainder , it was reported on Sept. 24 that one had committed suicide , and that the rest were believed to be in hiding outside Kosovo .
30 Meanwhile , it was reported on Sept. 26 that the World Bank had authorized the creation of a special facility to grant concessional credit to help lower-middle income countries to re-settle migrant workers fleeing Iraq and Kuwait , and that it would advance disbursements from the Bank 's soft loan affiliate , the International Development Association ( IDA ) , to the poorest countries .
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