Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] parliament " in BNC.

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1 By the twentieth century , the hegemony of government in the political process ensured that measures could be carried through Parliament without too much difficulty .
2 Governments nowadays rarely seek to secure parliamentary endorsement for Acts containing very wide or uncontrollable powers and this fact , together with the surveillance exercised by the scrutiny committee render this one of the most efficiently discharged of Parliament 's functions .
3 It was reported in Parliament , for example , that of thirty-two reported instances of ‘ highway theft ’ over a six-month period in South Kensington in 1932 , only one of these was treated as ‘ robbery with violence ’ .
4 However to judge by the veteran abolitionist Lushington 's intervention in the 1831 debate the powerful demand for immediatism from abolitionists in the country was still somewhat muffled in parliament ; he approved of it if understood as , measures immediately brought in now and adopted which might lead to the gradual extinction of slavery' ; Buxton had avoided completely talking of immediate emancipation .
5 The withdrawal of derogations was disclosed to Parliament by Junior Minister Colin Moynihan on 20 January the following year .
6 Indeed the same evidence has been tendered , the same facts had been brought to the attention of the same Committee in 1972 ; but the Committee had reported to Parliament in the opposite sense , stating the opposite to the evidence they had actually received from those who were competent to tender it .
7 Meanwhile , the city of London saw various manoeuvres to promote Edward 's deposition : assemblies at the Guildhall included one which resolved to depose him in favour of his son , a decision reported to parliament and supported by a sermon from Orleton on the text ‘ Where there is no true ruler , the people will be destroyed ’ .
8 Oestreicher in respect of the ‘ serious arguments which are worth of consideration … which have been and ought to be addressed to Parliament ’ .
9 They reached Ankara 13 days later , where they arranged a meeting at the Turkish Parliament building with Assistant Director of External Affairs , Meltern Sahinkaya , and handed over a 1,000 name petition and a letter addressed to Parliament leader Husamettin Cindoruk .
10 Moreover , research rather suggested that the former groups mounted one-off campaigns targeted at parliament or public opinion , whereas the latter groups ( and especially the trade unions and employers associations ) were of greater power and were likely to be in regular day-to-day contact with ministers , government , and the permanent administrative side of the state machine .
11 Political connections were often the principal criterion suggested to justify the promotion of an officer of excise , and some of them were quite ready to employ their own votes to advance their careers so long as this was permitted by Parliament .
12 Should any local authority provide a service not specifically permitted by Parliament it would be acting illegally , or ultra vires ( see Chapter 15 ) .
13 They have been attacked by Parliament , with the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1971 providing that :
14 And this for the very good reason that the only relevant decision on the fiduciary duty — Prescott v. Birmingham — had been immediately negatived by Parliament in its application to the power of local transport authorities to fix the level of fares .
15 This crossed with Trevelyan 's letter , so he wrote again on 12th December , pointing out that the £30,000 voted by Parliament was only for a portion of the site authorized and that an additional £80,000 would be required to purchase the whole area .
16 In accordance with the recommendation of the Select Committee of The House of Commons ‘ on Foreign Office reconstruction' ’ , made in their Report , dated 13th July last , ‘ ‘ that a preference should be given to the successful competitors in the erection of the New Foreign Office , it is the intention of the Government to employ as the architect of the proposed building , in the event of the necessary funds being voted by Parliament in the ensuing Session , Mr. George Gilbert Scott , one of the successful competitors ' ’ .
17 A further Sh.1,050,000/ — had to be found if they were to survive , and no extra money had been voted by Parliament .
18 Whilst large sums of money were voted by Parliament to establish and keep Uhuru and the Nationalist going , MPs always showed extreme reluctance to extend that generosity to radio .
19 It has to do with Italy 's terrifying national public deficit , estimated at L 34,000 billion , which on 26 May led to the money voted by Parliament at the end of January being frozen until October ; this means , for example , that Venice , Italy 's most fragile urban and artistic organism , which was to have had L450 billion spent on its infrastructure this year , is once again unable , for example , to dredge its canals , essential if the city is to avoid being flooded next time there is a high tide .
20 Governments have issued ordinances and decrees ; they have announced plans and established missions ; Parliament has voted laws , sometimes heavily amending bills laid before them by ministers ; ministers have been told to revise their draft-bill by the President ; the Constitutional Council has refused to accept all the terms of laws voted by Parliament .
21 AFP was funded by credits voted by Parliament and defended by the Information Minister .
22 This text — not , it should be noted , a law voted by Parliament — was the first of what would prove to be six major reforms of broadcasting between 1959 and 1988 .
23 Gordon Downey ( 1986 ) , a former C & AG , notes that as the amounts of money being voted by Parliament grow larger and larger , so too is there increasingly less attention being paid to the fact that billions of pounds a year have been voted automatically .
24 More demonstrably , however , there has in the past been evidence of some feeling in Parliament that the Comptroller and Auditor General should be given the power to audit all public money voted by Parliament , including that voted to nationalized industries .
25 The Appropriation Accounts are concerned with monies voted by Parliament ; but although they cover a vast area they do not contain all public monies .
26 Eventually in 1858 Earl Stanhope moved in the House of Lords that the Queen should be petitioned by Parliament to remove from the Prayer Book the services which commemorated not only the death of Charles I but also the accession of Charles II in 1660 , the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 , and the landing of William of Orange in 1688 .
27 In any event , it was clear , when the Education ( Corporal Punishment ) Bill 1985 was being considered by Parliament following the ruling in Campbell and Cosans , that to give parents a choice over whether or not their children should receive corporal punishment was justifiable in principle but practically unworkable .
28 Suppose a law was now being considered by Parliament which you thought was really unjust and harmful ; which , if any , of the things on this card do you think you would do ?
29 But in a few cases it may emerge that the very question was considered by Parliament in passing the legislation .
30 Today , despite assurances given by the Under-Secretary of State for Social Security in Committee , crucial regulations on disability have been botched together with the uprating measures so that they can not be effectively and properly considered by Parliament .
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