Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] april " in BNC.

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1 A testimonial match has been arranged for April 25 .
2 A meeting was subsequently arranged for April , in Namibia .
3 However , many employers arranged after April 1975 to buy people back into the graduated scheme .
4 The Oxford ordination ceremonies have been booked for April the sixteenth and seventeenth of next year although the Diocese stresses there 's been no race to be first , they 've merely found themselves at the head of the queue .
5 UN officials said on July 30 that Iraq had admitted to holding four times as many chemical weapons as those disclosed in April [ see p. 38164 ] .
6 Chairman Sir Bryan Nicholson , who retires at the end of they year , promised that letter prices would be frozen until April .
7 The government 's interim report on the SII talks , expected in April , will now say that the store law should be scrapped , possibly as early as 1992 .
8 Instead , he announced the appointment of an ombudsman to mediate between the public and the civil service , promised that proposals for democracy would be considered soon , and said that the opposition would be permitted to run in legislative elections expected in April 1994 .
9 A similar 10 per cent tax had been announced in 1987 [ see p. 35723 ] with effect from January 1989 but was dropped in April 1989 after it had provoked a flight of capital abroad [ see pp. 36597-98 ] .
10 Pensions are uprated in April each year .
11 have not claimed until April .
12 This unit was supplemented in April 1993 by a more highly tuned version for the RSi model .
13 The US Senate voted in April to confirm the measure in view of the " severe repression " of the Albanian minority in Kosovo by the Serbian authorities , and the " destabilization of the Presidency " .
14 The Latvian Communist Party , which had voted in April 1990 to remain part of the Soviet CP , was banned from Aug. 23 , 1991 , and its hardline chairman , Alfred Rubiks , arrested [ see p. 38373 ] .
15 The British journal , The Economist , reported in April 1948 :
16 The Washington-based newsletter Defence Week reported in April 1989 that the US administration was seeking USdollars 7,000,000 in the 1990 financial year and a further dollars 27,700,000 in 1991 for the development of " incapacitating chemical material " .
17 Of course , in a hung parliament ( where no one party has an absolute majority ) , such as that dissolved in April 1979 , even one or two defections can be critical .
18 The 8th King 's were in Corfu from 1819 to June 1824 , and Nicholl was discharged in April 1825 .
19 Its place at the centre of government thinking was re-emphasised in April 1939 when the RCM was told that , henceforth , each guarantor would have to put up a deposit of £50 to support the cost of a child 's re-emigration .
20 THE Premier and his Ministers will have their pay frozen from April as part of the Government 's austerity drive .
21 Enquiries may be made at any time ( and indeed should be ! ) but applications are normally considered in April and September each year .
22 The National Trust and the Trustees of Waddesdon Manor had come to the decision that it would be in the best interest of the house for as much work as possible to be carried out at one time , and the range of the repairs is such that the house can not be reopened until April 1993 .
23 Still more substantial demonstrations were organised in April 1989 .
24 Sidney Stallard , Minister for Community Affairs , resigned in April for personal reasons and was replaced by Leonard Gibbons .
25 The Minister for State Reform , Johnny Meoño , resigned in April 1991 and his portfolio was transferred to the Presidency Minister , Rodolfo Méndez Mata .
26 Chien You-hsin was appointed as Minister of Communications , replacing Clement Chang who had resigned in April [ see p. 38147 ] .
27 It is exemplified in the following extract from a letter addressed in April 1866 to my grandfather , Henry Cecil , on the loss of his first child , a daughter , aged four weeks :
28 There were times in Blackpool you 'd have thought Labour had won on April 9 .
29 The US State Department claimed on April 19 that the government 's disclosures about chemical , nuclear and missile programmes did not satisfy the terms of the UN ceasefire resolution .
30 The attacks had been committed on April 19 , 1989 , by a gang of some 30 youths who went " wilding " — a term which came to mean rampaging through the park perpetrating random assaults .
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