Example sentences of "[vb past] thrown [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd thrown herself at him , of course .
2 She 'd thrown herself into it with gritted teeth , recklessly taking on more than she could handle .
3 She 'd thrown herself at him , and then when she 'd panicked he 'd dropped her like a hot potato … what a fool she 'd been !
4 The father jumped out of his car and began to run to where his son had thrown himself to the ground .
5 He heard later that a suicide had thrown himself on to the line .
6 At the moment of crisis , in the hand-to-hand fighting at the gates of Taillebourg when the decision could have gone either way , Richard had thrown himself into the thick of the melee .
7 But the doctor was also in the room and the brave little man had thrown himself at Detchard .
8 Jack , who had thrown himself across them both and had died in her arms , an hour later , without speaking a word .
9 His fingernails were broken and bloody from when he had thrown himself at the door and torn at it , in the moment when he realised that he had been shut into the stall , and what was going to happen next .
10 They saw his body in the moat , where he had thrown himself to escape the mob .
11 A party that had thrown itself so uncompromisingly into the campaign against Home Rule , and which had long ago accepted the need for " organization " in domestic affairs , could hardly accept for long the leadership by ineffective compromise which was what Asquith offered .
12 She took two pills from a bottle by the bed on which she had thrown herself and crushed them between the pages of Mansfield Park .
13 Amy had thrown herself into the social round , while Catherine had begun a career in journalism .
14 ‘ A woman had thrown herself from Waterloo Bridge , he told me .
15 Next moment Perdita , streaking down the field , had thrown herself out of the saddle and clinging with her left hand round Hermia 's damp hot neck , hooked Randy as the final bell tolled for South Sussex .
16 Before her father answered she had thrown herself into her mother 's arms .
17 She had stalked him with infinite care , she had attacked him frontally , she had thrown herself at him and teased him , and had finally reached the point of consummation where he was coming to dinner , in an empty house , wanting her .
18 She had thrown herself into his arms and hugged him as if she were still a schoolgirl .
19 To banish the visions , Theda had thrown herself into work — work that would at least welcome Benedict home again to a house of warmth and light .
20 Of whom there were more than a few I would imagine , thinking of how she had thrown herself on the poor defenceless Marcus .
21 They lost a patient , a young woman in her twenties who had thrown herself out of a car at speed to get away from her husband .
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