Example sentences of "[vb past] kept him " in BNC.

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1 They 'd kept him in a kiosk on Brighton front day and night waiting for the Germans to invade .
2 They 'd kept him awake for many an hour prior to an op .
3 But you ca n't imagine how many times I 've thought , ‘ If I 'd kept him , he might have lived . ’
4 No , and I had I er I had tried to appeal to him to be quiet , he said well I 've got to build this shed , I said well it do n't have to be during the night when other people are trying to sleep , he said well that 's up to them , and he started hammering again , while I was talking to him , and then I kept on and on and eventually , I think while I was talking to him I 'd kept him quiet while I was talking to him .
5 She 'd seen him many times then , everyone else had dropped him , and only moneyed privilege had kept him out of the gutter .
6 He was shivering , and his teeth were chattering like Philip 's did when his Dad had kept him in the swimming bath too long .
7 This time his powers of concentration were not helped by the fact that on a hot and humid Sunday afternoon in the Bois de Boulogne he was feeling awful : he had been wasting in order to ride Beaver II at nine stone ten pounds later in the afternoon , and was severely debilitated by a stomach upset which had kept him up all night .
8 Precautions had kept him alive .
9 Ferrying American aircraft to Russia had kept him far away from his own village a few kilometres outside Moscow .
10 The thought had kept him going all day .
11 Anton , it felt like hours , and he would never know , what instinct , as survival clutch — his fright to lose a nipple ? — had kept him there , still passive , half-closed eyes , as , inviting , masochistic , as he almost accepted .
12 Despite her indulgence of him , she had kept him very much tied to her apron strings and had had great difficulty in relinquishing him to a wife .
13 That bit of knowledge had kept him sweet for weeks .
14 She wondered what had kept him .
15 First , Mr Delors — who had earlier sent a furious letter to Mr Major , complaining of Britain 's lack of faith over the TV pact — had kept him waiting for over an hour at Heathrow while his flight from Brussels was delayed by fog .
16 His frequent visits to North Korea since 1971 had kept him up to date with the progress of the reconstruction of Pyongyang under the Kims , father and son .
17 I had kept him waiting for over an hour , though he was n't too annoyed as he had been able to retrieve three brand new titanium ice screws and a rope , left , we presumed , after an incident the night before when we had a helicopter hovering above the face .
18 For an hour and a half they had kept him standing .
19 He recalled the businessman again , saw his face , framed in the night-light outside the small house they had kept him captive in .
20 If Fiver 's horrors had kept him above ground all night in the rain , oblivious of cold and prowling elil , then clearly it was not going to he easy to talk him out of them .
21 It was that kind of care that had kept him alive so long .
22 I was haunted by Normandin 's remark that knowing people were doing something had kept him alive .
23 He felt as he had done when a small boy and rain or some other calamity of nature had kept him from a picnic , resentful and somewhat indignant .
24 Cadfael had kept him with him of design , when Hugh departed to report to Abbot Radulfus what had been found and what had been done .
25 Mrs Sweet had kept him at it some time .
26 And maybe that was what had kept him from visiting this place these last five years : the knowledge that he could no longer share their unquestioning certainty .
27 He drained it at a draught and threw it back , the dark mood that had kept him silent from Ivrigar falling away .
28 She crashed the engine into reverse gear and felt a wave of relief because the shock of her revelation had kept him inert for too long — he would n't catch her .
29 The ancient servitor , who drove with a slack rein and a sublime disregard of the pot-holes , seemed to take it as a personal affront that Miss Kyte had kept him waiting for more than two hours .
30 Or , perhaps , it had the meaning he had wanted it to have from the beginning : the meaning that had kept him out of coups led by others .
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