Example sentences of "[vb past] become [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Seeing her had become part of her life , first pleasant , then ecstatic , then the whole reason for being .
2 Just a short distance away , where the Whitechapel Road has turned into the Mild End Road , was another East End concern whose name had become part of a company with national interests — Mann Crossman and Paulin of the Albion brewery .
3 Visiting her had become part of my life but I knew it would not always be so ; twice I had been summoned to the hospital when she had seemed to be failing .
4 Tiny , polished black pollen beetles crawled over her hand : she had become part of their landscape .
5 Nonconformist ministers had become part of Victorian England as famous preachers , writers , controversialists , politicians and local leaders .
6 In truth Gouzenko 's knowledge was extremely limited but no one appreciated that until Gouzenko had become part of the folklore of intelligence mythology .
7 Some historians have argued that , once the Indians had become part of the Christian community , their cause was championed by the church who protected them from some of the worst excesses of colonial power ( Poblete 1970 ) .
8 By 1834 , Ebley had become part of the growing Marling empire and , when visited by the Assistant Commissioners , had 42 hand looms at work , 29 not in use , but no power looms .
9 The conclusion in No. 10 was , therefore , that it had become part of the Cabinet Office and was politically starved … on anything that had a political dimension , the tank found itself rather isolated . ’
10 Within a month of starting my lessons I was able to stop taking the pain-killers that had become part and parcel of my life .
11 The episode had become part of family lore , as well as suggesting that the best place to be was Trazior itself .
12 He , too , had become part of her vicarious family , and she sent him regular messages of encouragement .
13 He continued to wear glasses even when he found them unnecessary simply because they had become part of his image .
14 By the end of the sixteenth century , however , this rigid distinction between astronomy and natural philosophy was beginning to collapse , until with Kepler the quest for physical causes had become part of the astronomer 's task .
15 The Union had become part of the capitalist system .
16 They related to the constitutional arrangements which existed between 1974 and the end of 1986 whereby the General Council of the Bar had become part of the new Senate of the Inns of Court of the Bar and had ceased to exist as a separate entity , although the constitution of the Senate contained provisions designed to ensure that the Bar Council would remain an autonomous body for the purpose of its separate powers and functions .
17 The Mandelbaums , who were not strict Orthodox Jews , had lived in Leeds for twenty or thirty years , and through wealth , charm and kindness had become part of a wider social circle than was usual .
18 ‘ I suppose they might have done at the beginning , ’ he said , ‘ but by the time I can remember we had become part of the place really .
19 Local government ceased to be regarded as an indispensable deliverer of services ; it had become part of the intractable problem of the late twentieth-century urban crisis .
20 As I have already mentioned Lee 's works formed part of the B.P.C.M. in the 1912 amalgamation , and Manor cement works had become part of the A.P.C.M. Even so the Medway industry faced many difficulties .
21 But the Mesopotamian Jews had a firm tradition of loyalty to the Seleucids , whereas the Palestinian Jews had become part of the Syrian state only about 200 B.C. The Seleucids gladly used the Mesopotamian Jews as soldiers , and the contribution of the Babylonian Jews to the defence of their city during an enemy attack was regarded as being so famous by the author of II Maccabees that he did not think it necessary to specify the circumstances ( 8.20 ) .
22 That magnificent body had become part of hers .
23 The May Events marked the chasm within the underground , and as the comrades — or would-be comrades — ran forward it became obvious that much of the old American guard on It had become part of the world left behind .
24 It had become part of each morning 's routine , almost as if a night 's absence — or a weekend 's — simply served to burnish his attractions .
25 At least the newspaper 's editorial columns served to remind me that Geneva had become part of Switzerland only in the previous year .
26 Owners of companies nationalized in 1946-62 which had become part of larger companies would have a prior right to subscribe for shares .
27 Following munitions , shipbuilding and ship repairing , virtually all transport by rail , sea or canal , flour milling , agriculture , collieries and the chemical industry had become part of a network of control .
28 Thus sole agency contracts had become part of the accepted pattern or structure of trade .
29 Well the objective was the maintenance of a friendly regime er in a country which had become part of the American sphere of influence .
30 What had followed had become part of a continuing nightmare .
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