Example sentences of "[vb past] known him " in BNC.

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1 Bernie was speechless , for the first time since I 'd known him .
2 When I met Kirk and started to work with him , I sort of felt I 'd known him in some other life .
3 Through the years that I 'd known him , I 'd watched him grow in mind and body and now felt a twinge of pride that he had grown so well .
4 I 'd known him from the start of punk .
5 She leaned on Craig 's shoulder as if she 'd known him all her life .
6 Why , in all the time she 'd known him he had never said the words .
7 Escaping from under the pillow on the bed was the hem of a caftan , the soft kind he 'd slept in all the time I 'd known him .
8 I 'd known him all my life .
9 It was sudden , ’ he murmured blandly , but she noticed that he did n't comment on how long he 'd known him .
10 She 'd known him instantly , of course — those vivid eyes and high , prominent cheekbones were unmistakable .
11 ‘ Perhaps I would have liked him too — if I 'd known him . ’
12 She 'd known him barely two days , and already he 'd steered her through more emotions than she 'd known herself capable of — And , much to her very great surprise , over the next few days he insisted on showing her the countryside .
13 Before that , she realised , during the three years she 'd known him , he had never moved her to any great depths of emotion — not the same soaring heights and plummeting depths she 'd known in just a few days with Fen .
14 She 'd known him less than a week and was already on to his annoying habits .
15 Ever since we 'd been at university together , I 'd known him as a bit of a shower freak , staying in there for ages .
16 Never in the entire two years she 'd known him had he inspired in her such a hopeless rage of jealousy as she 'd experienced when Guido had looked at that girl .
17 Popping over the border into France had been Peter 's favourite excuse to account for his absences from the shop ever since she 'd known him .
18 She could see it in his face , his guard , for the first time since she 'd known him , completely lowered .
19 No way , if I 'd known him .
20 The Warden ( Vice-Chancellor ) Duff assured them that he was now not nearly so odd as he was when he had known him at the choir school of King 's College .
21 I think I just put up with it because he behaved in such extraordinary ways to me in the time I had known him , of showing affection at all ?
22 She had known him since he was a very small five-year-old , perched like a mosquito on one of the placid beginners ' ponies , so she told the class to carry on walking their ponies while she came to him .
23 You must have known people who remembered Bruckner — Paumgartner 's father had known him , Schalk …
24 I was privy to all their discussions on Hardy , as both had known him during the First World War .
25 Whoever had killed Don Roberto had known him or had a first-rate introduction because there were no signs of violence other than the knife wound and Don Roberto had given his staff time off .
26 He neither claimed to know the butler 's name , nor anyone who had known him , but he would always insist the event occurred just as he told it .
27 The aunt ( actually great-aunt ) who had known him from his appearance was Sarah , widow of old William Justavus Cranko , and the companion she sent to fetch him was Miemie Dempers , William 's sister .
28 Yet it never occurred to John , as his mother aged , that she might be in need of any help , until a visitor from Johannesburg , who had known him as a boy , told him that she was hard up , after which lie made her an allowance .
29 He was a very easy person to talk to , and long before they reached home she felt as if she had known him for years .
30 She had known him less than a week , yet it seemed natural to turn to him .
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