Example sentences of "[vb past] found [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd found myself in the company of two groups of schoolchildren between the ages of seven and thirteen who 'd come to take part in this year 's Young National Trust Theatre production , Two Nations , an exploration of the divisions existing in Victorian society .
2 There had even been times when he 'd found himself imagining her with no clothes on at all — the way he had once seen Peggy Podmore — and felt the same keen desire well up in him .
3 And then , purely on impulse , Cardiff heard himself ask a crazy question , but a question that was no crazier than the situation he 'd found himself in of late , with people who vanished into and out of walls , the hideous death of four people , three of them his own men and a stalking monstrosity from the pages of a horror comic out there somewhere in the night … not to mention cars that just fell out of the sky .
4 He must have ordered them by telephone when he 'd found himself unable to contact her direct .
5 Earlier that very week , in fact , as he 'd filled up the Jaguar with Gulf-inflated gasoline , he 'd found himself surveying the display of the semi-pornographic magazines arranged along the highest shelf above the dailies ; and re-acquainted himself with such reasonably familiar titles as Men Only , Escort , Knave , Video XXXX , and so many others , each of them enticing the susceptible motorist with its cover of some provocatively posed woman , vast-breasted and voluptuous .
6 Miraculously , within a couple of minutes , he 'd found himself speaking to a woman he 'd kissed goodbye in the early May of 1944 — over forty-six years ago !
7 And then she 'd found herself confronted with this fabulous coastline , floodlit silver and peachy gold in the dusk .
8 She 'd found herself on the receiving end of a great deal of teasing about her impromptu topless dip in the sea and her valiant rescuer , and she 'd fenced it as calmly as she could .
9 She 'd felt drawn to her , just as she 'd found herself drawn to all Roman 's family , including Salvo and his wife Sofia , and their tiny new baby , snuggled sleepily in its carry-cot , blissfully oblivious to the world around it .
10 And yet there had been a fleeting moment , as he 'd held her tight in his arms , when she 'd found herself longing to lower her defences , to give in to the unfamiliar forces driving through her body with his touch .
11 Fortunately she 'd found herself within reach of the small hall table which held the telephone and had been able to ring her neighbour .
12 Though she had nothing remotely suitable with her to wear to a party , over the past hour or so , as she 'd arranged salami slices and stuffed olives and listened to Agnese and Filippo 's bubbly chatter , she 'd found herself slipping into a party mood .
13 She was a career woman — and the fact that she 'd found herself actually enjoying looking after the children , and doing the cooking , was neither here nor there !
14 Earlier in the day , while looking for the swimming-pool , I had found myself in a park containing the largest number of fire-engines I had ever seen .
15 I had found myself a champion !
16 I had found myself , because of my views , in a lobby with a number of unlikely bedfellows .
17 I was pleased with this reflection , and so convoluted is the human mind that I ceased to take pride in my lack of pride and was proud that I had found myself capable of it .
18 I had found myself reacting more and more against the linguistic/logical positivist approach ; and , shortly after its appearance in 1936 , I had written a sustained diatribe against A. J. Ayer 's Language , Truth and Logic ( 1936 ) .
19 Presently I remembered that it was when I had been about to call Eleanor Darcy and confirm the year of her marriage to Bernard Parkin , when I had found myself calling Lou instead , on impulse .
20 And I told her about the timeslips , and how I had found myself back in her time .
21 I had found myself staggering from one situation to the next … we decided then that I was doing the same thing wrong you see , and so we looked at the actual practice …
22 I thought about how I 'd walked around all those weeks and what I 'd felt about him and the crazy things I had found myself believing .
23 He was in uniform , very much in the situation in which Lewis had found himself as an undergraduate at Univ .
24 Every man in her vicinity had found himself putting his best foot forward , and she had done wonders for the sartorial standards of the notoriously uncaring C1 division .
25 He had found himself trapped in a room with doors made up of huge , sliding slabs of rock all round it .
26 It is easy to see how the plot of We Did n't Mean To Go To Sea hatched , as he looked out into the distance and remembered a time when as a young man his anchor had dragged , and he had found himself sailing out to sea at night .
27 Buckmaster , who normally dominated a conversation , had found himself taken aback by the scale Morgan foresaw they would operate on .
28 One night he had found himself chuckling at the merry escapades of Mr Pickwick ; another night he had wept uncontrollably at the death of Little Nell .
29 He had realised as soon as he had employed Michael that he had found himself a kindred spirit .
30 He could n't quite believe he had found himself such a beautiful animal .
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