Example sentences of "[vb past] found [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd found myself in the company of two groups of schoolchildren between the ages of seven and thirteen who 'd come to take part in this year 's Young National Trust Theatre production , Two Nations , an exploration of the divisions existing in Victorian society .
2 SHe 'd found him in his workroom , staring moodily at the monitor screen .
3 At least I 'd found him .
4 Rab ushered her into the kitchen : he wondered how she 'd found him .
5 Mr Shepherd appeared in my office with my son — said he 'd found him roaming about the factory .
6 There she 'd found him alone — pretending to have forgotten it was Christmas — all the rest of the family having tactfully cried off .
7 On her return , she 'd found him entertaining several field officers from the nearby KOSB battalion .
8 ‘ I asked you if you 'd found him . ’
9 They 'd found him .
10 She watched in silence , her heart crying out to him , suddenly fearful that almost in the same moment that she 'd found him she had lost him , but without knowing why .
11 She 'd found him showered and changed into lightweight jeans and a white polo shirt and reading in the shade of the cloister-like gallery terrace that ran along the back of the house overlooking the gardens and the pool .
12 They 'd found them after five days , with Sandy 's parents hammering at Ted every minute of the time .
13 He 'd found them through an ad in Private Eye , and they always welcomed his business — but then , the tottering co-operative would welcome anybody 's business .
14 No longer would he have to pin all his hopes on the random burglaries that he 'd carried out in that first couple of days , none of which had turned up anything better than a shotgun or a low-calibre target weapon ; those were useless for his purpose , and he 'd left them where he 'd found them .
15 He 'd find that Way Out , but he would n't leave until he 'd found them again and sorted them out .
16 If Esmonde ever asked me how I enjoyed the evening 's ‘ specials ’ I could always say I 'd found them warm and soft ; comfortable to land on .
17 He clambered up and intercepted her at the kitchen door , enfolding her and drawing her in to his body so that his warmth flowed through to her , just as he had that day when he 'd found her on the beach , lost and afraid ; like him , a victim of the past .
18 He 'd found her , he said , and next day he 'd either lay siege to the place , or boldly batter on the door and ask for her hand in marriage — or at least her something else in something else !
19 I wondered where she 'd found one but I said nothing .
20 They 'd done it , too , the police , and they 'd found nothing
21 Even now he could n't stop himself from making a comic routine out of it : looking at his fingers , his face screwed up in disgust , pretending that he 'd found something unspeakably revolting in the depths of his pocket .
22 Morse seemed to think you 'd found something in the safe which Matthew regarded as a negotiable asset . ’
23 Something seemed to have excited them , they 'd found something on the foreshore .
24 She 'd found something else in Dane 's strong arms ; he 'd unleashed a longing , a need , not just for physical satisfaction , but for something far , far greater .
25 Instead , I 'd found something unlooked for that had changed the course of my entire life .
26 There had even been times when he 'd found himself imagining her with no clothes on at all — the way he had once seen Peggy Podmore — and felt the same keen desire well up in him .
27 And then , purely on impulse , Cardiff heard himself ask a crazy question , but a question that was no crazier than the situation he 'd found himself in of late , with people who vanished into and out of walls , the hideous death of four people , three of them his own men and a stalking monstrosity from the pages of a horror comic out there somewhere in the night … not to mention cars that just fell out of the sky .
28 He must have ordered them by telephone when he 'd found himself unable to contact her direct .
29 Earlier that very week , in fact , as he 'd filled up the Jaguar with Gulf-inflated gasoline , he 'd found himself surveying the display of the semi-pornographic magazines arranged along the highest shelf above the dailies ; and re-acquainted himself with such reasonably familiar titles as Men Only , Escort , Knave , Video XXXX , and so many others , each of them enticing the susceptible motorist with its cover of some provocatively posed woman , vast-breasted and voluptuous .
30 Miraculously , within a couple of minutes , he 'd found himself speaking to a woman he 'd kissed goodbye in the early May of 1944 — over forty-six years ago !
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