Example sentences of "[vb past] himself by " in BNC.

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1 The young man 's brother wrote to Lord Panmure to see if David could make the best of the situation in which he found himself by obtaining a midshipman 's place .
2 Anyway , Jacob said that he could do the job better and more quickly if he paced himself by singing a lively hymn called ‘ Keep in Step with the Master ’ .
3 He goaded himself by picturing the ageing President , grey-haired and frail .
4 Ravana captured Hanuman and set fire to his tail , but the monkey avenged himself by growing to the size of a giant and setting fire to the city .
5 He redeemed himself by sending over a good cross for P Reid to put the Olympic in front .
6 ‘ Harry not back yet ? ’ he asked , as he seated himself by the open fireplace .
7 Where or with whom James received his training is not known , but by 1783 he was established in London ; and in that year he announced himself by publishing a pamphlet on A Method of Constructing Vapour Baths , and began to exhibit at the Royal Academy .
8 John assured me that it did n't matter in the least , and amused himself by taxying the machine up and down the runways , testing and running-in the VW engine at the same time .
9 In the meantime he amused himself by feeding Dwarf captives to Gobbla , the enormous , malodorous and psychopathically vicious Cave Squig which he kept firmly chained to his left leg .
10 He sang aloud , in what he amused himself by imagining was a passable accent , ‘ Oh you tak the high road and I 'll tak the low .
11 Briefly with the SAS in the Second World War , he distinguished himself by being wholly ignorant of whether a wheel nut was to be undone clockwise or not .
12 Thucydides distinguished himself by transferring the real cause of the Peloponnesian War to the more impersonal fears inspired in the Peloponnesians by Athens .
13 During his time at Bristol he held one of the University 's Organ Scholarships based at St Paul 's Church , Clifton , and distinguished himself by winning most of the important prizes offered by the Royal College of Organists .
14 He displaced himself by two miles south .
15 His friend Dr Burney , not a Cambridge man , expressed similar concern at Smart 's lack of discretion : ‘ While he was the pride of Cambridge and the chief poetical ornament of that University , he ruined himself by returning the tavern treats of strangers who had invited him as a wit and an extraordinary personage , in order to boast of his acquaintance ’ .
16 Harry had adjourned to a small low-ceilinged pub in Broad Street to pass the interval , installed himself by the window , supped beer and watched the customers come and go : down-at-heel old soaks somewhat beyond his own position on the scale of decline ; and garrulous little knots of students with faces as downily naïve as their opinions were falsely wise .
17 On one level it is yet another accident , and on a second level it is inevitable , it must be so because it belongs here and nowhere else , as the foreign restaurant bill belongs to a novel about human birds of passage , and as the whistle belongs to a novel , in fact the only late Dostoevsky novel , with no children in it but haunted by the toys of absent innocence and peace : the governor of ‘ our province ’ where these crazy terrible events take place was disappointed in love as a young man and consoled himself by making a paper theatre with curtains , actors , audience , orchestra , conductor — the lot .
18 Rob consoled himself by dating several women before embarking on a six-week fling with Princess Stephanie .
19 Napoleon 's Number One Fan , who during Abel Gance 's film was accused by the man in the next seat of masturbating underneath his hat and splashing his wife , but who stoutly defended himself by saying that the unfortunate staining would never have happened if she had n't nudged him and thus dislodged the titfer from his lap .
20 Then the minister deigned to appear and defended himself by saying he had once come out to a stranger who called , but the man proved to be ‘ a little worth person ’ .
21 He resented the implied criticism , and defended himself by saying he merely gave her a book which he happened to have with him , rather than one he felt suitable for such a person .
22 Casting a look at the frightened filly , he hauled himself by tufts of grass back to the top of the caved-in bank .
23 Sardonic and chilling by turns , Joyce harangued a small and often antagonistic group of bystanders , protected himself by one or two stalwarts of the League .
24 He usually sneaked off to the lavatory and relieved himself by peeing and thinking of funerals .
25 The wretched man made his way to Brighton where after one bungled attempt he walked off the pier and killed himself by drowning .
26 The last remark is odd : her half-brother Charles certainly killed himself by jumping off a bridge , and it is unlikely that the deaths of her sisters ‘ Topsy ’ and ‘ Baby ’ were due to an accidental overdose of veronal .
27 On May 16th Dr Kevorkian was present when Ronald Mansur , who had terminal bone and lung cancer , killed himself by breathing carbon monoxide from a portable tank .
28 Developer conferences these days seem to harbour a deep-seated resentment of Microsoft and , unfortunately , Allchin is not the most charismatic senior executive that Microsoft could have fielded — frankly he killed himself by an overlong demo ( and let us not forget that Gates himself is probably the only competitor to Jobs ’ title of demo king ) that crashed a couple of times .
29 A computer manager sought by police for the murder of his wife and children apparently killed himself by walking into the sea .
30 He escaped the fire but later killed himself by jumping in front of a truck .
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