Example sentences of "[vb past] fall [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Jostling , thumping , grunting , slapping , guffawing , raspberrying as the lads from the nail factory got fell in .
2 He pointed back down the road to where his travelling companion was still approaching , having adopted a method of riding that involved falling out of the saddle every few seconds .
3 Then , her arms under his and locked on his chest , she 'd drag my father 's dead weight from wherever he 'd fallen over to the cushions .
4 I rushed him to hospital and the doctor asked how it was done and I said he 'd fallen over on the step .
5 As he did so , still lying there with his legs up on the chair he 'd fallen over , he started to over-balance to one side , towards Fergus .
6 He 'd fallen off there , Conker expertly dipping a shoulder as they 'd landed .
7 Then suddenly the bike stopped and before I knew what was happening , I 'd fallen off .
8 So it 's probably just as well that I did n't leap off in your boat because er even in this climate I , I could have ended up pretty cold and miserable especially if I 'd fallen in .
9 Word spread : Osvaldo had died of malaria ; he 'd been shot in the back by X. Ray ; he 'd fallen down a cliff .
10 Erm but I say there , there were a couple of erm objections that came up during the course of the conversation which really resulted because you , you 'd fallen down on the actual structure , but having said that then again there were two or three examples that you apacked and you got through very well and you , you recovered yourself well on that and , and I say really I think that 's er that 's covered most of the bits that , that I felt were , were there .
11 By the time I was 22 , I 'd run up nearly £4,000 in debt , and was beginning to fall behind with the payments because I rested sending money off to pay for clothes I 'd fallen out of love with .
12 that went out to erm making up argu , you know if you 'd fallen out with somebody you had to make up with them before the bells , and in fact what my granny did was to erm to empty the fire and to relay the fire for the new year
13 He 'd fallen out of the tree and the tiger was close somewhere just beyond the clearing .
14 They 'd fallen out and the Baroness had left their mansion and moved into modest rented accomodation at Docklow near Hereford .
15 and erm and that 's what erm , the teacher came and said she 'd fallen out of erm one of the , er I think she said bogeys or something ?
16 I said , anyway I said , I thought you 'd fallen out with Mandy .
17 With his free hand he started shaking his wallet until the money began to fall out on to the desk .
18 That autumn the barn at Yelton began to fall down .
19 As soon as he could discharge himself from hospital Hoppy returned to his command , briefed to harass the Japanese as they began to fall back .
20 Gradually they gained the upper hand and after almost a week of savage fighting the Germans began to fall back .
21 They began to fall back towards Ace and Petion , pausing where there was cover to shoot back at the Germans on the freighters or on the other side of the docks .
22 Having reached a price of $ 36 a barrel at the beginning of 1981 , oil prices began to fall in early 1982 and in April 1986 reached a low point of $ 10 a barrel .
23 Unfortunately , public interest then began to fall off and the sing was suspended from 1866 until 1894 , except for a special event to raise funds for new public baths for Holmfirth in 1887 .
24 That self-confidence had been acquired from the success of The Cocktail Party : it had opened in London in May 1950 , just a few months after the New York opening , and , although the audiences began to fall off in November , Sherek did not feel it necessary to close the play until February 1951 .
25 Standing there in the garden I prayed to fall down dead .
26 She rose slowly , awkwardly , cursing a head that felt so heavy that it threatened to fall off her shoulders , and sat up wincing .
27 She tried to resist , but as she struggled against him , the ridiculously scanty nightdress threatened to fall off her shoulders altogether , and embarrassment at her own state of undress forced her to make a grab for the material .
28 WHEN THE Generating Board had tired of its investigations in the Dorset hinterland and its tussles with the Cornish protesters , it decided to fall back on the one site in the West Country where it felt confident it could successfully build the second British Pressurized Water Reactor .
29 Back at home again I came down to breakfast one morning scratching my head and my hair started to fall out .
30 Lieutenant Treadwell a figure of fun and contempt to the real cops after his hair started falling out in tufts , earned his way back into Commander Moss ' good graces by authoring that portion of the Los Angeles Police Department manual which reads
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