Example sentences of "[vb past] the present " in BNC.

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1 In my Working Group 's recommendations for the teaching of literature we tried to balance the arguments for national unity with the need for a curriculum which respected the present cultural diversity of our society ( the same desire for unity and diversity underpins our recommendations on Standard English and dialects ) .
2 I had often marvelled at it , but it made the present disaster all the more unbearable .
3 Stravinsky had started composing Les Noces before 1913 and often played it toDiaghilev , gradually simplifying his ideas until it became the present cantata for voices , four pianos and percussion .
4 The real beginnings , however , were made in 1969 when a central cataloguing institute was set up in Rome , which became the present Istituto centrale per il catalogo e la documentazione ( ICCD ) when the Minstero per i Beni Culturali was founded .
5 Thus we designed the present experiments to investigate the effect of NO synthase inhibition on gall bladder muscular activity in vivo and in vitro .
6 With the larger numbers to be attained , attempts will be made to correlate our findings with various clinical features and environmental factors , to analyse the meaning of the association we described the present study .
7 It was Richard Bulwer who built the present Wood Dalling Hall in 1582 , at about the same time as his neighbour Henry Dynne was building the much larger Heydon Hall .
8 It was Robinson , an alderman of the city of York , who built the present Hall , as a home and , more importantly , as a place to entertain his fellow aldermen in style .
9 If families like this one were on the wrong side in the Civil War , their property was sequestered by Parliament , but it appears that John Long petitioned to have it restored as his inheritance in 1650 , and it was probably he who built the present house .
10 It was Moore 's son , also William , who probably built the present house , to match his desired image of the new country squire that he was .
11 Around 1876 Constance demolished the majority of the old foundry buildings , and built the present Camp Mill .
12 It was surrendered to the Crown in 1539 , and sold by Henry VIII to Lawrence Washington , who built the present house .
13 Eventually , he mentioned the present writer and suggested that I should be brought in on the matter as I had already knowledge of one or two other cases .
14 In 1871 , Josef Schulz restored it and created the present fantasy .
15 When the banks finally broke , the sea captured both arms of the river Rother , and created the present estuary south of Rye .
16 Like everyone else I talked to , he condemned the present education structure that encourages children to take A-level — a course that is simply not appropriate for many of those currently preparing for the exam .
17 He reconstructed the present land masses into a single super-continent called Pangaea and suggested that this had initially split into two continents , Gondwanaland ( Gondwana ) to the south and Laurasia to the north , before further rupture and drift resulted in the familiar shape and location of the continents today .
18 Close by , at SPY HILL , pentices were remembered by the late Mr Armer , who was a neighbour , and he told the present owner of his recollections .
19 On the situation in South Africa , the Council deplored the present phase of serious violence but welcomed " further indications … that the process of change already begun is going ahead " , and decided to lift its ban on new investments in South Africa [ see also p. 37910 ] .
20 Somewhat later came the present owner , John Matta , who now takes great pleasure in greeting Citalia guests and welcomes them on arrival with a gift of the wonderful Chianti Classico from his excellent cellars and offers them a typical Tuscan dinner at a reasonable price , which is taken most weeks in the castle 's impressive banqueting hall .
21 It seemed the present experiment was being abandoned as ineffective .
22 I have received with great satisfaction the loyal and dutiful expression of your thanks for the Speech with which I opened the present Session of Parliament .
23 Subsequently , he instituted the present friendly proceedings to test the legal position in regard to the rate at which the rent was payable .
24 Again , in discussing punctuated equilibria ( much or the initial impact of which depended on the assertion that Darwin had got things wrong ) it is not until after several pages that we are told ‘ It is at this stage entertaining to realise ’ that Darwin ‘ anticipated the present debate ’ .
25 Netherlandish Drawings is the culmination of years of research conducted by Felice Stampfle , Charles W. Engelhard Curator Emeritus of Drawings and Prints at the Morgan Library , who headed the department from 1945 to 1984 , and began the present volume after her retirement .
26 In the late seventeenth century too the main road from London to Aberystwyth did not pass through Oxford but followed the present minor road ( B4027 ) to the north , via Islip and Woodstock to Enstone and then via the modern A34 to Stratford-on-Avon .
27 The Society 's 33rd Annual General Meeting followed the present policy of ‘ going out and about ’ and was held at Hounslow Manor School , Middlesex on Saturday 27th April .
28 Such measures constituted the present Government 's heritage , when it took office in 1979 .
29 It was therefore natural that it should have been Braque who solved the present problem , largely a technical one , of finding a new , easier means of representing the new concepts of pictorial form and space in all their fullness and complexity .
30 Notwithstanding the views that have found favour with others I consider this to be a reasonable construction of the statutory provisions and I am comforted in the fact that , apart from an attempt to tax airline employees , which was taken to the special commissioners who decided in favour of the taxpayer , this has been the practice of the Inland Revenue in applying the relevant words where they have occurred in the Income Tax Acts for so long as they have been in force , until they initiated the present cases .
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