Example sentences of "[vb past] as minister " in BNC.

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1 Lewis Silkin succeeded as Minister and it is largely through his influence that New Towns in Britain gained their significant role in post-war planning .
2 Although Traherne held the living of Credenhill until his death in 1674 , it is not clear for how long he actually acted as minister there .
3 A Bundestag member from 1949 to 1983 , during the CDU/CSU/SPD " grand coalition " ( 1966-69 ) he served as Minister for All-German Affairs .
4 Mihnea Marmeliuc , who returned as Minister of Labour and Social Security ( a post he had held in the NSF provisional government in January-June 1990 ) , immediately after his nomination was disowned by his National Liberal Party ( the second largest opposition party in parliament after the Hungarian Democratic Union ) ; the NLP had called a week before the reshuffle for the creation of an all-party coalition government .
5 On July 31 , 1989 , Bernard Valcourt pleaded guilty in Edmundston , New Brunswick , to a charge of impaired driving due to the effects of alcohol , and resigned as Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs and as Minister responsible for Canada Post .
6 Maneka Gandhi resigned as Minister of State for Environment and Forests on Oct. 26 [ for her appointment to the post in December 1989 see p. 37125 ] .
7 On March 28 , 1990 , Ervin Knowles resigned as Minister of Agriculture , Trade and Industry after being accused by members of the parliamentary opposition of corruption and nepotism in his role as chairman of the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation ( BAIC ) .
8 However , on Dec. 17 he resigned as Minister without Portfolio in Kohl 's Cabinet and as deputy leader of the CDU ( although not as a Bundestag member ) .
9 Marilies Flemming resigned as Minister for the Environment , Youth and Family Affairs on Feb. 27 when it was revealed that she had not fully declared all her sources of income before taking office 1990 .
10 Erwin Knowles resigned as Minister of Agriculture , Trade and Industry in March , and a Cabinet reshuffle was announced on Sept. 16 [ see below ; for full Cabinet list as of November 1990 see p. 37817 ] .
11 K. Ramamurthy resigned as Minister of State ( independent charge ) for Labour on July 29 after accusing Rao of failing to solve a dispute between the neighbouring southern states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka over the sharing of the waters of the Cauvary River .
12 Maneka Gandhi resigned as Minister of State for Environment and Forests in October [ see p. 37774 ] .
13 In January 1990 Meechai Ruchupan resigned as Minister attached to the Prime Minister 's Office [ see p. 37188 ] .
14 Aringo 's departure from the government was followed by several ministerial resignations , most notably that of Mwai Kibaki , who resigned as Minister of Health on Dec. 26 .
15 Rafael Eitan resigned as Minister of Agriculture on Dec. 24 in protest at Likud 's opposition to proposals for the direct election of the Prime Minister ; the Likud central committee had voted by a large majority on Dec. 23 against the direct election of the Prime Minister .
16 The Tehiya leader Yuval Ne'eman resigned his post as Minister of Science and Energy and Moledet leader Rehavam Ze'evi resigned as Minister without Portfolio , with effect from Jan. 21 .
17 On the same day Eeva Kuuskoski resigned as Minister for Social Affairs and Health and was replaced by Jorma Huuhtanen .
18 Etienne Goyemido resigned as Minister of Primary , Secondary and Technical Education and of Youth and Sports on May 2 in protest at the dismissal of four teachers and a watchman .
19 Helaf Orbis Ali resigned as Minister of Labour on Aug. 26 and announced that he was leaving the ruling Popular Rally for Progress ( RPP ) to join the United Opposition Front ( UOF ) — an umbrella group including members of the parliamentary opposition and the opposition guerrilla Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy ( FRUD ) .
20 Garga Hamam Adji resigned as Minister of Public Service on Aug. 27 , alleging that investigations into the financial dealings of certain ministers had been suppressed ; Adjoudji Hamadjoda , Minister of Livestock , was assigned temporary responsibility for the ministry .
21 The only minister who actually lost a vote of no confidence ( by 74 to 23 ) was Arnis Kalnins , who resigned as Minister of Economic Reform , having been criticized for his inability to conduct the restructuring of the economy along free market lines .
22 Her portfolio was allocated to Cisse Khaidama Mariam Youba Sidibe who continued as Minister of Planning and International Co-operation .
23 Changes since May were : Bufi , hitherto Minister of Nutrition , replaced Fatos Nano as Chair of Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) ; Pashko replaced Leontjev Cuci as Minister of the Economy and was also appointed Deputy Chair ; Teta replaced Ndricim Karakacias Minister of Defence ; Bajram Yzeiri replaced Hujredin Shyn as Minister of Public Order ; Shefqet Muci replaced Fatmir Zaloshnja as Minister of Justice ; Ruli replaced Anastas Angjeli as Minister of Finance ; Misja replaced as Minister of Industry Vilson Ahmeti who replaced Bufi as Minister of Nutrition ; Nano replaced Shane Korbeci as Minister of Foreign Economic Relations ; Agim Mero replaced Gavrosh Pogace as Minister of Domestic Trade and Tourism ; Fatos Bitincka replaced Kostandin Hoxha as Minister of Transport ; Prec Zogaj replaced Mojkom Zeqo as Minister of Culture , Youth and Sports ; Alfred Karamuko replaced Bujar Kolaneci as Chair of State Control Commission .
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