Example sentences of "[vb past] been operating " in BNC.

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1 Australia was also forced to take a stand on drift-netting when the establishment of the Australian Fishing Zone in 1979 brought under Australian jurisdiction a Taiwanese drift fleet that had been operating , since the mid 1970s , in what had previously been international waters in the Timor and Arafura Seas off northern Australia .
2 Although a dozen or more Japanese drift-netters had been operating in the Tasman Sea for the previous 5 years , their presence had practically gone unnoticed .
3 To hear Joan Marsdon talking of the PAT ( Pets as Therapy ) work she has done with her dogs Bewey , Chrissy and Beth , you would think she had been operating all her life .
4 An agricultural relief committee was established in 1983 by a handful of young agricultural engineers , some of whom had already been working with ‘ the voluntary work committees ’ , a network of skilled and unskilled workers which had been operating since the mid-1970s .
5 He had discussed this with a certain Colonel Hazelden who had been operating as an agent in the Tobruk area .
6 The nucleus of the new squadron was provided mainly by ‘ C ’ Flight of 261 Squadron , the unit 's ground component being provided by the latter unit and by 1430 Flight , an army co-operation unit which had been operating in Italian East Africa until the previous month , when the main campaign there had been satisfactorily completed .
7 In order for the agreement to stick , no single firm must break ranks , encouraged by the prospect of greater market share by lowering its price , or else a free-for-all may develop producing a competitive price , as if the market had been operating smoothly .
8 Nurses also pointed out that in the initial panic after Mr. Turner 's remarks , the centre had been operating illegally by locking patients in the unit .
9 It had been operating a Ro-Ro service from inside the locks and undoubtedly was responsible for the major part of the heavy goods vehicle traffic .
10 In the two years they had been operating , Stephen had taught her never to lose her temper with the guests , however unreasonable , but to try to win them over .
11 In 1984–5 , most of the courses in all institutions had been running for less than five years , though about a third of courses in Colleges , including nearly half the B Ed Primary courses had been operating in the way described for more than five years .
12 Since the approach was fairly new to all interviewed ( none had been operating it for more than nine months ) the responses may have more to do with expectations than experience , but nevertheless they serve to sketch out the potential of the care programme approach to affect every aspect of mental health care , for good or ill .
13 This significant increase in industrial concentration through merger activity would not have been possible if the government had been operating a tough anti-merger policy .
14 The freeing of political parties in March 1990 led to the formation of numerous new parties and the emergence as official opposition of some of those which had been operating within the FNDR .
15 A number of Israeli media reports in June mentioned that a Palestinian political party , the Palestine National Unity Party ( PNUP ) or Hizb al-Ittihad al-Watani al-Falastini , had been operating secretly in the occupied territories since mid-1989 .
16 I 'm firmly convinced that if we had been operating under the old style of management , making a consensus decision , the clinicians would have got to their clinical representative and said there 's no way we want that — we want everything twice as big and gold-plated taps because patients will die , etc. , and their rep would say , " I 'm sorry but it 's completely unacceptable to my colleagues ' .
17 According to the price inflation version of the Phillips curve , we must of necessity infer that the economy had been operating at a level of demand which was consistent with an unemployment rate U * ; in Figure 6.6 .
18 The SAAF had been operating Dakotas since June 1943 , with a total of 58 on charge , flying principally from southern Africa to North Africa and then into Italy .
19 Before considering how events developed , it is important to clarify in whose interests the system had been operating .
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