Example sentences of "[vb past] been run " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Er weddin' dress 'ad been run up for 'er by Mrs Stuart that 'ad only just give up 'er job workin' for a dressmaker in Shoreditch .
2 Rayleen did n't find anything else broken , though she seemed convinced I 'd been run over by a steamroller .
3 Since their mother 's death it had been run by Maggie , with bits of help from Mona and Sheila .
4 The report lists ‘ many faults ’ inherent in the way the railway had been run for several years .
5 Its $25m reserve fund had been run down to around $8m after auditors , following a takeover of Heritage in October , found $13m missing from Heritage 's tills .
6 The Central Policy Review Staff , or ‘ Think Tank ’ , which had been run by the polymath Lord Rothschild to supply Edward Heath with independent ideas and inject new life into strategic thought , was an early casualty .
7 This might have resulted from their experience of two courses that had been run successfully during those hours .
8 From London to Glasgow , from Cardiff to Newcastle , historic buildings have been restored and areas which had been run down have been transformed .
9 It made its first journey in 1883 but by the 1960s had been run down to an ordinary train .
10 While you were missing , I had to deal with a dog that had been run over . ’
11 In the late nineteenth century , debts had been run up due to the club moving premises twice , plus a falling-off of spectators .
12 From the beginning Jarrad had been run by the same directors as Jesner and run in good faith in what the directors perceived to be in the family 's interest .
13 Bucknor came under fire on Thursday when he gave Jonty Rhodes not out without consulting a third umpire with access to television replays — which clearly showed the South African had been run out .
14 This historic search of 1959 was an assignment to find a Chief Executive for ITT , the powerful but then rather dormant telephone equipment corporation , which had been run by a dynasty of ex-service leaders .
15 In the face of falling demand for its Intel Corp i860 RISC compilers , The Portland Group , Wilsonville , Oregon , has shut its European office in Reading , Berkshire , which had been run down to two employees .
16 This was the shop which had been run by Eb 's Aunt Emily ever since she was widowed , thirty years earlier .
17 It had been run nose-first into the boat house where it lay like a huge , sleek beast in an undersized pen , the deep V of the forward end tucked under the gallery on which the three of them were standing .
18 He felt his skin tingle , he felt the fine hair all along his spine react as if a low current had been run through him .
19 ‘ It would n't have happened if the prison had been run more efficiently , ’ Fairham snapped .
20 She blinked and looked demurely down at the grey and red carpet which squelched across the floor like a rabbit that had been run over by a lorry .
21 When Daine had first come to the City , he had — I knew for a fact — taken over a large proportion of the vice business that had been run by Paul Muni , a mobster whose empire had fallen thanks mainly to the investigative efforts and single-mindedness of — you guessed it — criminologist Claude Rains .
22 Ten years earlier , on the Saturday afternoon of the Golden Jubilee Review , seventy-two special trains had been run into Aldershot without interrupting the usual flow of traffic .
23 Until the mid-eighties Denmark Farm had been run as an intensive stock farm which , inevitably , had produced a degraded environment for wildlife — wet meadows and marshes drained ; traditional hay meadows ploughed and reseeded to rye grass ; all wild corners cleared ; and an old orchard , hedgerow and two-acre bluebell wood grubbed out .
24 I gave myself a brisk tub down with a towel — when I saw it in daylight it looked as though it had been run over by a lorry on a muddy building site — and changed every stitch of clothing .
25 According to Gawley , Dunlop had agreed to make alterations to the gear box immediately after the North West race but he added : ‘ When I got to the pits at the North West immediately after the 125 class had been run off , I saw the bike lying there with no-one attending to it .
26 Since then the city had been run by an interim commissioner .
27 Franco had nominally held this post himself since October 1940 , but , for all practical purposes , the Ministry had been run by José Lorente Sanz , one of Serrano 's trusted protégés .
28 Most of this made its way to the government , so that by February 1797 it had been run down to less than a sixth of this level .
29 In the last 12 months , as well as losing a number of small commercial businesses the town has lost it 's fish shop which had been run by the Crudgington family for more than a century .
30 Mr Ackerman stressed that in the five years the 20-pupil day school had been run by the Mannafields Christian Education Association at Carberry , near Musselburgh , East Lothian , no pupil had been punished in this way .
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