Example sentences of "[vb past] from experience " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ I ’ and the ‘ me ’ ( p. 247 ) are likewise structures excerpted and narratized from experience .
2 No longer a matter of distribution across a norm , of statistics and probability , ‘ normality ’ itself is simply a common-sense , inclusive definition of what it is to be human , with wider boundaries redefined from experience .
3 He bustled her back to the Land Rover and raided the squad 's provision box which he knew from experience would contain thick sandwiches and hot nourishing drinks .
4 His fate would depend entirely upon her mood , which he knew from experience could shift and change in the winking of an eye .
5 The sleeping pills had left her feeling groggy ; she knew from experience that unless she rose immediately on waking , she would feel drugged throughout the day .
6 She knew from experience that he took everything seriously .
7 The violence , Nails knew from experience , would be directed at himself .
8 This was one of several useful myths propagated by the men who overthrew Ceauşescu , but was widely believed by Romanians , who knew from experience that Romania housed thousands of young , unattached Arab ‘ students ’ .
9 And I knew from experience that in the ten to fourteen days during wastage of muscle tissue prior to an operation , a patient should normally suffer intense pain almost every hour of every one of those days .
10 It was cruel , of course , to bring someone of Estabrook 's age out on a cold day , and make him climb a hill , but Gentle knew from experience you took whatever satisfactions you could along the way .
11 Some other students — but he knew from experience that his mother would want all the details , and he clearly remembered the time he had slipped out for an evening to meet a girl the only girl he had ever really liked .
12 She knew from experience that if she started a conversation with the girls about anything other than business , it could go on for ever , and Christina did not have time to listen to Todney 's domestic problems this morning .
13 Gusev knew from experience that sooner or later something would emerge and give the vital clue .
14 But she knew from experience that it was as dangerous for policemen to speak honestly to the public as for members of the royal family .
15 Although she did not seem to be listening , Dexter knew from experience that she would remember everything important he had told her .
16 But he knew from experience it was often best with Blanche simply to answer a question she asked rather than seek to question why she posed it .
17 Being poor , she knew from experience , did not necessarily mean being without taste .
18 After a hasty meal we assembled all hands , distributed torches and rummage equipment and set to with forced enthusiasm , as we knew from experience that often these hot suspect ships had been hammered unmercifully by a succession of rummage crews at every arrival , besides which we were not feeling at our best .
19 She saw that Hilda 's hands were on her hips , and she knew from experience that this was a danger signal , but she went on , unintimidated .
20 She wanted to jump straight up from this padded and sheet-covered bench , once her blood donation was completed , and go up to Labour and Delivery to see , or at least hear about , Faye , but she knew from experience that giving blood left her drained and tired , and giving two hundred and fifty mils extra tonight would really sap her physical resources .
21 And although Theodora could think of no more innocent errand then her own , she knew from experience what a very long time the police require to digest even simple facts .
22 Fran had only been to the luxurious floating restaurant a couple of times , but knew from experience that the food was excellent and very expensive .
23 He really was a most exceptionally handsome man , but she knew from experience that it was all on the surface .
24 She knew from experience how , when anyone heard you were a vet , they immediately began discussing their own pets and their various problems .
25 He spoke from experience .
26 I spoke from experience of how a common commitment to God 's plan can shake both black and white into reality — ‘ not the white man 's plan , nor the black man 's ; not British or Rhodesian .
27 He said from experience that in using an agency it was extremely difficult to get even a small number of carers , quote , you know who is coming when they arrive through the door , unquote .
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