Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] clear " in BNC.

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31 They agreed , although they made it clear that they were not prepared to involve William or Harry in the exercise .
32 In a step-by-step assault on the softly-softly approach to Europe being peddled by Downing Street , the former Conservative cabinet minister also made it clear that Mrs Thatcher 's hard-line opposition to the concept of monetary union with the other 11 EC nations was jeopardising the chances of London becoming the base for a European central bank .
33 He also made it clear that he will not be participating in the all-weather racing .
34 In the slow introduction Tennstedt made it clear that this was to be a reading of high , dramatic contrasts , and that led to an account of the Vivace which with its sprung rhythms kept relaxing into pastoral moments without loss of pace or power .
35 Yesterday Mr Clarke again made it clear that the 9 per cent offer was final , and continued to attack the TUC unions — particularly the National Union of Public Employees and the unions ' chief negotiator , Mr Roger Poole .
36 Mr Gow made it clear that he was not referring to small men in any literal sense .
37 But having politely listened to Mrs Thatcher 's remarks and having promised to pay due attention to Whitehall 's alternative strategy , the summit made it clear that their strategy for monetary union would broadly follow the blueprint laid down .
38 Several prime ministers made it clear that they would want to see a radical extension of the Community powers and resources to help poorer regions and social groups as they moved to monetary union .
39 Although Mrs Thatcher 's opposition will prevent the declaration having any legal force , the Commission President , Mr Jacques Delors , made it clear he would be coming forward with detailed proposals on a range of minimum social rights for workers in the 1992 single market over the next 12 months — some of which would have binding legal force throughout the Community .
40 There were fears that the army would take over after Gen Zia died in an unexplained air crash , but Gen Beg made it clear that he favoured holding the elections that brought Benazir Bhutto to power .
41 Mr Roger Poole , chief union negotiator , accused Mr Clarke , of sabotaging the talks after the statement made it clear that the 9 per cent 18 month offer would not be improved .
42 The changes made it clear that it was Bjelke-Petersen , rather than Her Majesty , who was at fault .
43 However , the Icelandic Foreign Minister and president of the EFTA Council , Mr Jon Baldvin Hannibalsson , made it clear that EFTA wants parity with the EC in deciding all new directives .
44 They did not threaten me personally , but they made it clear that they could kill us all .
45 However Mr Olsen made it clear that the company had no intention of allowing its stake to fall below 50 per cent .
46 Department of Justice officials made it clear that they still see the pursuit of Gen Noriega as a criminal case .
47 When they met this month , Mr Kohl made it clear that he wanted an agreement on EMU that does not oblige Britain to accept a single currency before it is ready to do so .
48 Although Kuwait , without oil revenues and faced with a tremendous rebuilding task , is said to be short of ready cash , the ambassador made it clear that his country is keen on buying the RTC 's interest in both the Phoenician and Crescent hotels ( another Keating project ) .
49 Last August Australia sent three naval ships to the Gulf ; Bob Hawke , the prime minister , made it clear in December that they would be put under American operational control and could well see combat .
50 The company also made it clear that it would stretch every resource to meet ministry demands , regardless of its new commercial status .
51 So Mr Li made it clear that the state will go on bailing out the inefficient state-owned juggernauts , as well as subsidising a range of things from rice to city rents .
52 In Washington this week Mr Ozal made it clear that he does not want either a Kurdish state or a divided Iraq .
53 He felt that , with a wife and child to support , he should be paid what he was worth , and he made it clear that he was not prepared to give in when he thought he had a good case .
54 We made it clear that what we wanted was a better social security system and not just a cheaper one .
55 Both Ken Clarke and my special adviser Nicholas True made it clear that a good speech was ‘ needed ’ at the Party Conference in Blackpool .
56 When I spoke I made it clear that I intended to do something about the position of the ‘ early leavers ’ and that I thought it right that people should not suffer if they transferred their pension from one job to another .
57 Other leading figures of the party made it clear that they share his sentiments .
58 This is no longer a requirement , because decisions in the nineteenth century made it clear that rape can be committed whenever the woman does not consent — is asleep , for example , or too drunk to consent .
59 After other speeches condemning Ian Paisley , Terence O'Neill rose and delivered a long statement in which he made it clear that he regarded the defeat of Ian Paisley as a central part of his reforming Unionism .
60 In an astonishing verbal assault on the justice administration and on the civil service , Hitler — allegedly voicing the exact sentiments of a great proportion of the population — made it clear whom he thought the main culprits were , and threatened to remove their privileged position and ‘ well-established rights ’ and to dismiss offenders instantaneously .
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