Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] preparing " in BNC.

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1 Ron said that he 'd been preparing an obituary of Lord Mountbatten for some time , that Mountbatten had somehow got wind of it and had approached the BBC with a view to taking part .
2 I had been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , he typed , as Harsnet had written .
3 I had been preparing myself for as long as I can remember , preparing myself ( though I did not always realize it ) from the day that I was born , preparing myself , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , but always aware of the dangers of beginning too soon .
4 Narasimhan Ram , associate editor of The Hindu , a Madras-based daily , said at a press conference that it had been preparing to publish documents about the £550m Bofors contract to supply the Indian army with 155mm howitzers .
5 The Havards arrived at The Kilns , Maureen played tennis with them , swam with them and provided them with the sandwiches and cakes which she and her mother had been preparing all day .
6 On a distant Tory bench Cranley Onslow , the chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee , had been preparing to intervene .
7 I think it must have been left by workmen who had been preparing the crypt for the disposal of some saintly relic or the body of a recently deceased priest .
8 In the few minutes that he had been preparing dinner , the water drippng from his clothes had formed a pool round his feet .
9 In Arequipa I had watched women in the church of Santo Domingo giggle happily as they dressed the Virgin for a procession ; , behaving much as if they had been preparing a girl for a wedding , not a poor girl though , rather one Velasquez might be called upon to paint .
10 Perhaps in their very silences Marcus had been preparing him , feeding him somehow with his thoughts , with the quality of his deepest reflections .
11 They had been preparing for a raid themselves the next day ; a big raid ; five galleys of men , gathered in Arivegaig ready to board the ships in the dawn .
12 While John Paul Jones had been captivating the ladies of Paris the French government had been preparing for the most serious attack on England since the Dutch incursion into the Medway .
13 Mrs Frizzell had been feeling that victory in this verbal exchange was hers and had been preparing to leave the garden .
14 Richard , of course , had been preparing for some such move .
15 It had also been discovered that ANT , which had since been closed down , had been preparing other illegal export deals worth nearly US$900,000,000 involving items including valuable metals , uncut diamonds and classified aviation equipment .
16 The Interior Ministry announced on May 22 that increasing unrest was the preliminary stage of a military coup which the banned Islamic fundamentalist Nahda movement had been preparing since 1988 .
17 In anticipation of this , and at a time when the economy was already in grave crisis as a result of the US economic embargo , the collapse of trade with eastern Europe ( currently down by an estimated 90 per cent ) and poor sugar harvests , the Cuban government had been preparing the population for worse times ahead .
18 Retirement is one of the few moments which a politician can choose with deliberation and Baldwin had been preparing for it for months , if not for years .
19 The family had been preparing for months .
20 For a long time the industrious Bavarians had been preparing for such an attack .
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