Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] enthusiasm " in BNC.

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1 I do not know what purpose the meeting served in persuading Wapping of the merits of our plan , but it did enable me for the first and only time to see the terrain on which we were working and reinforced my enthusiasm to kill the committee at the earliest possible moment .
2 Its academic success had been such that it had become progressively less progressive , its original zeal swamped by the fee-paying prosperous solid Northern conservatism of parents and offspring : it had become a bastion of respectability , its one-time principles upheld by stray survivors like Doddridge , who appeared blithely not to notice that at election time the entire school , with one or two flamboyant exceptions , howled its enthusiasm for the Tory Party .
3 The traditional complaint of consumers — who in Belfast supermarkets this week demonstrated their enthusiasm for cheaper beef — is that they pay twice for the beef mountain .
4 Like other intellectuals of his time , such as Isaac Newton , he retained his enthusiasm for investigating curious phenomena .
5 Herbert caught his enthusiasm for the idea .
6 It was not only her matching handbag and high-heeled shoes which fired my enthusiasm .
7 Together they allowed their enthusiasm to formulate seemingly perfect reasons to be called The Smiths .
8 The new government quickly showed its enthusiasm for the private medical sector which was growing rapidly in 1979 , and in 1980 Gerard Vaughan , Minister of Health , expressed the belief that it might grow to around one quarter of the size of the NHS .
9 A gardener for 62 years , Mr. Wakeford on this occasion turned his enthusiasm to wild flowers .
10 It was his next appointment in March 1904 , to the embassy in Constantinople , which fired his enthusiasm for the Middle East and settled the subsequent course of his brief but eventful life .
11 Clearly he is a man who , on the night in question allowed his enthusiasm for sex to overcome normal behaviour . ’
12 The beauty and novelty of the scenery , the luxuriance of the shrubs and above all the originality of the Natives has astonished them beyond description , and so raised their enthusiasm that they seem scarcely to have felt the labour and fatigue of ascending high mountains or traversing deep glens and ravines , in fact so many wonders in the shape of animal creation have sprung up , as it were before them , that their imaginations have been kept in one continued state of delighted excitement .
13 Kurt Huber , managing director , expressed his enthusiasm for the project by saying , ‘ the Clayton Aniline Company has played its part in the life of this area for well over 100 years … and this is a further demonstration of our continuing support and commitment to the community of East Manchester ’ .
14 His critics accused his work of lacking in realism , but this did not lessen his popularity with those readers who enjoyed his enthusiasm for romance and adventure .
15 ‘ I never gave up ; it was positive thinking and I never lost my enthusiasm .
16 ‘ I never gave up ; it was positive thinking and I never lost my enthusiasm .
17 Though viewed by many as a relic of the 1890s , she never lost her enthusiasm for new artistic trends .
18 Some thought that far too many opulent and now half-empty movie palaces had been built for the elusive fashionable trade whilst others detected a more general dulling of the palate as the masses lost their enthusiasm for the old stories and seemed all too ready for something new .
19 ‘ Boy labour ’ in all spheres was a transient period of employment , and even in the more essential areas of work boys would lose their jobs — whether as ‘ nippers ’ or ‘ handy lads ’ in factories , or as van boys and messenger boys — when they reached early maturity and lost their enthusiasm for boyish wages .
20 In modern Britain sport has been one of the ways that men have kept themselves apart , defined their own territory , and indulged their enthusiasms .
21 Another poet , Virgil Teodorescu , combined his enthusiasm for both birthday celebrants , claiming they were ‘ the historical couple whose existence merges with the country 's destiny . ’
22 Charles , in the meantime , would invite people who he knew shared his enthusiasms to keep him company .
23 On the Glomar Challenger , and back on shore , Hall met others who shared his enthusiasm for the ocean floor .
24 He highlighted the importance of a well thought out training programme , and clearly shared his enthusiasm for running and his intentions for Barcelona .
25 Muni 's interest , however , would have come to nothing if there were not men at the studios who shared his enthusiasm for this potentially explosive subject .
26 In the Congo he had hunted big game for the first time and in Abyssinia he took every opportunity to do so , and conveyed his enthusiasm to me when I was only a small boy .
27 A clear , confident speaker , who kept his head up and conveyed his enthusiasm to the audience .
28 On other occasions , both before and shortly after that visit , you made work which revealed your enthusiasm for other American interests : its space programme , its fashion , Detroit , Kennedy and Hollywood .
29 ‘ I wish I shared your enthusiasm for change . ’
30 Not every-one shared our enthusiasm for Sheldrake 's proposition .
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