Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] period " in BNC.

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1 Thus was introduced the time when the Created God ceased to be produced solely from all that was good in the struggle for existence , and entered the period , still going on , when mankind itself began to influence the nature of that God .
2 Bede regarded the period after the death of King Aldfrith — that is , beginning with the reign of Osred — as one in which the monastic life was abused by laymen .
3 Second , the 20 years from the mid-fifties provided a period of only marginal differences in programmes both from election to election and between the parties .
4 Alfonso entered a period of personal success which nearly eclipsed El Cid for some two years .
5 From about 1860 the European agricultural sector entered a period of crisis in which the baleful influence of the backward Prussian agricultural system and its links with the politics of the Prussian east were made abundantly clear : the mechanisms which the Junkers managed to hide from the German populace were at last revealed .
6 Their social position also appeared to suffer a decline as education entered a period of crisis .
7 The ‘ Golden Age ’ of English agriculture was over ; after the 1860s it entered a period of decline from which it was not to recover until the Second World War .
8 The gap was re-opened with a vengeance by events after 1978 , when ‘ the North-South divide ’ entered a period of widening on most economic and political measures .
9 The Yugoslav federation entered a period of severe political crisis in mid-March , following the violent suppression on March 9 of an anti-communist demonstration in Belgrade , the federal capital and capital of Serbia , largest and most influential of the six republics in the federation .
10 With the election of the former UDF leader , Zhelev , as President in August 1990 and the formation of a coalition government headed by a non-party political Prime Minister ( Dimitur Popov ) in December [ see p. 37923 ] , Bulgarian domestic politics entered a period of relative stability .
11 The process of European integration entered a period of stagnation which lasted until the European Monetary System [ EMS ] came into being in March 1979 .
12 The original draft Section 50 proposed a period of 9 years from the commencement of the housing development in which the Regional Council would have an option to acquire the school site .
13 The course at No. 1 Parachute Training School at Ringway involved a period of initial practice on a variety of ground-training apparatus .
14 Locke , John ( 1632–1704 ) An English philosopher who in the context of his time ( and of his own life which involved a period of exile ) was a clear defender of toleration and free enquiry .
15 Hungary lost much foreign creditor confidence as a consequence of the general deterioration in its economic performance just as it approached a period when it needed substantial foreign loans to service its debts , finance its convertible currency account deficit and replenish hard currency reserves .
16 On the other hand , for Heraclitus it signified the period of the world from its formation to its destruction and rebirth .
17 A judicial reform passed by parliament on Nov. 19 reduced the period for which suspects could be held in custody before being brought to trial and allowed them access to a lawyer during questioning .
18 Then came the period when I used to hang out a lot just with DeFries and we 'd drive down to David and Angie 's place in Beckenham , Haddon Hall , on Sundays , and Angie would cook and we 'd sit around .
19 Ross Pope , who wrote to me from Chichester , recalled the period from 1916 to 1920 when the family lived at Putney Hill .
20 Thirty five children received a period of nutritional treatment ( 4 total parenteral nutrition , 31 nasogastric tube feeding ) .
21 Though state medicine suffered a period of retrenchment in the closing decades of the nineteenth century , medical research enlarged its scope and sphere of influence .
22 After the dramatic crowning of Charles — the first and last time that a pope paid homage to the new Emperors of the West — came a period of reinforcement of his new status .
23 The best that can be said of his success on that occasion is that it postponed the period of uncertainty that a split in the party would bring .
24 The UN General Assembly approved by consensus on Feb. 23 the first international plan to combat illegal drug production and consumption ( estimated by the UN to be worth US$500,000 million a year ) and declared the period 1991-2000 the UN Decade Against Drug Abuse .
25 Something was happening in Britain that allowed the period to be plausibly described , both at the time and later , as permissive .
26 Phase two envisaged a period to regroup and resupply , with phase three coming into force immediately the main battle started on 23 October .
27 The abolition of excise duty in 1853 heralded a period of growth and prosperity for the soap industry .
28 Good fortune was with the government : world economic conditions improved and heralded a period of sustained growth in industrial output and trade .
29 In a farewell speech on Aug. 28 , Pöhl warned that the German economy faced a period of considerable difficulty , as rising inflation compounded the already serious problems of funding the necessary investment surge in the east of the country after unification , and as the social transfer costs in the east continued to mount .
30 This allowed a period of one year for information on deaths to emerge .
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