Example sentences of "[coord] allow for " in BNC.

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1 And he claimed that Nuclear Electric can never test for every possible accident or allow for human error .
2 The critics argued that some cut-back or restraint in spending or provision was necessary , both to fund tax cuts and allow for the concentration of resources on the most needy .
3 If the party now announced it was going to introduce real democracy by giving England her rightful representation this would cause a sensation , sweep aside the pat-ball politics and allow for the start of serious thinking about the future of the UK .
4 Policies must be flexible , and allow for extensive experimentation in new forms of rural economic activity .
5 Check the number and position of points and allow for your additional requirements ; check the lighting points and allow for extras and alterations in your costs .
6 Check the number and position of points and allow for your additional requirements ; check the lighting points and allow for extras and alterations in your costs .
7 The head , in promoting the discussion and holding the ‘ overview ’ of developments across the school as a whole , will be aware that there are many different possible patterns , ranging from a simple ‘ lesson-a-week ’ pattern to a more complex planned programme which might ( for example ) integrate music into a thematic project or topic , and allow for an ‘ intensification period ’ at the end of term ( say for the children to build up to a performance ) .
8 More advanced expert system tools have a greater range of construction and testing facilities and allow for very sophisticated representation of problems , but at much greater investment cost and technical requirement .
9 So the majority of golfers are best advised simply to judge the wind conditions and allow for them in their choice of club and aim .
10 If there is n't , ask what is a realistic period in which you can expect your accounts to be paid , add a margin of 50 per cent and allow for this in your profit margins and liquidity levels .
11 For a test piece cast on the usual 60 stitches and allow for 30 stitches at the centre and three groups of five stitches at each side to form a curve .
12 To overcome this problem and allow for differences in the industry-mix between different countries industrial relations at industry level also need to be taken into account .
13 We test this hypothesis in the most conservative way , by testing the viability of an absorption model with the maximum chance of succeeding : we assume neutral rather than partially ionized hydrogen so that absorption is maximum , and allow for very soft X-ray spectra .
14 Thus , the assessment of need must be coupled with consideration of recruitment practices , training and staff management systems which take account of both daily and weekly distribution and allow for peaks and troughs throughout the year arising from annual leave and training activity .
15 In other words , they assign a special status to ‘ scientific understanding ’ and allow for political engagement in the form of ‘ theoretical practice ’ .
16 A bare majority of the High Court of Australia has held that the burden lies upon the plaintiff to prove lack of such care ; but the contrary arguments of the minority seem more convincing in principle and allow for the grave difficulties facing a plaintiff with the task of proving negligence against the supplier of a public utility such as gas or electricity .
17 Position the track at least 220 cm high and allow for it to be slightly wider than the headboard .
18 Estimate and allow for drift .
19 On receipt of your first QDM , turn onto that heading , assess the wind angle , and allow for any drift .
20 However , perhaps he could be more generous , given the present need for investment , and allow for a limited period , such as that which operated when the right hon. Member for Blaby ( Mr. Lawson ) was Chancellor .
21 An alternative approach would break up the organisation according to some other criteria but implement each section in turn and allow for integration later .
22 The courses offered at Edinburgh consequently seek to reflect a subject that is complex and evolving , and allow for different interests to be pursued and for different emphasis to be given to the historical and descriptive sides of the subject .
23 The use of such substances would enhance the resolution of the images by increasing the signal to noise ratio between tissue and contrast media and allow for a greater imaging frequency because of the shorter relaxation time .
24 This would embrace all the institutional players and allow for the rolling settlement system to be cut to just three days — in line with the systems in other international centres .
25 Interviews , in contrast , are labour intensive but allow for elaboration on issues , so charting people 's perceptions , evaluations and responses .
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