Example sentences of "[coord] to encourage the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm positively not the person to advise anyone on cut-price marine systems or to encourage the idea that it is possible not to compromise such principles by going down market .
2 As the three important conditions ( see above ) vary , he must be ready to buy extra stock , top pastures with a mower to prevent the grass from growing to stem and seed and to encourage the nutritious leafy portion , make hay , or on occasion buy in oil cake or other succulent feed to keep his animals going steadily ahead .
3 The Conservatives believe that the government 's role is to ensure that we continue to have a good foundation of basic and strategic science on which industry can draw , to encourage a good supply of up-to-date and creative scientists , and to encourage the right climate for successful innovation .
4 Two of its goals are to expand the range of service-sector jobs and to encourage the creation of small firms .
5 In Scotland , the formation of Scottish Homes in 1989 has created a powerful agency which is intended to change the face of public housing in the country and to encourage the growth of the private rented sector .
6 The course units are designed to reflect the multidisciplinary basis of the course , and to encourage the integration of theoretical and practical aspects of a subject .
7 A Trust has been formed to preserve the beauty and safeguard Harewood and its grounds for the public benefit , and to encourage the arts and sciences .
8 To overcome this , and to encourage the heads of indigenous companies to establish community policies as well , BITCI has run forums for business leaders in Czechoslovakia , Hungary , India , Japan and Brazil .
9 In its place there was a declaration of the intention ‘ to promote the unity and to encourage the progressive integration of Europe ’ .
10 One of the greatest assets of our educational arrangements is the freedom of schools to respond to differing circumstances in their localities and to encourage the enterprise and strength of their teachers .
11 Motif also requires more functionality , more hooks , more object-oriented functions , the firm argues , to allow other software to be plugged in , and to encourage the ISV community to write applications for Motif .
12 During this time consultancy opportunities will be made available to supplement income and to encourage the lecturers and their departments to become self-sufficient .
13 The falsificationist wishes to reject ad hoc hypotheses and to encourage the proposal of bold hypotheses as potential improvements on falsified theories .
14 Examples of measures to support parents would be increases and improvements in childcare , for pre-school children and those of school age ; to make parental leave available to parents of both sexes ; to recognize childcare as a legitimate work expense for tax and benefit purposes ; and to encourage the participation of fathers in child-rearing .
15 What , for example , can be made of an operational policy statement that reads : " The objectives of the team are : to build an informed and accurate picture of the needs of mentally handicapped people and their familieS in the area with special reference to social , cultural and environmental factors ; to develop policies and models of practice that are sensitive to the identified needs and to initiate new approaches to the care and support of mentally handicapped people as appropriate ; to encourage the participation of mentally handicapped people and their familieS in the planning and evaluation of services ; to put forward proposals for and be involved in initiating an independent advocacy scheme ; to achieve better coordination for services for mentally handicapped people through the multidisciplinary operation of the CMHT and by establishing good liaison with all relevant agencies ; to plan and assist in the rehabilitation of mentally handicapped people from hospital and residential care to family , semi-independent and independent living in conjunction with other professionals and agencies ; to publicise and create better public understanding of the needs and potentials of mentally handicapped people and to encourage the local community to become more positively involved in their care and support ; to gather , collate and disseminate as appropriate information about relevant services , events and new developments .
16 It aims to influence the policies and actions of organisations and individuals whose actions affect the countryside , its communities and the wider environment , in order to secure the protection and improvement of the visual beauty and general amenities of the countryside , towns and villages of Wales and to encourage the environmentally sustainable use of resources .
17 The depletion of stocks of minerals and fossil fuel is done mainly to satisfy the First World 's boundless greed for gadgetry , and to encourage the Third World to follow its degrading example .
18 As he rightly suggested , there is great scope for local initiatives to increase awareness , particularly among young people , of the dangers of carrying knives and offensive weapons and to encourage the safe disposal of those weapons .
19 The investigators wish to facilitate comparative work , which is lacking in this field of study , and to encourage the writing of books and articles with a wider readership than is currently usual .
20 Discussions in the Council of Ministers on Aug. 28-30 produced a draft announced on Sept. 1 for a package of economic and financial reforms , including the creation of a National Agency of Privatization to co-ordinate privatization plans and to encourage the growth of small businesses .
21 But to encourage the underprivileged to put their faith in Mr Kinnock as the wealth creator , of all things unimaginable , that really is stooping to conquer with a vengeance .
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