Example sentences of "[coord] close to " in BNC.

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1 Do not land behind or close to another glider or obstruction .
2 The crops were stacked right up to the roof ridge , or close to it , so using almost all the roof space .
3 Working at or close to maximum rpm , an engine is relying entirely on power ( = torque × rpm ) to overcome resistance and/or accelerate .
4 The residential arm is also taking advantage of lower land prices to buy sites within , or close to , urban centres , although the target for new sites is they should not exceed a 12-month sales life .
5 B. S. Johnson 's House Mother Normal ( 1971 ) uses the contents of eight minds at , or close to , this point , and one ‘ normal ’ perspective , to express a multi-faceted range of interpretative possibilities created by a single event in an old people 's home .
6 And even if you 're parking it in your driveway or close to your home , lock and secure it at all times .
7 If this occurs on or close to the skin , it can be observed as redness and it feels warm to the touch .
8 It may have had a certain validity , especially in Scotland with its constellation of key organizations within or close to Glasgow .
9 For those in social housing in or close to the LDDC , there is little to suggest any short-to medium-term improvement in housing conditions .
10 Coaches can park on Blackheath or close to the Cutty Sark .
11 Large shoals may be found on quite shallow reefs or close to the walls of steep drop-offs beyond the protecting reef .
12 Some need a flue to carry away exhaust gases , but balanced-flue appliances can be easily installed on or close to any exterior wall .
13 Although for long established homeowners , falling property prices represent merely a paper loss ( likely to be relatively small compared to paper gains made in preceding years ) , those who bought at , or close to , the peak of the boom , will suffer an absolute drop in the price of their homes .
14 Pack anything you are likely to need en route either in a pocket or close to the top .
15 The vegetation of the field was analysed by ordination and correlation techniques which showed that only a minor part of the variation in species distribution could be accounted for by underlying edaphic factors , though in the peripheral areas of the pasture the presence of hedges and trees accounted for significant changes in the vegetation — e.g. Dadtylis glomerata occurred mainly in or close to the shade of the trees .
16 The extinction of many marine foraminiferal and ostracode species at or close to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary could be bound up with the establishment of the layer of cold , deep water in the oceans known as the psychrosphere .
17 At these times they 're often near water or close to their nests and dens .
18 In all of these proteins , however , the metal is bound at or close to the surface .
19 A number of highly conserved glycines and other small residues at the C terminus of GH5 lie at or close to the turn of the β -hairpin , and presumably are required to form the hairpin without steric hindrance .
20 Boboli is only one of several historic gardens in or close to Florence which are in a lamentable state of maintenance : these include the Giardino dei Semplici , that of the Villa Medicea at Castello , and Pratolino , which is being restored .
21 These workers were of , or close to , the very poor , from the slums of East London ; they were led by more secure workers and by intellectual socialists .
22 A charcuterie in Aurillac or Vic-sur-Cère or some other small but locally important town will possibly provide a pâté the like of which you never tasted before , or a locally cured ham , a few slices of which you will buy and carry away with a salad , a kilo of peaches , a bottle of Monbazillac and a baton of bread , and somewhere on a hillside amid the mile upon mile of golden broom or close to a splashing waterfall you will have , just for once , the ideal picnic .
23 Scotland has a population of approximately 5 million , most of whom live in or close to cities or towns .
24 11 KEYBOARD SOCKETS : For true ease of use , these should be at the front of the machine , or close to the front at the side .
25 Snowy owls , northern counterparts of the cosmopolitan eagle owls ( Bubo sp. ) are usually sedentary , wintering on or close to their breeding areas .
26 Of the world 's 32 living species of seals , ten occur in or close to arctic waters ( Stonehouse , 1985a ; see data in Table 5.2 . )
27 During the summer breeding gulls , skuas , terns and cormorants feed close to land ; the rest range widely over the ocean , browsing at or close to the surface in single-species or mixed flocks .
28 There were no sustained views that stress — arising again in the main from discipline issues — could be alleviated by efforts directed at or close to its source .
29 So far , Coleman 's meetings with Pan Am 's attorneys had been informal , and the information he provided fairly basic , but while poking about in Europe , he became aware that somebody else , either within the DEA or close to it , was also talking knowledgeably about a link between DEA Nicosia and the bombing of Flight 103 .
30 A further 13 fields are under development or close to a development decision .
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