Example sentences of "[coord] support for " in BNC.

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1 Queries on Third Party claims can be referred to H O Accident ( Personal ) Claims & Support for comment , including claims from salvors .
2 Queries on Third Party claims can be referred to H O Accident Personal Claims & Support for comment , including claims from salvors .
3 If the Branch is in doubt about a particular case please refer to a local Marine Surveyor or H O Accident ( Personal ) Claims & Support for guidance on whether the area involved should be deemed to be ‘ an exposed beach or shore ’ .
4 However claims must be dealt with strictly in accordance with the wording of the clause and any problems arising must be referred to H O Accident ( Personal ) Claims & Support for guidance .
5 HO Home Claims & Support for consideration .
6 In cases of extreme difficulty , the papers should be passed to HO Home Claims & Support for advice .
7 Write a letter stating your objections or support for the application and send a copy to every member as well as the chief planning officer .
8 The council , applicant and any interested parties are invited to write to the inspector giving their objections or support for the proposed development .
9 ‘ In no case did I make a formal approach to the top management of any of the firms to get approval or support for the research .
10 The employee therefore see his involvement in a union , or support for his union , to be the best means of securing his personal objectives ( eg. through extra pay or shorter working hours ) or the employee may consider that his own goals would be furthered better by loyalty to senior managers in the organisation and acceptance of the organisation 's goals .
11 Membership or support for the CP and other white supremacist groups was disproportionately prevalent within the police and security forces ; this , it was suggested , could jeopardise the successful implementation of any significant reforms .
12 Jane Hands , the College Treasurer , is always delighted to discuss a particular application of a legacy — to provide support for undergraduates , or equipment , or support for teaching .
13 Thus because there are stomach muscles which operate vertically , diagonally and horizontally , complex bending and twisting movements are possible , and support for the vital abdominal organs is provided .
14 But he dreamed of a free Namibia , and asked the conference to send Swapo a message of solidarity and support for a massive victory in a free Namibian election .
15 The company is famous for its generosity and support for charitable causes , as indeed are its employees who have record of practical help to charities that is second to none .
16 Her invocation of themes and support for many policies favoured by the party 's grass-roots supporters has made the party more radical .
17 Increases in spending , grants , and support for anti-racist , pro-Sinn Fein , and pro-gay-lesbian policies enraged right-wing Conservatives and the tabloid press .
18 On behalf of all local authority caterers , I thank Joe Hyam for his kind words and support for the local authority caterers .
19 They provide stimulating surroundings for the underfives and support for their parents .
20 Mrs Chamorro appealed for close international scrutiny and support for the electoral process , and for observers to be sent to Nicaragua from unions and professional groups , as well as the UN and the OAS .
21 But fluent readers were sometimes under-challenged and support for poor readers not always adequate .
22 The undertaking of the welfare of illegitimate children of soldiers who had been killed , the organization of accommodation and support for those evacuated from the western borders of the Reich already in autumn 1939 , or the administration of packages to be sent to relatives at the Front , were all tasks which fell to the Nazi welfare organization , the NSV .
23 For the committed exponents of Nazi rule , Hitler 's public statements on the destruction of the Jews provided sanction and legitimation for their own ‘ private initiatives ’ taken against Jews , backing and support for their own involvement in the escalating criminality of the regime .
24 The union affirmed its opposition to 100 per cent coursework and support for a 20 to 70 per cent limit .
25 The Secretary of the Federation , C. G. A. Watts complained bitterly to Jacques about the recent decline in the provision of , and support for , liberal adult education courses in the county .
26 There also seems to be a parallel development towards smaller scale residential provisions ( see Colton , 1988 ) , coupled with similar calls for improved training and more adequate supervision and support for care workers , and the provision of after care .
27 We are urging the international community to take decisive action on debt relief , the liberalisation of world trade and support for good government .
28 It will mean action to help families , fair taxation , incentives for enterprise and support for essential community services .
29 We will reverse the unfair treatment which has meant that the inner cities have lost out in terms of local government finance , housing investment and support for employment .
30 In return , he could count on their loyalty and support for him and the firm .
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