Example sentences of "[coord] sees [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Lampi has known Emmett Chapman since he started playing music , and sees himself as the Stick 's embassador .
2 ‘ In the same way in which a person 's job can say something about the way he values himself and sees himself as being valued , there was considerable talk [ in the group ] about assessment and much time was devoted to the problems of time and motion and job evaluation .
3 The inquirer is distanced from current results , and sees himself , not as finding things out but as contributing to the cognitive progress of a wider community .
4 In France the representative bureaucrat involved in space has had an elite technical or scientific education and sees himself as the partner and motivator of the innovative businessman .
5 But everything beyond what he pays for and sees himself get is suspicious to him .
6 Howard looks into the shop windows as he passes and sees himself walking eagerly along .
7 He looks in the glass and sees himself as perhaps others see him — physically negligible , mentally ill-equipped , poor , unimportant , unsuccessful .
8 That is , the generality of the depression will depend on whether the person 's helpless views extend to all areas of his life ; the length of the depression will depend on how stable his helpless attitudes have become ; and self-esteem will be lowered if the person has internalised his helpless attitudes and sees himself as a failure .
9 Mrs Thatcher has a clear view of her role as Prime Minister and sees herself as an activist rather than an arbitrator in Cabinet disputes or a spokesman for a collective Cabinet view .
10 The convenors of the conference were drawn from two ideological camps in South Africa 's extra-parliamentary opposition : the Mass Democratic Movement ( MDM ) , which is ideologically aligned to the outlawed African National Congress , and the BCM , which was founded by Steve Biko and sees itself as a third force between the ANC and the banned Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) .
11 The Initiative wants OSF to contribute to the Unix specification for ACE , and sees itself as a possible vehicle for knitting the discordant elements of the establishment together .
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