Example sentences of "[coord] to allow the " in BNC.

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1 Russia can not afford to be flanked by newly nuclear states on its southern borders ; or to allow the ethnic strife in and between ex-Soviet republics to turn nuclear ; or to see extremists among its own fissiparous peoples demand independence on pain of nuclear terrorism .
2 The South Korean government rejected the proposal as containing nothing new , and was unwilling to agree to the participation of opposition parties or to allow the conference invitations to be delivered directly to Seoul .
3 Inevitably in such circumstances , the detail of practice suffers a reduction to enable these charged and emotional situations to be handled more easily and to allow the complexities of social events to be reduced to the simplicities of narrative necessary for the file of evidence .
4 The principle is to support the crop above the ground and to allow the air to circulate freely through it .
5 Elkinton writes : ‘ In his efforts to preserve life and restore health , the physician sometimes may fail to give enough consideration to his other obligation , namely to relieve suffering and to allow the patient , if he is to die , to die with comfort and dignity . ’
6 He paused to let the effect sink in and to allow the participants to notice that the machine was not showing the correct time .
7 Piles of aromatic substances such as frankincense , myrrh , juniper and cypress were burnt in the city squares during important festivals to purify the air and to allow the common people to enjoy breathing in the aromatic smoke .
8 It would be a welcome change , however , if the revenue were large enough for RWC to fund its own tournaments and to allow the ‘ minnows ’ of world rugby to stay at a decent hotel within 45 minutes drive of civilisation during the high-point of their rugby lives ( see pages 38 & 39 ) .
9 Pronominal substitution is one of the several methods to link sentences and paragraphs and to allow the perception of an overall text .
10 Popular advice on watercolour technique would be to use pale tones of the correct colour and to allow the white of the paper to show through .
11 On 21 November it was announced that the pope had decided to increase the size of commissions to thirty , and to allow the Council direct election of most of the new members .
12 The terms and conditions also address such grey areas such as what happens if the buyer has possession of a work , but has not completely paid for it when it is stolen ( the liability is the buyer 's ) , and the duty of such a buyer who has partially paid for a work , to store the work separately from his own goods , not to export it , to retain the seller 's identifying marks , and to allow the seller or his agent access to the work .
13 If the objective of a democratic legislature is to inform the public about issues , to let them know what pressure groups are saying and to allow the civil service to assess public reaction before rather than after the government is committed to a line of action , then pressure groups should address Parliament .
14 To help get this message across the Come & See Programme is designed to allow us to be frank and open about what we do and to allow the public to hear the true story behind nuclear power .
15 The poet writes as if the train were a woman to give it a more human and emotional element and to allow the reader to be involved with the journey on a deeper level than would be necessary if it were a simple poem taken from an objective rather than a personal view .
16 The agreement will usually contain provisions requiring the acquirer to notify any events which may give rise to claims as soon as possible and to allow the seller to investigate and perhaps handle any third party claim .
17 Plans to standardise exchange rates and to allow the free movement of capital and goods across borders remained at the planning stage .
18 The government agreed to clear US$90,000,000 of official arrears on external payments by the end of March 1991 , and to allow the island 's commercial banks to clear a further US$157,000,000 in private-sector arrears over the next 30 months through a series of bond issues .
19 After talks between Mesic and members of the Slovenian leadership on July 2 , however , Slovenia agreed to release prisoners , and to allow the JNA federal troops ( effectively besieged by the Slovenian Territorial Defence Force ) to return to barracks with all their arms and equipment .
20 The session had originally been called to debate the reform of the electoral system and to allow the sending of Japanese troops abroad in peacekeeping or disaster-relief roles — two pieces of legislation closely associated with Kaifu 's ambitions to secure election as LDP leader for a second term .
21 This was intended both to inform future research and to allow the reinterpretation of the results of Studies 2 and 3 to see whether the assumptions made about the distribution of information concerning risk were in fact correct .
22 The agriculture courses available at Edinburgh are designed to provide maximum flexibility and to allow the student to select a degree course best suited to career interests .
23 Before starting the study , pressures were recorded for 30 minutes to check the correct functioning of the recording system and to allow the subjects to accommodate to the catheters .
24 To avoid this problem and to allow the greatest freedom of competition between financial institutions , the alternative is to use monetary base control with no statutory cash ratio .
25 The main objectives of policy are , first , to enable the demand to be met in the right places , while preventing sites from springing up in the wrong places ; and , second , to allow caravan sites , where permitted , to be established on a permanent or long-term basis , in order to facilitate the provision of proper services and equipment and to allow the occupants reasonable security of tenure .
26 The Tropical Forestry Action Plan ( TFAP ) is to be reworked to prioritise the fundamental causes of deforestation and to allow the inclusion of forest-dwellers and non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ) .
27 It is common to take account of the duration of customer contracts and to allow the purchaser a period that extends beyond the contract renewal point .
28 Their purpose is to require claims to be brought while evidence is still relatively fresh , and to allow the party relying on them to " close the books " on the transaction after a certain period .
29 To hold a meeting to educate those who do not feel well enough informed and to allow the free flow of debate on all the issues .
30 Other aromatherapists adopt an intuitive approach to the art , preferring not to choose appropriate oils for a client , but to allow the person to be guided solely by their aroma preference .
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