Example sentences of "[coord] telling [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 and she said that if you could n't go , or telling him .
2 When they want us to listen , we begin by giving advice or telling them why they should n't feel the way they do , and we do nothing but trample all over their feelings .
3 With a burst of self-pity , she mentally reviled Hank for never talking to her or telling her what he was going to do .
4 The Chaplain was asking me something … or telling me : ‘ I take it you have been baptised , James ?
5 He was very brave about the whole thing , crawling up to his feet and telling me it did n't hurt a bit .
6 ‘ He kept waking up and telling me silly things …
7 ‘ Like they 're inside my head and telling me what to do .
8 People keep coming in and telling me I 'm doing wonderfully — but where 's the baby ?
9 I do n't want you coming back and telling me that what we need is more data .
10 She liked to plan everything — meals , shopping expeditions — in painstaking detail ; she was — again like Sophie — an extremely efficient housekeeper , always turning mattresses and telling me I ought to starch table napkins and put fresh flowers in the hall every day .
11 Mike was there every day , being nice to me and telling me not to worry about anything , he 'd found this flat and his mother was seeing to furnishing it and they were making arrangements for the wedding .
12 Sister Margaret is always nagging me about my earrings and telling me to take them off , but I 'm not going to .
13 He started knocking me about and telling me that I had to bring in this or that amount of money .
14 One of you was talking to me at er lunchtime and telling me that he recently bought er er a C D of Dvorak 's Slavonic dances and when he played it it turned out to be some country and western music .
15 We sat after lunch on Monday in his room ; or rather he sat chubbily at his desk , living up to his nickname , spooning Hymettus honey out of a jar and telling me of the flesh and fleshpots he had bought himself in Athens ; and I lay on his bed , only half listening .
16 ‘ Because , ’ Polly said crisply , ‘ you 've just spent the entire day yelling at me , and telling me how slow , clumsy , and generally useless I am . ’
17 ‘ You can carry on doing my washing , if that will please you — and knowing you as I do , I do n't doubt you 'll be in here at least once or twice a week clearing things up and telling me what a mess I 'm living in — just as you do now .
18 The last thing I expected was to be woken from unconsciousness by an air hostess with the face of an angel , gently patting on my shoulder and telling me that the plane had just landed in Miami .
19 Nothing puts me off more than an artist coming to me and telling me that their work sells well .
20 ‘ But then you discovered how , for two years , I 'd been concealing the knowledge of your son from you , ’ Ashley broke in harshly , ‘ and telling me went out of the window .
21 with all this you arguing and telling me I 'm wrong when I 'm right and right when I 'm wrong .
22 And I would have got it together if I 'd had time had gone out to work instead of for days on end being unemployed and sitting and telling me about Karen .
23 Cos they keep telling cos I owe them so many hours they keep coming up to me and telling me that I owe them so many hours , you signed the contract saying you 've got whatever happens .
24 Why are you coming and telling me .
25 I thought about writing a letter to The Times and telling them about an important man who beat up his children .
26 He presented a strong message to the newly-qualified chemists encouraging them to try to win the confidence of the lay public by admitting to things that go wrong and telling them what was being done about it .
27 It would be the same as me going to a medical conference or to the stock exchange and telling them where they were going wrong .
28 We have written to all our customers outlining the situation and telling them to contact us if they are unsure of the situation .
29 TODAY proved it by showing six women a picture of Clinton lookalike Bill Kay , who is on the books of modelling agency Susan Scott Lookalikes , and telling them he sold Hoovers for a living .
30 But the room was suddenly bathed in light and Nancy Leadbetter , who had pressed all the switches by the door , was among them and telling them to go out to the barbecue because that was where the fun was about to begin .
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