Example sentences of "[coord] to provide a " in BNC.

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1 Special paints are designed to cope with conditions that ordinary paints will not withstand , or to provide a surface that satisfies a certain need , eg fire retarding or damp-proofing .
2 … it is not the object of the Bill to make prostitution illegal , or to provide a cure for prostitution .
3 The choices facing the administration were to acquiesce in Soviet domination of Korea , to provide aid for south Korea without assuming excessive commitments , or to provide a full guarantee of defence and support for south Korea .
4 These may be to make as large a profit as possible for the organisation 's owners , in the case of private enterprise , or to provide a service in the case of non-profit-making organisations or government departments and institutions .
5 Mood-altering substances or behaviours may be discovered by the individual sufferer specifically to alleviate the disorder of mood or to provide a sense of elation .
6 The lines remain constant almost as if in defiance at the narrowing down of life in the actual theme or to provide a strong medium for the subject of the weakness of old age .
7 On retirement or death in office ( botanists tend to be long-lived but not quite immortal ) , their book collections were frequently sold off to defray debts or to provide a settlement for their widows .
8 More often it will be to establish some intermediate way point in the development path of a system ; in order to carry out a review , for example , or to provide a frozen issue for prototype system testing .
9 If the pillars are really in the proper places , there is not a stone on the site long enough to act as a lintel , and to provide a basis for the stone-built superstructures which at present sit on Evans ' concrete and iron supports .
10 Beyond this , the Federation magazines served to publicise forthcoming meetings and courses , to inform branch secretaries of one another 's addresses and to provide a forum for members to exchange ideas : for instance an article by George Tweed of Cambridge branch in the Fenland Bulletin of spring 1956 and another by ‘ Cesnoh ’ in the Hertfordshire Parcel of autumn 1957 both stressed the importance of personal canvassing as a means of recruiting students to courses .
11 Duty and intake systems to detect incipient problems early and to provide a rapid response .
12 The people who held their land from the lord of the manor ( the tenants ) were , in the main , peasant farmers producing enough food to sustain their family and to provide a produce rent for their land .
13 Our aim is to maintain our leading position , to develop and improve the facilities and amenities offered to port users and to provide a top quality , efficient , value for money operation . ’
14 If marriage exists to create some kind of secure relationship , from which flow mutual rights and expectations , and to provide a stable environment for raising children , if there be any , but is not predicated solely on the opportunity for intercourse , then it can legitimately be extended to cover the union of two persons , one of whom is an operated transsexual .
15 As a result of these various pressures there has been a proliferation of community care schemes in the past few years ; schemes to improve on the services already available , to fill gaps , and to provide a less fragmented service to the elderly mentally frail .
16 The Zimbabwe Scientific Programme ( ZIMSCI ) project is designed to support teachers not trained in science and to provide a complete science package with low-cost kits for the first years of secondary school .
17 They undertake to start regular commercial passenger and freight services on the Target Commencement Date ( expected to be the date of the Tunnel 's opening ) , and to provide a passenger journey time between London and Paris of between 2h 55m and 3h 5m within two years of that date .
18 The EEC has put together a directive to monitor organic production in Europe and to provide a definition of quality produce .
19 Parents are needed to respond to the overtures of their offspring , to stimulate their interest and to provide a living presence to which they can relate .
20 Many government aviation , union and environmental/amenity interests believe the scheme has the potential to take a lot of the heat out of the debate and to provide a rational basis for decision-making for aviation in the future .
21 Complementing the range is a new Valspar Exterior Wall Primer for patch priming surfaces ; a new Valspar Water Repellent Solution , and Valspar Supertex Stabilising Solution , specifically designed to stabilise flaking , chalking or powdering exterior and interior surfaces , and to provide a firm foundation for masonry paint application .
22 To return to Griffith 's experiments , Griffith was not the first man to draw strong glass fibres but he was probably the first man to do it in a systematic way and to provide a plausible explanation of the results .
23 Chapters 2 and 7 particularly are intended to provoke discussion and debate , and to provide a basis for independent and group study as seminar or project work before , or in conjunction with , supervised clinical allocations .
24 If teacher training is about preparing young men and women to work sensitively to children 's needs , and to provide a work force of newly trained teachers who are able to fit into schools effectively , the way in which initial teacher education is developing deserves careful reappraisal .
25 A stone wall has been built using materials from old motorway road surfaces and live willow stakes have been planted to form a natural barrier to prevent erosion by the river and to provide a wildlife habitat .
26 Yet another industry consortium has been born in the shape of SGML Open , which brings together electronic distribution , authoring and database software companies to educate the commercial market about the advantages of the language and provide information to help organisations to implement the standard ; and to provide a forum where vendors can resolve issues in applying the standard to real-world application by providing guidelines : the announcement of the formal founding , organisational structure and proposed programme will be made at the Seybold Seminars in Boston in April ; the backers believe that the language has the potential to do for document-based information what SQL has done for databases .
27 Suppliers who believe that they can provide the basic method for the achievement of this plan are invited to answer the questionnaire included in this document and to provide a representative sample of the output of their method .
28 The conference theme , ‘ All the Voices ’ , reflects the potential of community radio stations to reinforce the cultural diversity of peoples , and to provide a voice for those whose right to freedom of expression has been denied for centuries .
29 Preparatory schools proliferated to replace tuition at home and to provide a middle-class alternative to the Board Schools following compulsory education in 1870 .
30 A second way of dealing with the amount of information to be specified in a conditional jump instruction is to separate the test and the jump into two different instructions , and to provide a short processor register to communicate between the two instructions .
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