Example sentences of "[coord] to keep the " in BNC.

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1 Lewis had n't made up his mind whether to sell Wyvis Hall after he had smartened it up a bit and with the proceeds buy a bigger and better London house and a country cottage or to keep the Hall and sell off some of the land for agriculture .
2 But the machine worked for about two centuries , from about 280 to 100 B.C. : and the way it worked was that Rome passed from war to war without giving much thought to the very metaphysical question of whether the wars were meant to gain power for Rome or to keep the allies busy .
3 But he is also a writer of remarkable ability who has managed to capture and to keep the readership he has bewildered and delighted and offended , and whose work is strong in an intelligent and generous-hearted awareness of public matters , some of them quite remote from the Family Roth : The Counterlife , for instance , carries a telling serio-comic critique of the hard line in Israel , the Israeli toughness , that refuses to ‘ give ground ’ .
4 to the pressure in the car tyres and to keep the trailer tyres at a higher pressure than might at first seem necessary .
5 For your first flight , choose a day with some wind to make it easier to keep the wings level and to keep the glider straight .
6 And to keep the children amused , a Lego competition will be held in the creche , so that junior selfbuilders can also build their own houses , and perhaps win some Lego , too .
7 He also wanted voters to have the right to cast their ballots anywhere in Namibia , rather than in towns and villages where voters can be recognised , and to keep the tallymen from Namibia 's political parties away from the polling stations and from places where votes would be counted .
8 In practice , its mission will be to make sure the Contras in Honduras do not infiltrate Nicaragua , and to keep the Farabundo Marti Liberation Front ( FMLN ) guerrillas in El Salvador from seeking shelter in Honduras .
9 Despite the architect 's awareness of the radical transformation that would be effected by conversion of the church into dwellings , it remained his objective to retain the essential character and best qualities of the original building and to keep the existing stonework as untouched as possible .
10 A long-term solution to the management of huge collections of material is to enter details of all objects and their whereabouts into a computer database and to keep the information up to date thereafter .
11 ’ The Californian crusader looks set to win a big enough protest vote in this second biggest state of the country — after his own — to make Clinton look less than presidential and to keep the character question hanging over him .
12 My first suggestion was sunlight , fresh air and scrupulous hygiene — and to keep the feet as dry as possible .
13 Such a plan allows schools to manage themselves more democratically and to keep the curriculum as the major focus .
14 The article went on to announce that although 35,000 had passed through the Tiller schools , not one Girl had been involved in a divorce , they had nearly all got married and to keep the record straight she hastily added , ‘ Those that had n't , all hoped to do so ’ .
15 He was expected to defend his people and to keep the peace , and yet also to provide his warrior barons with suitable exercise .
16 The secret is to be as quick as possible and to keep the animal warm afterwards .
17 A long prison sentence is the penalty for an unlicensed firearm and to keep the three men on bail , year after year , with this terrifying threat hanging over them was a most effective way to deter them from exposing the monstrous injustice of their treatment either in the media or with the European Commission of Human Rights .
18 ( 3 ) To collect information and to keep the districts under constant surveillance .
19 The teacher 's task will often be to help pupils to systematise knowledge which they already have or evidence which they collect , and to keep the focus clear .
20 Dezallier-D'Argenville slightly reduces the delay : ‘ Among the common people it is customary to stay at home for two or three days after death , and to keep the body in a room where friends and relatives are invited to come and see it . ’
21 Dezallier-D'Argenville provides us with the answer : ‘ Among the common people it is customary to stay at home for two or three days after death , and to keep the body in a room where friends and relatives are invited to come and see it . ’
22 Aerate the water using an air stone to allow for food dispersement , and to keep the water fresh .
23 I suspect these are people who , as children , were able to make their sweets last longer than anyone else 's and to keep the best bit till last .
24 Night Goblins hunt Cave Squigs using long , sturdy forks called ‘ prodders ’ to goad the Squigs from their hiding places and to keep the enraged beasts at bay .
25 His distrust of the king was such that he had recently refused to attend or to do so without a large and menacing retinue ; now he agreed to be present and to keep the peace , while the bishops guaranteed his safety .
26 There is a great temptation to capture all sorts of information for the sake of it and to keep the same information in several different locations .
27 It is the objective of the IESG to maintain its role in enhancing the intellectual vitality of the UK academic community concerned with international economics , and to keep the academic community in contact with the policy making community .
28 and what repression tries to do is to plug those holes and to keep the repressed repressed .
29 What is certain is that Attila 's decision to invade Gaul marked the failure of Aëtius 's policies , which had depended on using the Huns to further his own career in Italy , and to keep the barbarians in check in Gaul .
30 I would like to avoid defeat partly as it would avoid the first league double against us in three years and to keep the unbeaten run together .
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