Example sentences of "[coord] turned the " in BNC.

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1 And Goldberg , pushing back his chair , stepping over the piles of papers and magazines littering the floor of his study , scanned the bookcase , found what he wanted , brought the book back to his desk , licked his middle finger and turned the pages , found the passage and copied carefully into the margin : only his mind remains unchanged .
2 He walked past Claire 's room and turned the corner .
3 She reached into a cabinet and turned the radio off .
4 He extracted Catherine a short while later and turned the car back on the darkened road which would lead them towards the A1 .
5 Tom stopped by Jack and turned the engine off .
6 The Woman shut the door and turned the key in the lock .
7 We drained the swimming pool and turned the surrounds into a huge , light , warm , press area .
8 It removed an essential feature of ball-winning and turned the tournament into a lottery .
9 He did his late father , Guy , proud with a sparkling outward half of 33 before the more treacherous inward half took its toll and turned the round into a 72 .
10 ’ ’ He licked his thumb and turned the paper , ‘ … and flummery ’ , ’ he added , the last bit being written on the next page .
11 Receiving no response , he went through to the bathroom and turned the cold tap on full .
12 Then a group of local armourers assembled in the square , were blessed at a makeshift altar and turned the first shovelful of earth on the foundations of the new building .
13 He came to an arrangement with two more actors , gave the camera crews some private pocket money and turned the film over to his assistants .
14 Roland sat on Maud 's huge white sofa , by the wood fire and turned the pages .
15 Jazz looked at it for a long time , then he propped it back against the lamp , and turned the light out .
16 He shuffled past the police barracks — formerly the Archbishop 's Palace — and turned the corner into the cathedral close .
17 The moon was making gallant attempts to shine : every now and then it peeped through a chink in the scurrying clouds , and turned the puddles into little lakes of quicksilver .
18 He switched to the video channel and turned the machine on .
19 She sighed and turned the television off .
20 She stood regarding him with a serious intensity as he let in the clutch and turned the car and he had the impression that she was watching critically to see how he handled it .
21 He felt reluctant to tackle the journey back over the moors until daylight , and turned the horse instead down the lane to Cherry Tree Farm .
22 The sun , making a guest appearance between frowning petrol-blue clouds , floodlit the dog daisies and hogweed in the long grass and turned the pitch a stinging viridian .
23 He took the pencil from Willie 's hand and turned the postcard towards him .
24 Zach slammed the door behind them in a disgruntled manner and turned the light on .
25 He walked past it and turned the corner into Cromwell Road .
26 The Second Vice-President took over defence of the Bill in the House and turned the discussion away from considerations of press freedom to a critique of newspapers like the Standard , which were owned by capitalists .
27 as if aware of his scrutiny and annoyed by it , she jerked Blazer 's head round and turned the horse 's tail towards Tom .
28 Mike Sheron , with four goals in four games , has prompted three successive Premier League wins , pushed City to seventh and turned the Maine Road jeers to cheers .
29 The tunnelling was necessitated by having to rediscover the channel of the watercourse after it had come by pipe from the millpond above and turned the wheel .
30 In one fell swoop he settled rumblings of discontent and turned the Labour conference , which starts today , from being an inward-looking examination of defeat into a confident bid to show the world — Brian Gould notwithstanding — an alternative to the ‘ devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government ’ .
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