Example sentences of "[coord] making [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ( Weed Research , vol 21 , p 233 ) Scurrula cordifolia is a mistletoe that attacks valuable fruit and timber trees , killing them or making them too deformed for commercial purposes .
2 This may involve suggesting such employees take early retirement or making them redundant .
3 To fill in the travelling time chant leaders are actively engaged in trying out new versions of old chants or making them up from scratch .
4 It takes a great deal of sensitivity to provide activities which stimulate the patient 's interest , without exhausting him or making him frustrated if he can not achieve what he wants or what you hope for .
5 It 's not entertaining us or making us feel comfortable .
6 Other factors encouraging the development of candidal infection , or making it more difficult to cope with , are treatment with drugs containing corticosteroids or those which depress the body 's natural immunity .
7 Parents can record the intensity of the problem , for example whining and moaning as opposed to screaming , on the same chart by colouring the tick or making it bigger .
8 I mean , just leaving it to the baby , or making it dependent on the baby 's survival .
9 Constructive dismissal includes demoting you , reducing your salary or making you do demeaning chores without actually sacking you .
10 William Boarden for timber and making ye coking stool — 14s. 11d ’ .
11 After a few scotches , he told her he 'd buy a dishwasher , throwing in a string of fatuous clichés about her delicate hands , sparkling and making her laugh .
12 His wife Aileen came in with pails of milk , scolding at two little girls for clinging onto her skirt and making her spill .
13 He spent a long time with her , talking , and making her feel better when she was crying and that ..
14 Instead she took the money from her mother and walked sedately down to the shops with Carla , playing with her and making her laugh .
15 Carrie felt as if she were falling through space ; falling and falling with the air pressing her chest and making her gasp .
16 The illusion that she was a spectator , and this was the play , was making her lose touch with reality ; and making her forget the enormity of her present predicament .
17 Instead his mouth pressed against the soft cotton , tracing the outline of her body and making her shudder .
18 A petite , pleasant-faced doxy , however , caught my eye and for a few hours I became old Shallot again , whiling away the time , telling the most outrageous stories and making her laugh both in the taproom and on her feather-filled mattress in the chamber above .
19 Meredith pulled back in alarm , but his hand slid up her spine to cradle her head , immobilising it and making her an easy prey .
20 His eyes narrowed and flicked briefly to the open box behind her , and suddenly , with an appalling cramping of her stomach , Meredith knew that his glance had betrayed his true purpose in pretending to want her and making her flee from the vault without properly investigating its secrets .
21 She was desperate to move now , physical awareness returning suddenly to her body and making her realise that she was numb in her left leg and stiff everywhere else .
22 On the first Saturday of the month Merrill 's telephone rang , shrilling through the morning silence and making her jump .
23 It was all right for the likes of May and Izzy , always shouting and laughing and making her cry .
24 However , after haranguing us and making me mop up his uniform , the outraged policeman indicated a couple of wash-basins .
25 She 's made me angry with her anger , and then turned it around so that I 'm eaten up with guilt because she 's been ill and I have n't noticed , and now she 's taking the blame on herself and making me feel worse than ever .
26 They came back full of glee , raving about it and making me quite jealous and determined to ascend the peak a.s.a.p. , which I did — and they were right .
27 Was Émile engineering a way of getting my lover out of his way and making me free for himself ?
28 She runs her hands up my legs to my buttocks again , sliding her fingers between my cheeks , touching my anus and making me go up on the balls of my feet , then her hand runs back down my legs .
29 John 's face seemed to come alive and his spirit escaped the prison of the photograph releasing brief images of happy times ; John dancing along the pavement , John tilting his head back to exhale smoke from a cigarette , John talking to a cuddly toy in a supermarket and making me laugh .
30 It felt like my stomach had decided to take a sabbatical ; all that food was just sitting there , unprocessed , locked in , slopping around and making me feel horrible .
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